
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 19:54
Our forthcoming film about the undisclosed interests trashing our lives. By George Monbiot, published on, 20th September 2023 A couple of generations ago, economists confidently predicted we would be living a life of leisure by now. Our societies would be so prosperous that we would scarcely need to work. Everyone would be well-housed and […]
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 19:03
How our lives came to be dominated by a few dozen plutocrats and their thousands of concierges. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 15th September 2023 It was one of the abiding mysteries of public life. How did Piers Morgan rise so far? I see him as a buffoon, a bully, a windbag. Yet, […]
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 17:00
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September 20th, 2023: My new book DANGER AND OTHER UNKNOWN RISKS is out and it's getting really goo

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 12:08
Today, I am heading to the airport for travel to Japan. For the next several months I will once again be working as a professor at Kyoto University as part of the research team concerned with integrating the macroeconomic principles in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) principles into a broader framework to build national resilience in…
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 11:43

US officials suppressed internal assessments that Al Qaeda’s Syrian wing had an “advanced” sarin production cell even as the US publicly blamed the Assad government for a 2013 chemical weapons attack, a report reveals. Leaked documents obtained by The Grayzone show a shadowy British intelligence contractor helped sell the story that Assad was responsible – and nearly triggered Western intervention. On September 13, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) appraisal detailing the chemical […]

The post UK intelligence spun 2013 Syria chemical attack, leaked docs show first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post UK intelligence spun 2013 Syria chemical attack, leaked docs show appeared first on The Grayzone.

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 09:30
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Comer announced that this joint effort, you know, Oversight with Judiciary, this, you know, moving towards the impeachment of Biden, that they’re going to meet next week, and they’re going to subpoena the bank records, so that will be September – be the last couple of days of September, almost October, October 2023. They’re going to go subpoena the bank records of Hunter Biden, something they should have done in the first week. And this is why it’s a clown show, and they’re not serious. It’s all performative. Unless you’re on them 24/7, and I mean, on them. Up in their grill. Nothing will happen. They don’t want to do anything. This is the same surrender caucus. The reason the country is in the shape it’s in, is because the Republican Party under Bush and under these clowns have rolled over and been part of the problem, while lulling you to sleep over TV for stupid people. Seriously. And they make a big deal about it. We are going to subpoena. Hunter Biden’s bank records. Dude, that should have happened the first day for drama.
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 08:00
Former GOP strategist Rick Wilson writes about how the Republicans get over. Normally, I would say that they haven’t got the greatest track record in presidential races over the past 30 years so why listen to them? But with the imbecilic, narcissistic, pathological liar Donald Trump’s inexplicable popularity I think it’s probably a good idea to at least consider some of their tactics: Republican political operators are raised on two rules. Just two. Rule 1: Just win, baby. Rule 2: Stay on message. If you have doubts about either of the rules, refer to the other rule. Just Win The “Just win” rule is precisely what it sounds like; victory is the only goal, and everything else is noise and distraction. “Just Win” is the rule that leads Democrats to wonder repeatedly why garbage-tier GOP candidates win in states and seats in which they should be competitive. It’s the reason the GOP will defend the indefensible until the last dog dies, whether policy or politician. It’s why the shamelessness of the GOP political class, of which I was once a successful and very well-compensated member, is their superpower.
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 06:30
But such is the power of the Main Signal that all the concrete accomplishments are already forgotten, blown away like leaves in the wind, while the vibes-based age critique is front-and-center in everyone’s consciousness. And so we may get fascism. Great work everyone. — David Roberts (@drvolts) September 19, 2023 This is so depressing, and a major media failure. Devastatingly dangerous.
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 05:00
James Comer continues to try to deceive the Capitol Hill press corps and country (LEFT)Comer insists “I haven’t said he should be impeached,” after McCarthy declared an inquiry open (RIGHT)Comer on Newsmax: “You know where I stand on that, I would vote to impeach right now.” — Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 19, 2023 By the way: New testimony from a number of FBI and Internal Revenue Service officials casts doubt on key claims from an IRS whistleblower who alleges there was political interference in the federal criminal investigation of Hunter Biden’s taxes. According to transcripts provided to CNN, several FBI and IRS officials brought in for closed-door testimony by House Republicans in recent days said they don’t remember US Attorney David Weiss saying that he lacked the authority to decide whether to bring charges against the president’s son, or that Weiss said he had been denied a request for special counsel status.
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 04:58
In her recent address to the National Press Club, Jacinta Price resuscitated the seventy years old policy of assimilation constructed by Minister for Territories Paul Hasluck. What should be done about indigenous Australians has been an abiding question for governments for generations. Echoes of past debates can be heard among the many views in contention Continue reading »
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 04:57
Growing touchiness as scandals mount. Singapore appears to be escalating its campaign to control the political narrative in the face of a growing series of scandals by invoking its “Fake News” law, known by the acronym POFMA, against the East Asia Forum, an Australia-based academic website run by the Australia National University’s Crawford School of Continue reading »
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 04:56
New Zealand academic Robert Patman advocates back peddling on confrontation with China to focus on fighting Russia, but both promise disaster. Robert Patman, a luminary of the New Zealand foreign policy establishment, has won applause from a surprising array of political positions for his hostility to NZ becoming involved in AUKUS. These range from former Continue reading »
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 04:55
In August 2023, there was another sharp increase in asylum applications from Pacific Island nationals (including Timor-Leste) to over 390. That is more asylum applications in August than from Chinese nationals (215) and Indian nationals (214) despite there being far more Chinese and Indian temporary entrants in Australia. Asylum applications generally, and from Pacific Island Continue reading »
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 04:54
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to parliament will result in systemic and sustainable change in government decision-making and policy formulation affecting First Nations peoples. Here are four reasons why. This article concentrates on the proposed new section 129(ii) of the Constitution, which provides that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice ‘may make Continue reading »