
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 02:30
Biden gets a big round of applause as he wraps up his speech at the UN — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 19, 2023 WOW! The UN audience laughs at Trump after he claims, “my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.” — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 25, 2018 Update: Let’s not forget this winner…
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 01:46
Open Rights Group has warned that Online Safety Bill, which has been passed in parliament, will make us less secure by threatening our privacy and undermining our freedom of expression. This includes damaging the privacy and security of children and young people the law is supposed to protect. ORG’s Campaigns Manager James Baker said: “No […]
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 00:30
PA institutes automatic voter registration Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) announced this morning that “eligible voters getting a new driver’s license or ID card in Pennsylvania will now be automatically registered to vote,” reports NBC News. Shapiro’s office issued a statement: “Pennsylvania is the birthplace of our democracy, and as Governor, I’m committed to ensuring free and fair elections that allow every eligible voter to make their voice heard,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “Automatic voter registration is a commonsense step to ensure election security and save Pennsylvanians time and tax dollars. Residents of our Commonwealth already provide proof of identity, residency, age, and citizenship at the DMV – all the information required to register to vote — so it makes good sense to streamline that process with voter registration.
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 00:17
This effort to create foundations for the probability approach in econometrics finally results in an inconsistent set of claims in its defence. First, there are vast amounts of experience which warrant a frequency interpretation. This is supported by repetitive discussions of experimental design, but the inability to experiment inspires an epistemological interpretation. Then Haavelmo mentions […]
Tue, 19/09/2023 - 23:37

In a fit of madness or just plain desperation, you’ve enrolled in a get-rich-quick scheme. All you have to do is sell some products, sign up some friends, make some phone calls. Follow that simple formula and you’ll soon be pulling in tens of thousands of dollars a month — or so you’ve been promised anyway. And if you sell enough products, you’ll be invited into the Golden Circle, which offers yet more perks like free concert tickets and trips to Las Vegas. Still, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that there’s a catch. If you don’t sell a pile of products or sign up a ton of friends to do the same, the odds are that you’ll... Read more

Source: Welcome to the New Green Colonialism appeared first on

Tue, 19/09/2023 - 23:00
Is Kavanaugh standing back and standing by? The GOP loves a twofer, or even a threefer. Political maneuvering some might call strategic might less flatteringly be called sneaky or outright dishonest. Diabolical is not out of the running. Donald Trump withholds final payments to subcontractors, for example, just enough that court costs make it a losing proposition for a subcontractor to take him to court to recover what he owes. Or Trump plays delay, delay, delay when he finds himself in court holding a losing hand. Gerrymandering cases are another example. GOP legislatures draw district maps patently illegal under the Voting Rights Act (VRA). Democrats and aligned groups take them to court, win, and judges orders new maps. Then GOP legislators draw a second set of unacceptably gerrymandered maps, and the exasperated court appoints a special master to draw them instead. It happened in North Carolina. Or the GOP-led legislature might simply defy the courts until there is no time left before the next election to implement new maps. Something like what happened in Ohio. Or in the case of Alabama, that maneuver is where dark money meets hidden agenda.
Tue, 19/09/2023 - 22:00

We had a lovely stay at Josh and Brandon’s cozy mountain cottage. Our hosts included many thoughtful touches that made the place really feel like a home away from home. We just had a few things we’d like to note for future travelers considering booking this place.

The bed frame could be sturdier. The kitchen counter could be sturdier. The patio furniture could be sturdier. The bathroom sink could be sturdier. The refrigerator is surprisingly sturdy—no complaints there!

We really appreciated the linen closet stocked full of towels. Thank god. We needed every single towel. And one of the bath mats.

We loved how many mirrors there were throughout the home, but we could’ve used a few in the kitchen—especially above that sturdy fridge.

We couldn’t figure out which remote works the TV, but we ended up using both remotes for something else.

The carpeting in the living room was so soft and luxurious. The rug in the bedroom was a little itchy, but only if you touched it with your naked butt. The basement stairs had some splinters, but again, it’s only an issue if you touch them with your naked butt.

Tue, 19/09/2023 - 21:07
Offentliga institutioner reglerar redan i dag bankernas penningskapande i allmänhetens intresse, om än på ett mycket fragmentariskt sätt. Det tydligaste exemplet är kanske de strikta skyldigheter som bankerna har för att säkerställa att de pengar de skapar inte används för finansiering av terrorism och penningtvätt.Tidigare, efter andra världskriget, styrdes många banker att låna ut till […]
Tue, 19/09/2023 - 19:22
That was my suggested headline for my latest opinion piece, which ran in Australian online magazine Crikey under the sub-editors (blander IMO) choice of “We don’t need a nuclear renaissance. We need a solid plan on renewables” The idea of the piece was to respond to Exhibit A in the case for nuclear power, the […]