
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 05:00
Ron DeSantis’ implosion has been well documented here and elsewhere. It’s real and it’s spectacular. This is just frosting on the cake:  “Ron DeSantis fires staffer who retweeted video with Nazi imagery.” He’s also an up and coming Nazi but the NY Times and National Review don’t have a problem with that. Maybe they should have read the Tim Miller profile of this fine young man from last March: As Miller wrote: “Nate Hochman’s hiring sends a signal of what the Florida governor wants for his campaign.” He knew what he had. He liked it.
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 04:59
Whilst some incremental progress has been made following the 2022 change of Federal government, evidence confirms that both main political parties lack the imagination, courage and leadership to adequately address climate change. For decades, climate change policy in Australia has been a political football refereed by vested interests, notably the fossil fuel industry and other Continue reading »
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 04:58
“We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government, everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.” So said Marjorie Taylor Greene in a Continue reading »
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 04:57
Monetary policy operates with a lag. The pain from increased interest rates is only now starting to really bite. However, the substantial increase in interest rates is reducing demand and thus bringing inflation down. While on the other hand, further interest rate increases add to the risk of a recession. It is time therefore to Continue reading »
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 04:55
It is time for the Australian citizenry and First Nations to resume their rightful ownership and custodianship of the land’s eco-geology. The present inequity between the country’s wealthiest yet internally feuding family and the nation’s struggling working and homeless poor is obscene. As judged by the Gini coefficient, inequity is increasing in Australia and is Continue reading »
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 04:52
If previous defence acquisitions are any guide, the enormous cost of nuclear-powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy will almost certainly escalate well beyond the estimated but un-itemised initial price of $A368 billion. The record of corruption of the two US submarine builders suggests that the project will also probably suffer from mismanagement. The final Continue reading »
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 04:51
From Vilnius, Lithuania, NATO cast its eyes east to the Ukraine. For the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, there was a desire to look even further east beyond the Ukraine. He, some NATO members and invited guests, remain undeterred in their desire to bring NATO into Asia. Jens Stoltenberg supports the ambition noting that ‘‘This Continue reading »
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 03:30
An interesting segment with Andrew Weissman: Others have made the point but it’s important to remember: the people who testified about Trump’s efforts to overturn the election were some of his staunchest defenders. They went along with all his unethical behavior but finally drew the line at a coup. They will make good witnesses because of it.
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 02:20
Instead of addressing our multiple ecological disasters, those with power are attacking wildlife defenders. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 20th July 2023 Several grisly bloodsports, legal or otherwise, are enjoyed in the English countryside. But none is as popular as shooting the messenger. Rather than attend to our environmental crisis, politicians, lobbyists and […]
Thu, 27/07/2023 - 02:07

It should not come as a surprise that open source projects would act collaboratively.  But it’s somewhat of a first, in my understanding, that Open Source Matters, Inc. (Joomla), Typo3, WordPress, and the Drupal Association have issued a joint letter to the legislators of the European Union raising concerns with the proposed Cyber Resilience Act. And the concerns raised by our four organizations, whose communities collectively serve over 50% of the European websites, are significant enough to warrant such a first.

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 01:46

In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen, Professor of Physics in Wurzburg, Bavaria, discovered X-rays. The development changed the face of medicine, becoming vital in field hospitals during the First World War and playing a crucial role in the fight against tuberculosis—one of the deadliest diseases in the world. By the 1930s, it became clear that accurate interpretation […]

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 01:18
The Distributed Nature Of Collapse

When the western world sanctioned Russia they expected Russia to collapse. It didn’t. The first reason is that most of the non-western world didn’t cooperate with the sanctions, but the second is simple: Russia has a food and fuel and mineral surplus.

The world as it stands now is every inter-dependent. The supply networks are dizzyingly complex and a final item like a car is made up of materials and parts extracted, made and assembled in dozens of locations.

The world isn’t always this way: it was like this in the late 19th, but after WWI that changed and the era of free trade ended, collapsing in particular during the Great Depression. The world did not become as “free trade” as it was before WWI again till the early 21st century.