
Sun, 02/07/2023 - 04:53
The little review of Sydney Trains has revealed more than some, including the Minister, might like.  This is the first of two posts on the subject. Little reviews Mr Menadue and I have long called for a public inquiry into NSW Transport. The reasons for this include that the former Government’s deceptive explanations of bizarre Continue reading »
Sun, 02/07/2023 - 04:52
In August 2019, Modi’s government revoked the semi-autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir. That was followed by a crackdown. Political activity was banned, politicians were placed under house arrest and the internet was choked. Meanwhile, the Indian army posts photos of its soldiers in yoga poses, and we are told that China is all bad Continue reading »
Sun, 02/07/2023 - 04:50
The West has been manipulating global information and spreading disinformation for decades. It is time for the world to also listen to the voices of China and other developing nations, many of which were once brutally colonised by the West. Just 10 days after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022, the European Union Continue reading »
Sun, 02/07/2023 - 04:00
Literally: The Chinese spy balloon that was shot down over the Atlantic Ocean in early February was built, at least partly, using American off-the-shelf parts, a U.S. official has confirmed to ABC News. The official could not say whether any of the American gear was sold illicitly to China but said determining whether any of it came from illegal trade was a topic of serious concern among officials since some items — like chips — are forbidden to sell to certain markets. Later Thursday, Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen.
Sun, 02/07/2023 - 02:30
I just don’t know what to say about this… Tim Miller: Late Friday, the Ron DeSantis’s extremely online campaign team released a video to contrast the Florida governor’s stalwart bigotry with Donald Trump’s lighter touch and highlight the fact that their candidate stands out as the most hostile to LGBT Americans—in a field that, mind you, also includes Mike Pence. The ad, which seems to have been originally produced by anonymous Twitter user ProudElephantUS, was repurposed by the “DeSantis War Room” with the following message: “To Wrap up ‘Pride Month,’ let’s hear from the politician who did more than any other to celebrate it…” The video begins with a sizzle reel of Donald Trump promising to protect LGBT Americans, saying that he doesn’t care what bathroom Caitlyn Jenner uses, telling Barbara Walters that transgender women would be allowed to compete in the Miss Universe contest, and contrasting his views on gays favorably with how the group is viewed by Islamic terrorists.
Sat, 01/07/2023 - 23:00
Putin and American conservatives: peas in a pod We don’t turn back our clocks for another four months. If American conservatives could have their way, they would turn back the last half-century. Back to when America was “great” in their eyes, in MAGA’s eyes. Back to when white dominance and The Lost Cause went unquestioned. Back to before the country agreed with the Civil Rights movement’s demands for equal voting rights and civil rights for minorities. Back to the world of the Cleavers and the Nelsons. Back to when women, too, knew their places. Nostalgia not for lost innocence but for lost dominance is what made Donald Trump so attractive to the movement that grew up around him. Speaking recently with Amanda Marcotte, David Neiwert (“The Age of Insurrection: The Radical Right’s Assault on American Democracy“) observed that fascism and neo-fascism have “actually been present in America since at least the early 1900s.” The increasing radicalization of the right has been there for years.
Sat, 01/07/2023 - 19:33

Last month, Parliament held two debates in quick succession. The first was on Pride Month. For most MPs, it was a chance to celebrate the LGBT community, commemorate their struggle for equality, and expose the challenges that LGBT people continue to face. For the government, it was a chance to expose its shameless hypocrisy. ‘Now, […]

Sat, 01/07/2023 - 16:48
This week, yet another Quran was burned outside a mosque in Stockholm, Sweden. It was, similar to previous burnings, a highly provocative act and one may of course ask why it received permission? Because freedom of expression carries more weight! Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs quickly took to Twitter to condemn “the despicable act in […]