
Sat, 01/07/2023 - 02:30
Kevin McCarthy’s not driving the clown car anymore It’s been an eventful time in both national and international politics what with the attempted Russian coup, the details of which are still not fully understood, and another Supreme Court decision destroying decades of precedent. The weather is insanely hot in parts of the country and so is the presidential primary with candidates trading insults over their weight and vowing to invade Mexico and God only knows where else. It’s hard to keep up. But it’s important to keep at least one eye on what’s going on in the US House because it’s even crazier than we anticipated. It’s very lucky that the Democrats managed to hold on to the Senate in the last election and President Biden is in the White House because I shudder to think of what would become of this country if these people had a monopoly on power. They have completely gone off the deep end.
Sat, 01/07/2023 - 00:30
“The only thing that really matters is your ability to do the job” Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg may have been a little green to occupy the Oval Office when he ran for president in 2020 as the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. But, damn, he’s poised and quick on his feet. We noticed that again just the other day in his Charleston remarks on Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) trying to claim credit for infrastructure funds she voted against. The media is determined to make President Biden’s age a 2024 campaign issue and not Donald Trump’s lies, criminality and weight. So when Biden misspoke twice this week in reference to the Russian war against Ukraine and said instead “in Iraq,” it was an “aha” moment the press — especially the right-wing press — pounced on. Biden has a long history of verbal slips, but suddenly they are evidence for mental slippage.
Fri, 30/06/2023 - 23:03

H.R. 3099, AIPAC's latest pet project in DC, would assure American taxpayers foot the bill for a new position in the State Department, one dedicated to coaxing countries into establishing formal relations with Israel.

The post In the Service of Israel: Biden Admin Breathes New Life Into Trump’s Abraham Accords appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 30/06/2023 - 23:00
Trumpism a half century in the making A reference Rick Perlstein makes in “Reaganland” to a Senate speech made during 1978 debates over ratification of the Panama Canal treaty caught my attention recently. Sen. Thomas J. McIntyre (D-N.H.) decries the “ominous change” in American politics represented by “the bully boys of the radical New Right” and their “politics of intimidation.” Long before the Freedom Caucus, McIntyre called out Conservative Caucus “ideologues” who demand that “we must see every issue as they see it – unless there is something sinister in our motivation.” If you want to see more reactionary acrimony and personal destruction, McIntyre warned his colleagues, “stand aside and be silent.” It is instructive reading. Nearly a half century ago, movement conservatism in its nascency planted the seeds of Trumpism and MAGA extremism. “And in the fullness of time,” as the saying goes…. THE CANAL TREATIES AND THE NEW RIGHT (By Sen. Thomas J.
Fri, 30/06/2023 - 22:00

“Justice Samuel Alito took luxury fishing vacation with GOP billionaire who later had cases before the court.” — ProPublica

“The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down affirmative action programs at the University of North Carolina and Harvard in a major victory for conservative activists, ending the systematic consideration of race in the admissions process.” — NBC News

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We, the conservative justices of the Supreme Court, have ruled against Harvard and UNC, striking down affirmative action for college admissions across the country. For a detailed explanation of our ruling, feel free to read the court’s majority decision. But in a nutshell, we believe the only people who should ever get extra consideration are those who invite you to hang out on their boats.

Fri, 30/06/2023 - 21:53
Open Rights Group has responded to the government’s announcement that the Online Safety Bill will require “pornography companies, social media platforms and other services to be explicitly required to use age verification or estimation measures to prevent children accessing pornography”. Dr Monica Horten, policy manager for freedom of expression at Open Rights Group, said: “The […]
Fri, 30/06/2023 - 20:53

I very much agree with the sentiments of John Trickett’s recent Tribune and Morning Star articles, but he should note that the purge of left candidates for public office is not just a northern phenomenon. I am a Labour Unions (TULO) representative on Haringey Labour’s Local Campaign Forum (LCF). Currently, the borough of Haringey and, […]

Fri, 30/06/2023 - 18:57
Episode 10 of my – Podcast – Letter from The Cape – is now available. In this episode we learn why it is pointless for the government to set fiscal targets in terms of size of deficits etc. The purpose of fiscal policy is not to achieve any preconceived financial numbers. Rather, the government should…
Fri, 30/06/2023 - 18:56
Hi everyone, I’ve got two new pieces fresh from the oven. In my first article, “How America control Europe”, published in Compact, I reflect on Western Europe’s transformation into an American protectorate administered from Brussels — and how this explains the masochistic policies pursued by the EU vis-à-vis Russia-Ukraine, and its glaring silence over America’s (glaringly obvious) …

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Fri, 30/06/2023 - 18:51
I’ve written for UnHerd about how Labour is already selling out before it’s even in office, by pre-committing a future Labour government to permanent austerity. This is the legacy of the Labour’s takeover by the Blairite neoliberals: a party paralysed by fear — of the markets, of the orthodoxy, of Washington, of the voters. Back in 2021, Keir …

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Fri, 30/06/2023 - 17:24
To understand the relationship between economic data and economic phenomena, it is helpful first to be clear about what we mean by each of these terms. Following Jim Woodward (1989), we can characterize “phenomena” as features of our experience that we take to be “relatively stable” and “which are potential objects of explanation and prediction […]
Fri, 30/06/2023 - 17:00
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