
Thu, 22/06/2023 - 21:39

For World Refugee Day to matter, it must address the root causes of such complex and ongoing problems. Only an honest and deep understanding can serve as a starting point for a meaningful conversation and, hopefully, meaningful actions.

The post The Irony of World Refugee Day: Celebrating, then Blaming the Victims appeared first on MintPress News.

Thu, 22/06/2023 - 19:11

What's new in Drupal 10.1?

This first feature release of Drupal 10 is packed with amazing improvements! It makes customizing the look of your site easier, adds support for decoupled navigation, improves content modeling and editing, block management, performance and many more.

Customizing the look of Drupal is now easier

Creating UI components with Drupal is easier and more enjoyable with the new experimental Single Directory Components module. The module bundles template, style, and JavaScript files together as components.

Twig template debugging and render caching settings are now exposed on an easy to use admin page. Plus the new add_class and set_attribute Twig filters were introduced to make markup manipulation easier.

Thu, 22/06/2023 - 18:03
My early academic work was on the Phillips curve and the precision in estimating the concept of a natural rate of unemployment, or the rate of unemployment where inflation stabilises at some level. This rate is now commonly referred to as the Non-Accelerating-Rate-of-Unemployment (NAIRU) and my contribution was one of the first studies to show…
Thu, 22/06/2023 - 17:16
Madon pekar på det bisarra att inte så få som kallar sig antirasister gör en halsbrytande manöver när de faktiskt förespråkar ökad rassegregation. Man vill ha särskilda ”rum” dit bara de med rätt etnicitet har tillträde, man vill att svarta patienter bara skall vårdas av svarta läkare och sjuksköterskor, man vill att bara svarta musiker […]