Congratulations, you have officially leveled up to menopause. You might be feeling anxious about the many ways that your body is changing, especially your vagina. But rest assured that even though the bloom may be off the rose, your flower is not yet withered.
Lean down and take an open and honest look at your maturing vagina. What do you see? Have you gained a few extra pounds of labia? Is your clit wearing a bifocal monocle? Is your pubic hair styled in a neat and sensible bob cut?
Don’t be alarmed. Your vagina may not be stylish, but this new look is proof that your vagina is confident, comfortable, and secure in the knowledge that it will no longer bleed on your sheets, get poked by a sideways tampon, or be considered a suitable exit route for a FULLY FORMED HUMAN BEING WITH A HEAD THE SIZE OF A SMALL CANTALOUPE.