
Tue, 13/06/2023 - 00:30
When it comes to campaigning, Democrats are conservatives Self-identified independent voters are not, not really, argues Alex Shephard at The New Republic. They are leaners, 49 percent of Americans per a recent Gallup poll. They lean toward one of the major parties or the other. They just eschew the branding. It’s not a new argument, but it’s fashionable. “By far the dominant U.S. party isn’t Democrats or Republicans,” wrote Mike Allen of Axios. “It’s: ‘I’ll shop around, thank you.’” Emory University political scientist Alan Abramowitz told TNR, “There’s a reluctance to openly identify oneself as a partisan and to say, come right out and say, ‘I think of myself as a Republican or a Democrat.’” Shephard explains: Self-described independents and leaners do have one thing in common. “Even among people who identify with a political party … the trend is in their disdain for the other party,” said Matt Grossmann, director of the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, or IPPSR, and professor of political science at Michigan State University.
Mon, 12/06/2023 - 23:00
“plans for high-value-target killings by Prince’s mercenaries” Someone on Twitter in mid-May claimed that Erik Prince of Blackwater infamy had been indicted for arms trafficking in (of all places) Austria. I never saw any other mention of it until this morning. So, for those suffering a little Trump fatigue, apparently “the Elon Musk of the privatization of war” was indicted “with four other individuals in Austria on April 20 for exporting war materials without a license back in 2014 and 2015,” writes Ann Marlowe at The Bulwark: The indictment accuses Prince of using an aircraft-customizing company in which he then held a controlling interest, the Wiener Neustadt-based Airborne Technologies, to retrofit two American cropdusters that were then to be shipped illegally overseas. The charges overlap 2021 United Nations allegations that Prince had in 2019 violated the U.N. arms embargo on Libya in an aborted operation called Project Opus, financed by the United Arab Emirates to the tune of $80 million in support of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, head of one of the two perpetually contesting governments in Libya.
Mon, 12/06/2023 - 22:01

When we discovered our local public school wasn’t kidding about their state-mandated vaccination requirements, we saw no other choice but to pull our boys out, sell off our assets, and hit the road in a one-bedroom RV with plenty of room for our seven children.

Where others might have seen a life isolated from the rest of the world, existing on the fringes of society, we saw the chance to give our children an exciting, nurturing, and conveniently extremely monetizable upbringing. So we funneled $100k into an RV, a fancy vlogging camera, and twelve iPads to do the parenting part for us. Only the best for our darlings Figaro, Willoughby, Kayden-Jaymes, Jayden, Limestone, and twins Scooter and Spruce.

Our van has a bedroom with a queen-sized bed that’s only for Mom and Dad. But our kids have plenty of room in their bunk beds that double as storage and triple as their desks when they do “math.” Once, Willoughby told us that he likes to pretend he’s a vampire at night because it feels like sleeping in a coffin. We laughed nervously and hoped BetterHelp wouldn’t pull their sponsorship since we were already live on Instagram.

Mon, 12/06/2023 - 17:00
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June 12th, 2

Mon, 12/06/2023 - 14:55
2 tablespoons butter or margarine2 tablespoons all-purpose flourDash pepper1¼ cups milk1 3-ounce package sliced smoked beef, snipped (1 cup)1 tablespoon butter or margarine4 eggs1 tablespoon milkDash saltDash pepper4 large rusks, buttered (each about 4 inches in diameter) In a 2-cup glass measure melt the 3 tablespoons butter or margarine in countertop microwave on high power […]
Mon, 12/06/2023 - 11:00
Like Nazis stumping for him Meanwhile, he is still an ass: On Saturday and Sunday, a group of 15 to 20 protesters donned Nazi symbols and chanted antisemitic slurs along the North Alafaya Trail in Orlando. According to videos that quickly circulated across social media, the protesters gave Nazi salutes, yelled “White power!”, waved an anti-Biden banner and at one point got into a brawl with a driver. The protests have been met with disgust from Democrats and Republicans alike. However, DeSantis did not publicly condemn the marchers until Monday during a press conference, and then largely to deflect blame on to his political opponents. “So what I’m going to say is these people, these Democrats who are trying to use this as some type of political issue to try to smear me as if I had something to do with that, we’re not playing their game,” he said.