
Wed, 19/07/2023 - 23:00

Over two books, both published by The Waywiser Press, Eric McHenry has built up a world of poetry that’s at once lighthearted and serious, cantankerous and comical. It’s populated with lullabies and villanelles and references that defy easy category—ranging from, for instance, Kansas history to early hip-hop to baseball to Sam Cooke lyrics to true crime stumpers to economic theory—the list goes on. His formal rigor keeps the work from sprawling, and sometimes he fits syntax to stanza, and speech to meter, in that sturdy inevitable-seeming, and plainspoken register we haven’t heard much since Auden, Larkin, Brooks, or Hayden. His first book, Potscrubber Lullabies, begins with a poem on coming home, a little bit to the speaker’s surprise; a few lines on time’s passing, a song of wondering elegy in subtly rhyming stanzas:

After Beloit I went back to the paper
and wrote arts features for eight dollars an hour,
and lived in the Gem Building, on the block between
Topeka High with its Gothic tower
and the disheveled Statehouse with its green
dome of oxidizing copper.

Wed, 19/07/2023 - 22:32
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe comes from an October 1975 issue of Seventeen Magazine.   IT’S DOG EAT DOG! Partytime or anytime, serve America’s under-the-umbrella favorite in an irresistible  round-about way: Slash frankfurters along one side, broil, and place on a hamburger bun. Fill the center with taste-tempting delights like the ones shownContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Frank Sinatra (1975)
Wed, 19/07/2023 - 22:08

Απόσπασμα από την τοποθέτηση του Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη στην Πολιτική Γραμματείας της 13ης Ιουλίου  Μετά την διπλή εκλογική ήττα, το ΜέΡΑ25 προβήκαμε (βλ. Αποφάσεις Κεντρικής Επιτροπής της 9ης Ιουλίου) σε σκληρή αυτοκριτική όσον αφορά τον τρόπο που επικοινωνήσαμε τις θέσεις μας. Κοινό ήταν το αίσθημα ότι η «ρήξη», η συνεχής ονομαστική αναφορά στους γνωστούς ολιγάρχες, η […]

The post Το πρόταγμα, οι συμμαχίες και το θέμα ηγεσίας του ΜέΡΑ25 – ThePressProject appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Wed, 19/07/2023 - 22:00

I’ll be the first to admit music is not my strong suit. Of course, I did master the violin by age three, wrote my first opera at four, and was performing Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen as a soloist with the Vienna Philharmonic in kindergarten—but those were the simpler days of my youth. Now I’m nine years old and building experimental AI military technology at MIT, and (sigh) most days it feels as if I’m the only kid in the world attempting to harness fusion power for long-range precision drones.

Nonetheless, I keep an eye on various r/genius message boards on the off chance they might one day discover another one out there, another person with a mind of such beautiful and terrifying immensity, another child like me, and I might finally have someone to play with (or destroy). Instead, I have been alerted to the existence of some sort of indie rock trio, apparently quite popular, calling themselves boygenius [sic].

Wed, 19/07/2023 - 18:21
Purchasing power parity doctrine is examined by sophisticated statistical and econometric techniques. The time series of aggregated price levels and the nominal exchange rates are treated as a random sample. Most papers of this type deal with the technical properties of the slightly different data sets. To take some examples (at random): “Two potential problems […]
Wed, 19/07/2023 - 18:19
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) economists have argued from the outset that using interest rate rises to subdue inflationary pressures may in fact add to those pressures through their impact on business costs. Businesses with outstanding trade credit or overdrafts will use their market power to pass the higher borrowing costs on to consumers. In more…
Wed, 19/07/2023 - 17:06
Open Rights Group has received legal advice from Dan Squires KC and Emma Foubister of Matrix Chambers, which states that measures in the Online Safety Bill may involve breaches of international law. The legal opinion examines Clause 9(2) of the Bill, which places a duty on online platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, to prevent […]
Wed, 19/07/2023 - 17:00
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July 19th, 2023: When will they meet?

Wed, 19/07/2023 - 14:31

Dries talked about our vision and strategy for Drupal 11 in DrupalCon Portland 2022. The vision Dries laid out was that we want to make Drupal the tool of choice for ambitious site builders on the open web. In order for us to accomplish this goal, we believe that Drupal needs to provide:

  • Easy-to-use tools that guide site builders on the right path
  • Site building tools for providing an enjoyable experience for content editors
  • An inexpensive, easy, and secure way to maintain digital experiences over time

New features will be built in the current major version of Drupal. This means that components of this plan will be released gradually in Drupal core minor releases, not in a big bang with Drupal 11.

Ongoing efforts

We have several ongoing initiatives, but we are doubling down our efforts on these three tracks: