
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 07:44
Preparation time 35-40 minutesCooking time 30-35 minutesServes 6 What to prepare:2 lbs. beef fillet7 ozs. Mushrooms7 ozs. Chicken livers2 lbs. puff pastry1 eggOilSalt, pepper (For best results for this dish, follow directions carefully).Sauté meat on all sides, in a pan, for 2 minutes. Rinse the mushrooms, and chop into thin pieces. Chop the liver finely. […]
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 07:00
Too bad nobody paid attention New York is one of the few metro areas that still has a number of different big newspapers but even so it was a small local weekly that had the George Santos story long before the election. Nobody picked it up: Months before the New York Times published a December article suggesting Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) had fabricated much of his résumé and biography, a tiny publication on Long Island was ringing alarm bells about its local candidate. The North Shore Leader wrote in September, when few others were covering Santos, about his “inexplicable rise” in reported net worth — from essentially nothing in 2020 to as much as $11 million two years later. The story noted other oddities about the self-described gay Trump supporter with Jewish heritage, who would go on to flip New York’s 3rd Congressional District from blue to red, and is now under investigation by authorities for misrepresenting his background to voters. “Interestingly, Santos shows no U.S.
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 07:00
Precisely why is complicated, but it is the case that Republicans/conservatives are always The Main Characters of the story of politics as told by political journalists. One example of this is how they all flocked to cover the annual CPAC conference year after year, documenting activities and gossip of even extremely minor characters in the conservative world. Though of course this helped to promote these people, helping to make the conservative movement a Grifter's Paradise for years.

Like we know what Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro have for lunch every day, but not, um, I dunno, there's no precise equivalent on The Left for the reasons in the paragraph above, but I don't know what David Dayen usually eats.
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 06:57
Keith Hart, a renowned and influential economic anthropologist: “Western civilization represents itself as an economy these days. The TV news bombards us with the ephemeral movements of stock prices, exchange rates, and the latest unemployment figures. Elections are fought and lost on a government’s economic record. International diplomacy is mainly about trade and banking. The […]
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 05:41

Our most-read article of the 2022.

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Originally published January 5, 2022.

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Dear Parents,

Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing break with family and friends. We’re delighted to welcome you back to school as we celebrate a return to normalcy. We want to assure you that schools are open, safe, and operating completely as usual. However, we did want to alert you to some policy changes to ensure a robust learning environment for all!

Your child’s classroom will have no teachers. Understandably, many of our educators have been reluctant to return to school, with COVID cases and hospitalizations reaching an all-time high and emergency rooms on the brink of collapse.

Sat, 31/12/2022 - 05:30
Not me When the 2020 presidential campaign was lurching into gear three years ago, former Vice President Joe Biden had led in the polls for months. Still, everyone kind of assumed he was a placeholder, a former office-holder with high name recognition whose campaign would nevertheless go the way of his two previous presidential bids, meaning nowhere. He was dull as dishwater compared to many of the others vying for the nomination, and nobody had ever really considered him presidential timber. As the campaign took off, other candidates were winning in the early states even as Biden still led in national polls. Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg looked like the major contenders after Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, states where Biden did poorly. Then he pulled off a sweeping victory in South Carolina and shortly thereafter the race was effectively over. He went on to win the rest of the primaries handily. America was reeling during the traumatic first year of the pandemic and there was a sense that Democrats were happy to have the race settled so they could concentrate on taking down Donald Trump, which was considered Job One by every faction of the Democratic coalition.
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 05:30
He just stole all the money.
Before his FTX cryptocurrency empire collapsed, many of Sam Bankman-Fried’s public statements indicated that he made decisions “as though he had no risk aversion,” according to Victor Haghani, the founder and chief investment officer of Elm Partners Management and a co-founder of the Long-Term Capital Management hedge fund.
This is the "effective altruism (his deeply held personal beliefs) led him to make these bets because the future is just so gosh darn important" argument, which was always ridiculous but should've been erased after it became clear he (allegedly) STOLE ALL THE MONEY.
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:57
According to the terms of reference Defence Security Review is now required to ensure that Defence has the right capabilities that are postured to meet the growing strategic challenges that Australia and its partner countries will face in the world in coming years. A repost from September 13, 2022, and has been updated on November Continue reading »
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:56
The Indonesian G20 year was like no other. The Russian war in Europe divided the G20. No G20 communiques emerged from the ministerial meetings held during the run-up to the summit in mid-November 2022. There was a moment when it seemed that the summit would only tackle low-hanging fruit. But Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo embraced Continue reading »
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:55
Certainly the best biography I read in 2022 and possibly the best non-fiction book in any genre, is Terry Irving’s comprehensive and incisive examination of the varied and controversial life of archaeologist, political theorist and leftist practitioner Vere Gordon Childe. Much about Childe’s life remains mysterious, including his death in 1957 aged 65. To judge Continue reading »
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:54
A new article by Douglas London in Foreign Policy warns of the dangers of the US CIA involvement in fomenting civil unrest. This excerpt below is valuable: “Fomenting civil unrest, whether it’s in the interest of regime change or simply to increase an adversary’s burden, can and does lead to an array of second- and Continue reading »
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:52
Capitalism and “liberal democracy” are failing and destroying our world. In this, the second in a three-part series, we explore how Australia can halt the decline by reversing privatisation of public utilities and embracing a foreign policy based on neutrality. Reverse Privatisation – Manage Energy Pricing and Reserves Australian Federal and State governments should buy Continue reading »
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:50
Above a picture of a tired looking Xi Jinping – taken at the G20 – the Sydney Morning Herald ran the headline: The Face of Capitulation. It was as banal as it was predictable. It was for a Peter Hartcher story that crowed at having slayed the dragon (sub-text: this was Hartcher’s personal victory). A Continue reading »
Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:44

Our 2nd most-read article of the 2022.

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Originally published January 14, 2022.

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The War on Drugs
You make your own paella and take super long naps on Saturday. Like over two hours, consistently. You prefer the smallest possible hardware store with the oldest possible employees. You used to sincerely call male friends “brother,” but you stopped.

The National
You should have moved to Brooklyn when you had the chance. You never had the chance. At what point does the artisanal whiskey interest become just alcoholism with a higher word count? You used to think you were once great at soccer, but now you’re not so sure you were ever good at soccer. This is causing a very low-level existential crisis that will vanish in three years.

Sat, 31/12/2022 - 04:30
The whining and handwringing from the right over the release of Trump’s tax returns is making me crazy. Seriously? The man who refused to release his returns as every other presidents for the past half century hve done, had foreign business entanglements, refused to divest his companies and was clearly still involved in the businesses throughout his term is running for president again! He officially announced it! As Noah Bookbinder in the Atlantic writes: Getting Trump’s tax returns should not have been this hard. Every president elected since Richard Nixon—with the exception of Trump—has publicly disclosed his tax returns. Tax returns can tell the American people, and Congress, whether a president is following the law and behaving honestly. Crucially for Trump, who uniquely and inappropriately retained ownership of a massive international business while president, they can provide information about conflicts of interest that may have swayed his decision making. They’re out.