
Thu, 22/12/2022 - 01:30
It’s Not Just About Climate Change, It’s About Ecological Collapse

Earthworm Edition:

…they estimated a decline in earthworm abundance of between 33% and 41% in the last quarter of a century, the period for which the best data was available…

Dr Matt Shardlow, of the charity Buglife, said earthworms were essential to healthy soils and productive ecosystems and the decline in UK earthworm populations – at a rate of about 15% per decade since 1960 – was “deeply alarming”.

Wed, 21/12/2022 - 23:00
Several centralized crypto entities failed in 2022, resulting in the cascading failure of other crypto firms and raising questions about the protection of crypto investors. While the total amount invested in the crypto sector remains small in the United States, more than 10 percent of all Americans are invested in cryptocurrencies. In this post, we examine whether migrating crypto activities from centralized platforms to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols might afford investors better protection, especially in the absence of regulatory changes. We argue that while DeFi provides some benefits for investors, it also introduces new risks and so more work is needed to make it a viable option for mainstream investors.
Wed, 21/12/2022 - 21:00
Philosophy, AI, and Society (PAIS) is a listserv that aims to “connect philosophers working on AI and related digital technologies, with a particular focus on their societal dimensions.” Run by the Machine Intelligence and Normative Theory Lab (MINTLab), PAIS “is open to anyone with an interest in those topics, and members can post to the list to contact other members. The goal is to help build the Philosophy, AI and Society Network, particularly to share news about events, opportunities, and research activities.” You can sign up for PAIS here. While we’re on the subject, the director of MINTLab, Seth Lazar (Australian National University) will be delivering the Tanner Lectures at Stanford next month on “AI and Human Values.” Further details here.