
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 04:56
Conservatives rail against references to “invasion day”. Ultimately, however, these are the despairing sighs of an old, dying Australia which no longer exists and isn’t coming back. Change is often threatening for conservatives and instinctively they resist it. In Australia, opposition to change has taken many forms, including an ambivalent attitude towards multiculturalism and criticism Continue reading »
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 04:55
We are now at the most dangerous moment in history. We face multiple existential crises that are not under control, but growing more acute, while failures of leadership become more damning. We have no time to lose. Yesterday, in Washington DC, the international scientific and policy experts of the Science and Security Board of the Continue reading »
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 04:54
When one group of people takes the land of another by military force, ‘invasion’ is the most accurate term. We would hardly speak of Germany ‘settling’ France in 1940. When Lieutenant James Cook sailed for the South Pacific to observe the transit of Venus for the Royal Society, he received further instructions marked ‘secret’ from Continue reading »
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 04:30

Here is a clip from one of our live songwriting sessions on our Twitch channel. We just turn on the camera and try out ideas and see where they take us.

This is a clip from one of those sessions we posted to our YouTube Channel.

Play that lazy beat - Slippery friction (Live Stream Clip)

We continue to work on a song idea for a film soundtrack.

Building a song from a random idea

This song is actually an idea that we came up with during another live stream songwriting session.

We decided to use this as the main theme for the film soundtrack that we've been working on.

Thu, 26/01/2023 - 02:30
Remember when dandruff was the kiss of death? Robin DiAngelo’s 2018 “White Fragility” has plenty of critics. Here and here, for example. John McWhorter writes that her diversity training approach is not only misguided but “deeply condescending to all proud Black people.” But while academics debate sociological theory, aren’t ad men selling millions in products designed around the notion that men’s sense of self is deeply fragile? Seeing another of those ubiquitous Nugenix Total T ads brings home just how deep (strong? powerful? vigorous? potent?) the insecurity market is. Weapons makers sell guns based on it. Nazis sell white supremacy based on it. Mass shooters base their manifestos on it. Fox News built its business model around it. Without “great replacement theory,” drag queens, and sexy M&Ms to get mens’ fee-fees in a knot, what has Tucker Carlson to talk about? In more innocent, mid-century times, it was fears about bad breath, BO, and dandruff that sold mouthwash, deoderant, and shampoo to men worried about not getting laid.
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 01:30
A Story About How Health Care Privatization Happens

So, as readers now, I got cancer. (I’m fine. It’s treated, I won’t die of it (3% chance some years out), though I’m on hormone blockers (moderately nasty as an adult) for as much as another year.)

Anyway, I got cancer while Covid was on, so a lot of my visits were virtual, or just phone calls, unless they really required my physical presence. Three month followups: usually by phone. Faster for the doctor; faster for me, all good. But the last time I went in the waiting room was packed. I waited for hours, and the nurse apologized “the government won’t let us do followups by phone (or virtually) any more.”

Oh. Weird. Made no sense to me, but governments do stupid things all the time, and despite how I make my living I didn’t think about it much. (Doctor’s visits tend to focus my mind elsewhere.)

Thu, 26/01/2023 - 01:22
Latest links… How much time does it take you, typically, to referee a paper (not how long it takes between agreeing to referee and submitting the report; just the actual time spent refereeing)? — share your responses at the Cocoon “A path to get college credit that begins on a YouTube video” — does this new collaboration with Arizona State University represent the future of universities, or portend their demise? “His most significant contribution is his argument that everything is ultimately made of water.
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 01:00
Trade masks for body armor? First news out of California this morning was a magnitude 4.2 earthquake rumbling off the coast about 10 miles south of Malibu Beach: The fire department “completed a strategic 470 square-mile survey of the City of Los Angeles following the 4.2M earthquake near Malibu. No damage or injuries were reported and normal operational mode has resumed,” it said. Relax, Southern California. Just another earthquake. Not another mass shooting. The latter will be along presently. You know, “normal operational mode.” CNN reported on the epidemic mass shootings already this year: The scenes of agony and horror are increasingly all too familiar in America. In fact, 39 mass shootings have taken place across the country in just the first three weeks of 2023, per the Gun Violence Archive. Communities from Goshen, California, to Baltimore, Maryland, are reeling while others brace for the possibility of such violence in their own backyards.
Thu, 26/01/2023 - 00:00

1. Angel Cake
2. Just Like Heaven
3. Genoise Sponge
4. A Japanese Dream
5. Charlotte Sometimes
6. Charlotte Royale
7. Icing Sugar
8. Mirror Glaze
9. Piggy in the Mirror
10. Cornish Pasties
11. Baked Alaska
12. Fire in Cairo
13. Black Forest Gateau
14. A Forest
15. The Hanging Garden
16. Small Edible Flowers
17. The Caterpillar
18. Clootie Dumpling
19. The Baby Screams
20. Syllabub

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Foods from The Great British Bake Off: 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20
Songs by The Cure: 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19
Both: 7

Wed, 25/01/2023 - 23:10
Welcome to my Wednesday Blog, back after a short haitus of nothing much going on. But now… The Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards Trade Paperback is Out Now! The collected volume of #1-#4 of Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards by myself and artists Mike Hawthorne and Enid Balam is in your comic and book stores now.  I’m ... Read More