
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 08:00
I wonder why? President Biden has endorsed three important reforms to the Supreme Court. He’s asking for binding code of conduct, which is long overdue. He wants no immunity for former presidents accused of crimes while in office. And the biggie is that he’s asking for terms limits for Supreme Court Justices. The right wing is having a fit as usual. They love corruption so that’s not surprising. But it’s the term limits that have them screaming. Unfortunately, as with so many issues, they are on the wrong side of that one too: Even most Republicans think it’s a good idea. But the “influencers” are very up in arms. Keep it up.
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 04:58
“(I)f pressed on legality … our position is that it is for competent judicial bodies to determine whether crimes against humanity have been committed” – (DFAT, 2022, FOI release). What then are DFAT and Australia’s obligations following the finding by the International Court of Justice that Israel has established an apartheid system in the Occupied Continue reading »
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 04:56
The glories of modern medicine are abundant: diseases once considered incurable are now within therapeutic range. Recently a new mechanical heart, developed by an Australian and weighing a mere half kilo or so, was successfully installed in a patient in the US. While its long-term effectiveness awaits proof, it has been hailed as a turning Continue reading »
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 04:53
Cabinet reshuffle – policy and outcomes matter, not who is in charge, say refugees. Here is the pressing to do list for the incoming immigration minister: Close offshore. Bring them here. Permanent visas for fast track victims Recognise refugee contribution and industry Increase humanitarian intake Permanent visas for Medevac refugees on and offshore Refugees who Continue reading »
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 04:51
The brutal crackdown on student protesters revealed the totalitarian aims of the prime minister and the resilience of belief in democratic freedoms. The crisis in Bangladesh can be seen as a battle for the soul of Bangladesh’s political future. On one side there is 76-year-old Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who has not held genuinely free, Continue reading »
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 04:50
If Zionist ideology ever fit into the modern world, and I will leave this an outstanding question, it no longer does. I do not know how it is in your household, but in mine we have developed the practice over the past nine months of reciting to one another the most appalling of the news Continue reading »
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 03:00

Hey, I’m the manager of the restaurant you’re dining at, and— just a quick heads up— it looks like you ordered the only dish on our menu that comes on a different type of plate.

How fun is that?

Before you ask, yes, it’s flamboyant—excessively so. Yelp reviews have described this dish and its presentation as “over the top,” “a nonsensical and disrespectful way to serve chicken piccata,” and “enough to get my friends to refer to me as ‘Viscount Jeremy’ for the remainder of my miserable life.”

There’s no real reason why we serve our chicken piccata on an ornate Medieval serving tray—complete with traditional Dark Age–era cutlery, a garishly embellished gravy boat, and a historically accurate replica of the crown Henry Tudor would’ve worn at his feasts—while the rest of our dishes are delivered on minimalist white plates from Crate & Barrel, but that’s just how things shook out.

Tue, 30/07/2024 - 01:51
Culture Rage Outrage BS At The Olympics

Outrage, like all emotions, has its time and place. One should, for example, be outraged at a genocide.

Outrage is a powerful emotion and engaging people’s emotions can provide wealth, fame, clicks and even power. Which brings us to the “last supper” Olympics outrage bullshit.

This is not the Last Supper, and only a cultural illiterate and dribbling moron would think so: