
Tue, 30/07/2024 - 03:00

Hey, I’m the manager of the restaurant you’re dining at, and— just a quick heads up— it looks like you ordered the only dish on our menu that comes on a different type of plate.

How fun is that?

Before you ask, yes, it’s flamboyant—excessively so. Yelp reviews have described this dish and its presentation as “over the top,” “a nonsensical and disrespectful way to serve chicken piccata,” and “enough to get my friends to refer to me as ‘Viscount Jeremy’ for the remainder of my miserable life.”

There’s no real reason why we serve our chicken piccata on an ornate Medieval serving tray—complete with traditional Dark Age–era cutlery, a garishly embellished gravy boat, and a historically accurate replica of the crown Henry Tudor would’ve worn at his feasts—while the rest of our dishes are delivered on minimalist white plates from Crate & Barrel, but that’s just how things shook out.

Tue, 30/07/2024 - 01:51
Culture Rage Outrage BS At The Olympics

Outrage, like all emotions, has its time and place. One should, for example, be outraged at a genocide.

Outrage is a powerful emotion and engaging people’s emotions can provide wealth, fame, clicks and even power. Which brings us to the “last supper” Olympics outrage bullshit.

This is not the Last Supper, and only a cultural illiterate and dribbling moron would think so:

Mon, 29/07/2024 - 23:00
With joy and unity A couple of Democratic events here in WNC over the last week drew far bigger crowds than I’ve seen in nearly two decades. A fundraiser for a county commission candidate at a nearby farm on Thursday drew hundreds. A district-wide gathering featuring a slate of statewide candidates at a rural farm west of here drew 400-500. An ice cream social at a city park shelter on Sunday exploded to 300 and became a local happening. That energy is popping up in unlikelier places: On Saturday afternoon, around 500 golf carts reportedly paraded through the Villages, a retirement community in Central Florida, in support of Kamala Harris for president — roughly 200 more than the number that reportedly showed up for President Biden ahead of the 2020 election. Saturday’s rally was part of the newly minted Harris campaign’s efforts to engage Florida voters and recruit volunteers to boost Democratic support.
Mon, 29/07/2024 - 22:00

(Click here for a refresher on the tragic events of the “Larger Than Life” video.)

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I won’t sugarcoat it, boys: I’m incensed. We pulled you out of cryosleep after a millennium because we’d heard that, back in AD 1999, you’d conquered the Chartz—an evil alien race that’s declared war on humanity here in the year 3000. But nothing I saw during the attack on our space station yesterday suggests you’re capable of conquering anything other than my patience.

“Larger Than Life” is a catchy tune, fellas, I’ll give you that. But that little earworm won’t save us from the literal earworms the Chartz want to implant in our skulls.

Mon, 29/07/2024 - 20:15
We’ve lots of evidence from different times and places that the elasticity of output with respect to capital is indeed small. In his famous paper which kickstarted this approach to thinking about economic growth, Robert Solow estimated (pdf) that only one-eighth of the increase in US GDP per worker between 1900 and 1949 was due to […]
Mon, 29/07/2024 - 17:44
One reaction I heard to the Olympic opening ceremony was that continental Europe has been rubbish at popular music for the past century. Given that Céline Dion had just nailed Edith Piaf’s Hymne d’amour the timing of this opinion wasn’t great, but still, I found myself semi-agreeing on first reaction. Admittedly, the so-called anglosphere has […]