
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 10:19
Cooking time: 2 hoursPreparation time: 25 mins.Main cooking utensils: saucepans, 9- by 5- in loaf panOven temperature: 350-375°FOven position: center For 8 people you need:3-4 lb. fresh pork picnic shoulderbouquet garniseasoning1 cup sausage meat4 slices bread2 eggs3 tablespoons chopped parsley¼ teaspoon garlic salt¼ teaspoon celery salt¼ teaspoon pepper Coating for pan:little shortening½ cup crushed cornflakes1 […]
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 07:00
It’s astonishing to me that anyone could think this is preferable to even the decaying corpse of Joe Biden being propped up behind the resolute desk. But apparently, at least half the country will vote for him some of whom are saying they will do so because they think Biden is too old to do the job. But this guy is a batshit crazy, criminal, imbecile who is surrounded by fascist freaks. I’ll pick halting old guy with normal professional staff over that any day if that’s what’s on the menu.
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 05:30
We haven’t seen much of Donald Trump lately but he did poke his head up yesterday to speak at a little rally he held at his Doral golf resort, almost certainly paid for by his campaign and put directly into his pocket. (Too bad he’s stiffed so many of the other venues that have hosted him but that’s just his way.) It wasn’t anything special. He sounded as unhinged as usual, delivering his greatest hits to a hot and wilted but adoring Florida crowd. He did admit that when he became president he didn’t even know what NATO was before he launched into his tiresome rant about making the alliance countries pay their dues (they don’t have dues) and reiterating that he told some unnamed foreign leader that he wouldn’t defend them against Russian aggression if they were “delinquent.”. That stale lie is standard boilerplate at his rallies and hasn’t changed since he first started saying it years ago. But it was especially crude of him to say it on the day the NATO meeting was taking place in Washington DC on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the alliance. He was speaking at roughly the same moment as President Biden, in fact.
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 05:00
ROB SCHMITT (HOST): Do these donors really think that Kamala Harris is going to do better in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania than Joe Biden would? I mean, that’s — because it can’t be anybody else, right? SEBASTIAN GORKA (GUEST): Rob, you’re being logical. Stop it. All right. She’s a DEI hire, right? She’s a woman. She’s colored. Therefore, she’s got to be good. And at least her brain doesn’t literally freeze in mid-sentence.  That’s what we can expect from the right if Biden drops out. On the other hand, it’s so crude and disgusting it might galvanize the Democrats to come out and beat them. I wish I could be sure of that but I’m not sure of anything right now.
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 03:03

While the court refused to review the 1985 case of Charles McCrory, Sotomayor urged states to pass laws to help exonerate people imprisoned on debunked forensic evidence.

The post There’s a Junk Science Crisis in Criminal Convictions. Sonia Sotomayor Calls It Out in Alabama Bite-Mark Case. appeared first on The Intercept.

Thu, 11/07/2024 - 03:00

Hie thee hither that I might pour my spirits in thine ear
On all that impedes thee from the Oval Room.
Thane Axelrod summoned me today to betray my nature
But follow my sense, when I say, my liege:
What’s done is done. The enterprise is shot.

In the past, thou hast found in me a woman of fell purpose
But, my Lord, screw your courage. We could fail.
Safer, no doubt, to name a hale successor,
One quick of wit and sharp of tongue.

You talk of the witches’ prophecy—that thou shall be promoted twice—
And repeat it as sharply as an owl’s scream. Speak not again.
You make thyself a hoarse raven, and God knows
We need none of that right now. Take thy DayQuil and listen:

These witches three know not of what they speak.
They cannot predict thy future station.
Their projections change by the wind like Lady Alito’s flags,
So full of hollow pageantry and too easily moved.