Former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, exposes the crumbling facade of U.S. global power and the consequences of its aggressive foreign policy in Gaza and beyond.
The post American Military Crisis: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson Speaks Out appeared first on MintPress News.
Greg Stoker dissects the diplomatic tensions caused by Israel's support for France's far-right and the potential shift in European politics toward Palestinian statehood.
The post France’s Left-Wing Victory: A Blow to Israeli Diplomacy appeared first on MintPress News.
Why human attempts to mechanize logic keep breaking down.
The post The Perpetual Quest for a Truth Machine appeared first on Nautilus.
My new book Dependency and Crisis in Brazil and Argentina analyses three decades of development discourses in both countries, mapping the political impasse generated by the impoverished political economy debate between neoliberals and neodevelopmentalists.
The post Dependency and Crisis in Brazil and Argentina appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).