
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:57
The birth of Israel on 14 May 1948 is said to be based on three related claims. Some people regard these claims as questionable. They form the basis for why Israel’s birth is said to be illegitimate. Firstly, a claim much set in concrete is that Israel is the “promised land” of the Jews. However, Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:56
Reflecting on some relevant aspects of just war thinking that I mentioned in my recent contribution to Pearls and Irritations on “Why Israel’s war violates just war principles” I decided it would be worth addressing some of those issues further and also broaching some important ones that I then did not discuss. I do so Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:55
Best-selling British writers, George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison, have very recently published “The Invisible Doctrine”, which is a powerful critique of neoliberalism, and the role they believe it is playing in destroying our human future. The authors say that the neoliberalism is the dominant ideology of our time, but many people do not know much Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:54
Twice in a fortnight, the president of the Heritage Foundation has declared that America is experiencing its second revolution. The revolution would remain bloodless (because their side is “winning”) “if the left allows it to be.” The two bodies whose acts provoked the announcements are leading Atlas Network partners. They are also spending millions of Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:53
Australia’s drug budget heavily focuses on law enforcement over harm reduction and prevention, underscoring the need for more balanced, effective spending. How much do Australian governments spend on illicit drug issues? Australia’s drug policy spending remains heavily skewed towards law enforcement, raising concerns about priorities and effectiveness. According to a 2021/2022 drug budget report by Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:51
Job cuts continue across the empire as the business model dies a slow death. Few things say “company in decline” louder than the now-annual round of job cuts in the troubled news media segment of global media behemoth News Corp, with last month’s annual budget meeting in Sydney revealing more cuts planned across the next Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:50
Biden wanders offstage or walks like a geriatric robot. Yet we are meant to believe he’s carefully navigating us through the nuclear tripwires of the West’s serial wars. We live in a world of make-believe politics, a world where strings pulled in the interests of the super-rich are ever more visible. And yet we are Continue reading »
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 04:25
Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – July 07 2024

Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – July 07 2024

by Tony Wikrent

The (anti)Federalist Society assault on the Constitution

The Weekend at Yale That Changed American Politics 

Michael Kruse [Politico, magazine September/October 2018]

It’s not too extreme to say that one wonky student group founded in 1982 has reshaped the Supreme Court, and the nation. What actually happened at the birth of the Federalist Society? ….

Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:44
This is the way to do it James Fallows, former presidential speechwriter, writes a speech for Joe Biden: Address to the Nation President Joe Biden July 2024 My fellow Americans:             I’d like to talk with you tonight about the faith that connects nearly all of us who share the blessing of calling ourselves Americans.             That is a faith in the country’s past and a belief in its future. And a willingness, in the here and now, to do what we can—to fulfill our duty—to make our country stronger, prouder, fairer, greater.             More open to opportunity. More equal under the law. More faithful to the values to which so many generations of Americans have pledged “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor,” as our founders put it nearly 250 years ago in the Declaration of Independence.
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 02:00
Taniel at Bolts with a short primer on today’s runoff in France. France is holding its parliamentary elections today. Clear stakes: Will far-right end up governing France? And if it fails, what possible coalition will end up governing given fragmentation? You can follow me for results starting at 2pm ET; but a quick context 🧵:  Let’s start with: In France, president runs the show… as long as their party controls the Assembly. If presidential party loses that control, the president has few domestic powers—no veto, for instance. This isn’t a US-style split government. That’s why stakes today so high.  Macron called these just 4 weeks ago. Decision shocked his own allies. He already lost his gamble: His bloc is sure to lose seats & its tentative control on Assembly.
Mon, 08/07/2024 - 00:30
Don’t sit there and take it He knows what’s what. Save this nation. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● For The Win, 5th Edition is ready for download. Request a copy of my free countywide GOTV planning guide at
Sun, 07/07/2024 - 23:00
Trump “is somebody who is trying to destroy our country” Democrats need to look themselves in the mirror when former Republicans from the Lincoln Project are standing behind Joe Biden more steadfastly than they are. We need to look beyond the players to the broader stakes in this election and make clear to voters what they are. “I will take an old man with a cold over a narcissitic sociopath with a dictator kink any day,” said Ryan Wiggins, the group’s chief of staff. “We have got the Democratic nominee’s back because Trump cannot be president of this country ever again.” “Our answer is to go out and find the bad guys and punch them in the face,” insists Rick Wilson. “You can never take your foot off the gas in attacking Donald Trump.” When you’ve cut your opponent over the eye, work the eye! “Only one of the two main presidential candidates poses an existential threat to democracy,” said MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Saturday. So take a deep breath and hold that thought.
Sun, 07/07/2024 - 20:28

By Neil Wilson. Reposted with permission from Neil’s New Wayland article.   The strike action by UK junior doctors has an unreal quality. It lacks the media and political actions …

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Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:25

THE Kangaroo Bus is coming to town, bringing ease of access to government services and transactions to Aboriginal communities in regional NSW. The bus is a dedicated Service NSW Mobile Service Centre providing drivers licence and vehicle registration renewals, Seniors Card applications, driver testing and more. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth...

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Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:07

PATHWAYS from the local high school to the Dorrigo township will be improved through funding from the NSW Government’s Get NSW Active program. “Transport NSW, under the Get NSW Active grants program, has awarded Bellingen Shire Council $358,527.44 to connect and improve the pathway network from Dorrigo High School to the Dorrigo township,” a spokesperson...

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Sun, 07/07/2024 - 11:59

THIRTEEN community infrastructure projects on the Coffs Coast will go ahead thanks to NSW Government funding of $300,000 through the 2023 Community Building Partnership Program. Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said this funding will deliver much-needed improvements to local facilities across our region. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for...

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Sun, 07/07/2024 - 11:37

FUNDING for the design of a proposed shared pathway network which will link West Coffs with the city centre has been granted by the NSW Government. The State Government will provide $750,000 through its Get NSW Active program to the project’s design phase, to be undertaken in 2024/25. Advertise with News of The Area today....

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Sun, 07/07/2024 - 11:31

CITY of Coffs Harbour’s free bus travel trial will continue until 14 July, with the community encouraged to make the most of the remaining free transport on Fridays and weekends. City of Coffs Harbour is also inviting people to share their experience of bus travel during the free fare period via a new survey now...

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Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:00
Ah, July 4th weekend. Nothing kicks off Summer like an all-American holiday that encourages mass consumption of animal flesh (charcoal-grilled to carcinogenic perfection), binge drinking, and subsequent drunken handling of explosive materials. Well, for most people. Being the semi-reclusive weirdo that I am (although I prefer the term “gregarious loner”), nothing kicks off summer for me like holing up for the holiday weekend with an armload of my favorite rock ‘n’ roll musicals. For your consideration (or condemnation) here are my Top 15. Per usual, I present them in no ranking order. For those about to rock…I salute you. Bandwagon – A taciturn musician, still reeling from a recent breakup with his girlfriend, has a sudden creative spurt and forms a garage band. The boys pool resources, buy a beat-up van (the “Band” wagon, get it?) and hit the road as Circus Monkey. The requisite clichés ensue: The hell-gigs, backstage squabbles, record company vultures, and all that “art vs commerce” angst; but John Schultz’s crisp writing and directing and mostly unknown cast carry the day.