
Wed, 10/07/2024 - 03:00

The Soothing Sleepytime Baby Swing from Gurgle-Goo is designed to float even the fussiest baby to dreamland. In just a matter of minutes, little ones will be snoozing, and frazzled parents will be sighing with relief. Before joining the thousands of happy, well-rested Soothing Sleepytime Baby Swing users out there, be sure to glance at the safety measures below.

1. Do not, under any circumstances, let your baby fall asleep in this swing.

2. While your baby is in the Soothing Sleepytime Baby Swing, you should watch them at all times, ideally from no more than three inches away.

3. Do not look down at your phone.

4. Do not let your mind wander.

5. While your baby is in the Soothing Sleepytime Baby Swing, your only thought should be, “My baby is in the Soothing Sleepytime Baby Swing right now.” Any other thoughts could lead to injury or death.

6. Do not think about the possibility of injury or death while your baby is in the Soothing Sleepytime Baby Swing, because this could make you distracted.

7. Do not turn it on.

8. Do not buckle any of the very complicated buckles incorrectly.

Wed, 10/07/2024 - 03:00
There’s a new USA Today poll that show Harris beating Trump by one point and Trump beating Biden by one point. (They also polled Hillary Clinton for some reason and she beats Trump by two points.) In other words, it tells us nothing. Then there’s this: As you can see, Biden does best against Trump but they all lose. If we were to take all this at face value we’d say that this is a party problem more than a Biden problem. And I’m not sure it’s any more of a problem than it’s been through this whole cycle so far. And then there’s this: Today it does look as if Biden is staying in. And as I’ve been writing since this crisis began, (and even before, to tell you the truth) this isn’t about the candidates as much as it’s about a worldview that’s clashing all over the world. It would be very helpful if we had a president who was vital and exciting but we don’t. And the other side may have someone who’s exciting but he’s also an imbecile who is loathed by half the country. It’s been close all year and nothing has changed. Yet. Gird yourself.
Wed, 10/07/2024 - 00:30
How many eggs is a dozen? Public Notice sees fallout from the SCOTUS decision to overturn the Chevron deference doctrine. It’s already heading to courts: It’s been barely a week since conservatives on the US Supreme Court radically upended the balance of power between the branches of government, giving the federal courts the exclusive power to interpret statutes rather than deferring to agency experts. And we’re already seeing impacts on the ground. Right-wingers have been in the habit of running to their preferred courts to get regulations overturned, but the decision in Loper Bright v. Raimondo, which officially destroyed agency deference, will make it easier — even routine — to block every Biden administration rule they don’t like.  Lawsuits to invalidate specific rules had been proceeding through the federal courts before Loper Bright, generally arguing that agencies exceeded their authority in promulgating a rule.
Tue, 09/07/2024 - 23:31

At least I had the courage to do the deed myself. That counts for something here on the other side of death, where I wait for you, Clarence Thomas, and your sharp-toothed wife Ginni, and someday the others whose decrees and rulings from afar have aided and abetted the mayhem and the massacres. Cowards all of you, and boring and petty to boot, at such a safe distance from the volleys, the salvos, the gunfire. Oh, the names I have had to learn — Sandy Hook and Columbine and Uvalde and so many hundreds more and even more after that, while you were careful to stay at a safe distance from the children as they fell. Not me, not me.... Read more

Source: Judgment Day for America’s Worst Supreme Court Justice appeared first on

Tue, 09/07/2024 - 23:00
Squad members line up behind Joe Biden Running a presidential election is a specialized job. Among the details to manage is ensuring the candidate gets on the ballot in each state, no minor logistical task. There are filing dates and fees to get onto the state’s primary. There are other deadlines varying by state for when a major party must deliver the names of its presidential candidate (electors) to the state elections board/commission, often from late August to early September. That is why I call it magical thinking to believe that Democrats can simply swap out their presidential ticket in July. It’s not that it cannot happen, but it is a logistical nightmare. It doesn’t matter that France and England can hold national elections in a couple of months, whatever Jon Stewart says. It doesn’t work that way here. Election laws in the 50 states and territories are not set up for it, and GOP-controlled legislatures will hardly be willing to accomodate rival Dermocrats. Many voters are unhappy with a rerun of the 2020 contest. Yes, many want younger candidates. So do some reporters. Post debate, reporters for major news outlets want Joe Biden gone.
Tue, 09/07/2024 - 21:46

Welcome to the Event Impact Recap of DrupalCon Portland 2024, a benchmark event in North America, that not only marked a significant milestone in the Drupal community, but also holds a special place in my journey. Having served as a contractor for DrupalCon Portland and now stepping into the role of the new Community Programs Director with the Drupal Association, I am thrilled to share the highlights and successes of this remarkable gathering. My goal is to have an Impact Report shared with the community after each DrupalCon that depicts the data and feedback on the event. Please view the slides.

Key Highlights from DrupalCon Portland 2024:

Tue, 09/07/2024 - 20:26
Open AI Pulls Out Of China In Another Boneheaded Move

The effect of chip sanctions was to create a Chinese chip industry which now controls the low-end of the chip market, and which is coming on strong. The effect of Huawei sanctions was to make Huawei stronger, end Android support and gut Apple’s market share in China.

Now we have this brilliance from “Open AI”, presumably at US government behest:

Chinese attempts to lure domestic developers away from OpenAI – considered the market leader in generative AI – will now be a lot easier, after OpenAI notified its users in China that they would be blocked from using its tools and services from 9 July.

“We are taking additional steps to block API traffic from regions where we do not support access to OpenAI’s services,” an OpenAI spokesperson told Bloomberg last month.

Tue, 09/07/2024 - 17:59
. Die Verteidigung der Aufklärung und die Kritik am Wokeness von Susan Neiman ist sowohl kraftvoll als auch überzeugend. Die Ideen der Aufklärung sind trotz der zahlreichen Kritiken, die gegen sie erhoben wurden, immer noch relevant. Die Aufklärung war gekennzeichnet von einem Geist der Erkundung, der zu neuen Entdeckungen sowohl in der Wissenschaft als auch […]