
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 10:30
Trump is lying more than ever This Washington Post fact check is worth reading if you aren’t following all the latest Trump lies: Trump frequently recycles false claims of achievement from when he was president that we have repeatedly fact-checked, including: -He created the greatest U.S. economy in U.S. history (not by any metric).-He passed the biggest tax cut in history (it ranks 8th).-He did more for Black people than any president but Abraham Lincoln (not by any metric).-He defeated ISIS in four weeks (it took the United States and coalition partners more than two years after he took office).-He was the first president to impose tariffs on China (China has faced U.S. tariffs since George Washington first enacted them in 1789).He increased government revenue even though he cut taxes (False). But there are always new lies. Here are a few: Biden was declared ‘incompetent’ to stand trial in documents case “He’s [Biden] at great jeopardy, really, but they said: ‘Look, he’s incompetent to go to court but he can be president.’ Figure that one.
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 10:09

The University of Sydney welcomes applications for the position of Lecturer in Political Economy (Education Focused) (Level B)

The position is based at the School of Social and Political Sciences and will significantly contribute to the Discipline of Political Economy’s pluralist, heterodox and interdisciplinary program of political economy teaching and learning at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The appointee will also conduct research in their field of study and/or in pedagogical practice, design and evaluation, and contribute to educational and other leadership and governance priorities in SSPS.

Full information about the role and application process is available on the University of Sydney’s Careers Website.

The post Lecturer in Political Economy (Education Focused) appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Tue, 19/03/2024 - 09:00
Ankush Khardori at Politico takes a look at some polling on Trump’s legal problems: Eight months out, we had questions. Among them: If Trump is convicted of a crime, how will it affect his chances of returning to the White House? What do Americans make of his claim that he should be immune from prosecution even if he actually perpetrated a criminal scheme to steal the last election? Does the public trust the Supreme Court to decide that issue fairly? To find out, we worked with Ipsos to poll the American people — and we discovered some surprising answers to all of these questions, and several more. The bottom line is that a conviction in Manhattan may not doom Trump, but it would do real damage. More than a third of independents said a guilty verdict would make them less likely to support Trump’s candidacy. In a close race, that might matter. It also cuts against the conventional wisdom, as analysts have sometimes doubted the political impact of the prosecution in Manhattan, which concerns Trump’s alleged falsification of his company’s business records in connection with a hush-money payment to the adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 06:00

My thanks to Forsyth, Pal, and Pardesi, for taking the time to read Making Global Society (MGS), and write thoughtful responses to it. It is always interesting to be shown frankly how others filter what you have done through their own concerns and expertise. The responses cover a range of positions. Forsyth seems to like a few bits, but not the whole. Pardesi likes the whole, but not some aspects. Pal is torn between liking and disliking the aggregative, big picture, approach.

The post Pursuing the Big Picture: A Reply to Forsyth, Pal, and Pardesi appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Tue, 19/03/2024 - 06:00
Trump says Israel should “finish the problem” Because he’s a big peacenik, dontcha know: Former President Donald Trump called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the war in Gaza quickly during an interview with Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz.”  This is the first time Trump has called to end the war in Gaza since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7. Trump’s comments in Sunday’s aired interview follow calls he made on Friday with FNC’s “Fox and Friends” host Brian Kilmeade that Israel should “finish the problem.” “You had a horrible invasion. It took place. It would have never happened if I was president, by the way,” he added Friday. On Sunday, the former president didn’t mention hostages or any other conditions that he would back to broker a ceasefire.  “You have to finish it up and do it quickly and get back to the world of peace. We need peace in the world…we need peace in the Middle East,” Trump said when asked by “MediaBuzz” host Howard Kurtz what he would tell Netanyahu about the war in Gaza.
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:59
Israel’s war on Gaza is a war on children, a war on their childhood and a war on their future. Children are dying at an alarming rate from malnutrition and dehydration and doctors are no longer seeing normal-sized babies. On the first Friday in Ramadan this year 36 members of the Tabatbi family were killed Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:57
The recent ASEAN-Australia Summit in Melbourne was widely well received. Leaders of all member countries, except Myanmar, attended. Some—President Marcos of the Philippines and Prime Minister Anwar of Malaysia—also carried out quite extensive individual programs. Speeches and comments reflected general agreement, and there was an impressive list of follow-up practical actions, many of them with Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:55
“Empires don’t just fall like toppled trees. Instead, they weaken slowly as a succession of crises drain their strength and confidence until they suddenly begin to disintegrate” – historian Alfred W. McCoy. On March 14, The New York Times published an article by Ivan Nechupurenko entitled “Shunned By West, Russia Pivots South For Trade: Skirting Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:54
Australians frozen out of the housing market cannot expect that government is going to do anything that effectively closes the gap between current house prices and what most of the unhoused could afford as a deposit. Modern politicians of all stripes are all agreed that their political survival depends on doing the maximum to sustain Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:53
David Marr’s recent book, Killing for Country, confronts the reality of the dispossession of Aboriginal lands in Queensland by the Native Police Force. It is a recounting of wholesale and indiscriminate slaughter of “natives” in order to settle the land that never was Terra Nullius. Most confronting for Marr is the realization that it was Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:52
Faith leaders should stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and should call on the Australian government to condemn all violence that threatens a just future for the people of Palestine, Israel and the Middle East. This call comes from Pax Christi, an ecumenical Christian organisation. Pax Christi Australia has sent the following appeal to all Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:51
On the eve of the Russian election, Vladimir Putin exudes confidence, discounts nuclear war, but warns West on the dangers of escalation.  Meanwhile the mainstream western media obfuscates and misleads as usual. There is no better purveyor of unobtrusive, misleading propaganda than Reuters. With most mainstream Western media outlets the agenda is obvious even when Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:50
The US has created the conditions for the decline of its own society. TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue. The fact is, this is a ban on any current or future successful technology owned by a potential adversary and, let’s not make any mistake about it, China, where the ownership of Continue reading »
Tue, 19/03/2024 - 04:30
The stock market stopped trading during that press conference. Here’s what I wrote that day: President Trump’s Oval Office speech last week was a massive dud and the stock market took a huge dive last Thursday. So Trump decided to take the bull by the horns and held a press conference in the Rose Garden with a group of CEOs just before closing time the next day. The market made a sharp upward turn as he spoke and the president was extremely pleased with himself. Numerous reports about the deliberations within the dysfunctional White House over the past week, however, have made it clear that was the only thing that pleased him. According to the New York Times, it’s been an extremely chaotic time with infighting among the various task force members, Jared Kushner stepping all over everyone’s toes and incompetent leadership from the top. In other words, it’s been business as usual in the Trump administration. Unfortunately, this time this bumbling White House is confronting its first real crisis and one of the most serious global challenges in decades.