
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 04:52
Since the Hamas atrocities of October 7, through the following months of disproportionate and incomprehensible Israeli vengeance wreaked upon the Palestinian people, the seismic waves from Gaza have been felt near the surface of Australian democracy itself. Reputedly we live in a robust democracy but the current situation in the Middle East has exposed fissures Continue reading »
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 04:51
Without a hint of embarrassment, Australian Treasurer Chalmers declared that ASEAN was ripe for the plucking by Australian business turbocharged by a AUD$2 billion fund. “This is where the action is – in ASEAN – and we want to get a bigger slice of that action” he said. Addressing 100 chief executives from Australia and Continue reading »
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 04:50
The danger Hong Kong faces is not that it might become ‘just another mainland city’, but that it is already subpar to many of its urban cousins across the border. People always fret about Hong Kong’s eroding competitiveness compared to other leading Asian cities. But the clear and present danger may be its lack of Continue reading »
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 04:30
This is serious. From last month in the NY Times: Former President Donald J. Trump has told advisers and allies that he likes the idea of a 16-week national abortion ban with three exceptions, in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother, according to two people with direct knowledge of Mr. Trump’s deliberations. Mr. Trump has studiously avoided taking a clear position on restrictions to abortion since Roe v. Wade was overturned in the middle of 2022, galvanizing Democrats ahead of the midterm elections that year. He has said in private that he wants to wait until the Republican presidential primary contest is over to publicly discuss his views, because he doesn’t want to risk alienating social conservatives before he has secured the nomination, the two people said. Mr. Trump has approached abortion transactionally since becoming a candidate in 2015, and his current private discussions reflect that same approach. One thing Mr. Trump likes about a 16-week federal ban on abortions is that it’s a round number. “Know what I like about 16?” Mr. Trump told one of these people, who was given anonymity to describe a private conversation.
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 03:00
Even if they aren’t wearing a red hat or waving a giant Trump flag A good rule of thumb from Never Trumper Mike Madrid: Let me offer some advice when you’re talking to Republican friends, family & neighbors about not voting for Trump. This is how you can tell who is and isn’t voting for Trump. If someone says “I really don’t like the way he handles himself and his offensive tweets but I like his policies” that person is a Trump voter. This person knows what they’re doing is wrong but they’re rationalizing the behavior they know is wrong.  If someone says “I don’t like Trump or his policies but no way I’d ever vote for Biden” this person is a Trump voter. This person doesn’t care, even enjoys doing the wrong thing and won’t be bothered by being forced to answer for it or think about it.  If someone says “January 6th was the breaking point for me” or “Trump is mentally unfit” or “He’s dangerous” This voter has broken the fever swamp. Expect 1 in 10 Republicans to respond this way. They’re there but don’t be fooled by the first two.
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 01:30
“I really feel like 2016 was the year that the mask came off” One can only hope. North Carolina’s MAGAfied GOP is turning off once-faithful Republicans and turning them into once-Republicans (USAToday): Ex-Republican Phebe Roberson, 75, said she “can’t stand” former President Donald Trump and voted against him in North Carolina’s GOP primary earlier this month.  She also cast a ballot against Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, the incendiary Republican gubernatorial candidate who received Trump’s endorsement ahead of the primary.  The right fringe, she says, has “stolen my Republican party.” She cast her primary ballot for Nikki Haley. Justin Bradford, 47, of Pinehurst, once voted a straight Republican ticket, but began moving away from the GOP a dozen years ago when he switched his registration to unaffiliated and voted for Barack Obama.
Mon, 18/03/2024 - 00:00
No vaccine yet for MAGA fever That’s the thing about democracy. When it’s working smoothly no one notices. Public officials derided as the Deep State do their jobs, underpaid compared to the private sector, and deliver your mail, take away your trash, deposit your Social Security checks, run your police department. A small army of them administer elections in your state, unseen save for the handful of retirees you see every two years at your polling station. “Nobody knew who we were, what we did,” [Arizona Secretary of State Adrian] Fontes said ruefully. “It’s a little bit different now.” Fontes now has a bodyguard, reports The Guardian: “It’s very sad,” Fontes said. “It’s a sad state of affairs that in a civil society, in one of the most advanced civilizations that anybody could have imagined, we have to worry about physical violence.” These are troubled times in Arizona. Until 2020, election officials were the largely anonymous folk who did the important yet unseen work of making democracy run smoothly.
Sun, 17/03/2024 - 17:10

TIRELESS volunteers dedicating hours of their time to the United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) were thanked and rewarded for their work at the UHA NSW North Eastern Regional Forum on Monday 4 March. Dorrigo UHA hosted the highly anticipated meeting welcoming more than 40 dedicated volunteers from across the region representing the almost-400 UHA volunteers serving...

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Sun, 17/03/2024 - 16:01

SIGNED, sealed and soon to be delivered – the City of Coffs Harbour has secured the rights to host the Touch Football National Youth Cup (NYC) for the next three years. The event – which attracts thousands of people in players, families, spectators and officials – has long been held in Queensland. Advertise with News...

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Sun, 17/03/2024 - 14:23

ORARA High Clontarf Academy students made an add-on to their regular physical training in support of Clean Up Australia Day. Joined by City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Paul Amos, the boys donned gloves and picked up rubbish around Jetty Beach. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us....

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Sun, 17/03/2024 - 10:30
With Saint Patrick’s celebrations in full swing this weekend, I thought I’d help you get your Irish up and drive those snakes from your media room with 15 grand film recommendations. Sláinte! The Commitments – Casting talented yet unknown actor/musicians to portray a group of talented yet unknown musicians was a stroke of genius by director Alan Parker. This “life imitating art imitating life” trick works wonders. The Commitments can be seen as a riff on Parker’s 1980 film Fame; swapping the locale from New York City to Dublin (there’s a bit of a wink in a scene where one of the band members breaks into a parody of the Fame theme). However, these working-class kids don’t have the luxury of attending a performing arts academy; there’s an undercurrent referencing the economic downturn in the British Isles. The acting chemistry is superb, but it’s the musical performances that shine, especially from (then) 16-year old Andrew Strong. In 2007, cast member Glen Hansard co-starred in John Carney’s surprise low-budget hit, Once, a lovely character study that would make a perfect double bill with The Commitments.
Sun, 17/03/2024 - 09:56

ON MARCH 8, Marine Rescue Coffs Harbour awarded Graeme King with a National Medal for nearly three decades of commitment to the service. Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan presented the medal recognising Graeme’s outstanding 28 years of volunteer service keeping people safe on our waterways. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it...

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Sun, 17/03/2024 - 09:50

LITTLE Wings, a non-profit organisation that provides free flight and ground transport services for seriously ill children in rural and remote areas, chose Coffs Harbour for its first regional International Women’s Day lunch. Little Wings CEO Clare Pearson addressed gathered guests at Coffs Harbour Surf Club. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth...

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