
Thu, 30/11/2023 - 09:56
Yesterday (November 29, 2023), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest – Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator – for October 2023, which showed a sharp drop in inflation. This release resolves some of the uncertainty that arose when the September-quarter data came out last month, which showed a slight uptick. I analysed that…
Thu, 30/11/2023 - 08:22

The US and Israel have been planning the construction of brand new trade routes, which are only possible through normalization agreements signed between Tel Aviv and the Arab World. So, what is the Ben Gurion Canal, India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, and why is this so important to Washington's considerations when backing the current Israeli onslaught on Gaza?

The post Ben Gurion Canal: US Supports Israel’s Gaza War Over A Trade Route appeared first on MintPress News.

Thu, 30/11/2023 - 06:00

Have you recently written an honours thesis for your Bachelor’s degree? Or another similar in-depth study? If so, did you enjoy the research and writing process? Did it turn out well in the end?

If so, you might consider capping it off by applying for this year’s JAPE Young Scholars’ Award.

Each year the editors of the Journal of Australian Political Economy consider applications from students who are interested in converting their research and writing into an article for publication in an academic journal. The successful applicant gets $2,000 and personal advice and guidance about producing an article of publishable standard. The article can be considered for inclusion in a future issue of JAPE.

Applications normally close at the end of November each year. This year, however, the deadline has been extended to December 10th.

Thu, 30/11/2023 - 05:17
Always, but always, plot your data. Remember that data quality is at least as important as data quantity. Always ask yourself, “Do these results make economic/common sense”? Check whether your “statistically significant” results are also “numerically/economically significant”. Be sure that you know exactly what assumptions are used/needed to obtain the results relating to the properties of any estimator or […]
Thu, 30/11/2023 - 04:26
. Dieses Interview ist wirklich hörenswert. Yours truly schätze Dirk Ehnts’ eher pragmatische Haltung gegenüber MMT und der Frage des Umgangs mit Staatsschulden. Er warnt davor, die MMT-Theorie als eine Art Allheilmittel zu betrachten. Er betont die Notwendigkeit, die Anwendung der MMT-Prinzipien an die spezifischen Gegebenheiten eines Landes anzupassen. Zudem weist er darauf hin, dass […]