
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:55
What rejoicing greeted the Federal Election result last year, when the corrupt and callous Coalition, under Scott Morrison, was swept from office. Surely now Australians would get political leadership whose priorities would align with their own. Instead, they’ve had to stand and watch as Australia’s federal government – a Labor government – has given unconditional Continue reading »
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:55
Shocking discrimination suffered by Jews in the past does not give Israel a warrant to make victims of others. You say anti-Zionism is a cover for antisemitism. Let me tell you why your view is wrong. An open letter to the Hon Julian Leeser MP. First may I express my sincere condolence for Israeli lives Continue reading »
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:52
Unpacking the care economy, Dr Robbie Lloyd investigates some of the key issues impacting our communities in a series of articles that explore ageing, disability, mental health reform, the challenges of health policy and reform, drugs and alcohol and domestic family violence. Crushing the human connection: Managerialism does not deliver good care Disability care is Continue reading »
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:51
Western media reports about China are of tensions and animosity, restrictions and sanctions, balloons and drugs. So, it’s easy to believe the China-US relationship has fallen apart. However, look beyond the headlines and political rhetoric, there is a different picture. The dinner held on the side of APEC saw a Who’s Who of business leaders Continue reading »
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:50
Weaponising human rights against the city and mainland China only becomes more farcical when the US and its close allies are busy violating them. Another day, another official report from the US government criticising and threatening to punish China for interfering with the affairs of Hong Kong, a Chinese city. This is getting farcical. The Continue reading »
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 04:00
It takes long term repetition to penetrate the minds of the voters If Trump taught them nothing else, he should have taught them that: Here’s Mark Esper from yesterday: Mark Esper, who served as the United States secretary of defense under Donald Trump, warned the former president “is a threat to democracy” — telling CNN Trump is “not right” and can’t beat President Joe Biden in the general election. Esper on Tuesday was asked about a Washington Post article that revealed many of Trump’s former Cabinet members — including former chief of staff John Kelly — believe he’s unfit to hold office. “You have previously said that Trump ‘unprincipled’ and should not be in the position of public service,” CNN’s Poppy Harlow began. “Will you work to publicly fight the lead that he has now or are you going to stay on the sidelines?” “I have been very clear about this matter for three years since my book came out,” Esper said. “I have been on the record multiple times and I don’t think he should be president. I don’t think he is qualified.
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 03:29

Haaretz has yet to admit it jumped the gun when it dismissed The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for documenting crucial evidence that Israeli forces killed Israelis on October 7. But new reports by the same outlet show we were right all along. Israeli outlet Haaretz has acknowledged a police report confirmed partygoers at a festival three miles from the Gaza border were killed by the Israeli military on October 7, just two weeks after the publication accused […]

The post Haaretz confirms Grayzone reporting it dismissed as ‘conspiracy’ showing Israel killed own festivalgoers first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Haaretz confirms Grayzone reporting it dismissed as ‘conspiracy’ showing Israel killed own festivalgoers appeared first on The Grayzone.

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 03:00

There are so many reasons to look forward to Thanksgiving. There’s the food, of course, but there’s also the chance to reconnect with our families and share memorable experiences with our loved ones. It’s not just full bellies and smiles, though. We all have that one uncle who, against everyone’s wishes, against the very fabric of this holiday, must always create an uncomfortable environment. You know, the one who’s always talking about how great Steely Dan is. The self-certified “Dan Fan.”

We shouldn’t expect everyone to have the same values and opinions. Thanksgiving should be an opportunity to respectfully put our differences aside—to laugh about our shared memories and strengthen our familial bonds. Instead, my uncle lectures me about the production quality of the band’s 1977 Grammy Award-winning album Aja. Or he’s force-feeding us other abhorrent cookie-cutter talking points about cameos from the Doobie Brothers’ vocalist Michael MacDonald or the fact that the duo met at Bard College. Completely tone deaf.

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 02:30
“We” are losing the country to “them.” Very recent comments by now-Speaker Mike Johnson brought to mind Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “God damn America” sermon for the Bulwark’s Tim Miller. Asked if America faces a time of judgment, Johnson replied: You all know the terrible state that we’re in. . . . The faith in our institutions is the lowest it’s ever been in the history of our nation. The culture is so dark and depraved that it almost seems irredeemable at this point. The church attendance in America dropped below 50 percent for the first time in our history since they began to measure the data sixty years ago. And the number of people who do not believe in absolute truth is now above the majority for the first time. One in three teen girls contemplated suicide last year. One in four high school students identify as something other than straight. We’re losing the country. The divergent right-wing outrage over Wright’s sermon and non-response to Johnson’s criticism of America reflects more than a double standard for black preachers and white politicians, Miller finds.
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 01:02
That’s gotta be some kind of crime How will the U.S. Supreme Court take to having a lower court essentially invalidate its recent Voting Rights Act decision in Allen v. Milligan? New York Times: A federal appeals court moved on Monday to drastically weaken the Voting Rights Act, issuing a ruling that would effectively bar private citizens and civil rights groups from filing lawsuits under a central provision of the landmark civil rights law. The ruling, made by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, found that only the federal government could bring a legal challenge under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, a crucial part of the law that prohibits election or voting practices that discriminate against Americans based on race. The opinion is almost certain to be appealed to the Supreme Court. The court’s current conservative majority has issued several key decisions in recent years that have weakened the Voting Rights Act. But the justices have upheld the law in other instances, including in a June ruling that found Alabama had drawn a racially discriminatory congressional map. Yeah, that’s bullshit.
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 00:47

Claro has been the default administration theme for Drupal for more than one year now. The list of issues and new features that we want to introduce has been growing and we’d like to bring the community together to join forces and finish initiatives needed for the new improvements (like CSS modernization) or review each other's work and get it committed.

We’ll prepare and organize efforts in advance with issues for all levels and profiles, and we’ll work on several time zones.

Join this community effort on the #admin-ui Drupal Slack channel on December 15th, 2023 and we’ll have work ready for you.

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 00:39

In the spring of 1957, in search of a summer job before heading west to graduate school, I answered a classified New York Times ad for an editorial assistant. The personnel clerk at the paper was condescending. Bachelor’s degrees are a dime a dozen, she told me. For their newsroom, she said, they were looking for Ph.D. candidates and Rhodes scholars. Still, sighing at her own generosity, she let me fill out the paperwork. I did so, but not being much of a Times reader then, I quickly moved on. I spent the rest of that day filling out other applications around town. When I got home my mother said, “You had a crank call, Bobby. A man said that,... New York Times Sports Department">Read more

Source: Farewell to the <i>New York Times</i> Sports Department appeared first on

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 00:30

Recently there has been a controversy over Bin Laden’s “Letter to America”, which he wrote in 2002, ostensibly to explain why Al Qaeda attacked America, and what they wanted from America. The Guardian, which ever since British Intelligence made them smash their own servers to destroy Wikileaks documents has been worthless removed the original translation.

Kids on Tiktok had discovered the letter and put up videos saying, in essence, “you know, he made some good points.” Such thinking for themselves is not acceptable and TikTok has also hidden the hashtag.

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 00:00

“An anti-L.G.B.T.Q. group is organizing a boycott of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade over performances by nonbinary Broadway actors, in the latest attempt to force companies to reverse course on social issues that some far-right groups consider too liberal.” — New York Times

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As you may have heard, we at One Million Moms will be boycotting this year’s Macy’s parade because two performers from Broadway musicals are members of the so-called LGBTQ community. As good Christians from Mississippi, we cannot sit by and let a pair of LGBTQ musical theater professionals up there in New York City get away with singing and dancing in flashy costumes to carefully rehearsed choreography.