
Sun, 10/03/2024 - 02:30
Still the same phonies I could only watch so much of Alabama Sen. Katie Britt’s whacked response to President Biden’s SOTU address Thursday night. The reviews are in: “What the hell am I watching right now?” an unnamed Trump adviser told Rolling Stone. “It’s one of our biggest disasters ever,” another unnamed Republican strategist told the Daily Beast. Look, we know these people are shameless phonies, hypocrites and worse. They’ve given RINO a whole new meaning. They are embarrassments as Americans. Now, the Britt outtakes. I met Jess Piper briefly at Netroots-Chicago last summer. Here’s her anaylsis of Stepford Katie’s delivery. Haven’t lived half a century in the South not to recognize that practiced “church testimony” delivery. Update: A key, tear-stained tale presented by Britt has been throughly revealed as deliberately misleading. Biden rebutter Sen. Britt blasted for recycling 20-year-old sex traffic story to attack border policy This guy tells all: Post by @motlet02 View on Threads ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● For The Win, 5th Edition is ready for download.
Sun, 10/03/2024 - 01:00
A personality cult in search of a personality You know what No Labels is. Digby’s been shouting it. But they are stuck with no serious candidate yet still hope to keep the spoiler train roling. Without the spoiling. Roll tape leaked to The New Republic: The contents of the call offered nothing to dispel this fear. The call consisted of No Labels party members from numerous states, each reporting on what members in their states and regions were thinking and feeling. While many of these local leaders said there’s a lot of enthusiasm for a No Labels run, some of them reported that members are wary of functioning as a spoiler. For instance, a No Labels leader in Idaho said that while members are all for run, they believe the ticket should “only” be offered to a candidate who has a “reasonable path to succeed and not be a spoiler.” A leader in Iowa said the candidate must be “strong” and have “the ability to win.” They don’t know what they want but they want it now. Somehow. What was striking about this call was how deeply a lot of these party members have bought into No Labels’ hype.
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 20:35
The power structures within the profession reinforce the mainstream in different ways, including through the tyranny of so-called top journals and academic and professional employment. Such pressures and incentives divert many of the brightest minds from a genuine study of the economy (to try to understand its workings and the implications for people) to what can […]
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 11:30
Watch the following if you have time. It is utterly inspiring. We used to talk a lot about ecology but I feel as if it’s slipped down the list of priorities as we face other environmental challenges. This story is such a perfect lesson in how we humans screw everything up and how nature, left alone, can heal itself.
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 10:00
They all robotically acceded to Trump’s order to install his hand-picked sycophant and his daughter-in-law so they will help pay his legal bills. And they’ll take millions in small donations from brainwashed Americans who can’t afford it. I’d feel sorry for them if they didn’t support that orange fascist which is inexcusable. The Republican National Committee on Friday selected new leaders who were handpicked by former President Donald J. Trump, a move expected to tighten the expected nominee’s hold on the party’s machinery ahead of the general election. The committee unanimously elected Michael Whatley, who led the North Carolina Republican Party and was the R.N.C.’s general counsel, as its chair and Lara Trump, Mr. Trump’s daughter-in-law, as co-chair. Both Mr. Whatley and Ms. Trump were endorsed by Mr. Trump last month after Ronna McDaniel, the committee’s leader since 2017, privately told the former president she planned to leave the position. Ms.
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 08:30
He still plays the January 6th choir before his rallies. And he’s played the J6 footage too. But nothing beats this particular moment and while I know the general public maybe not be aware of the astonishing, symbolism of what he did that day, there is no excuse for the media to cover this race without keeping this in the back of their minds when they play the shallow horse race game and pile on Joe Biden over trivialities. They live in the country too and they know what this man is. They are abdicating their duty to inform.
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 07:27

Iraq war veteran Mike Prysner joins the MintCast podcast to explain the hidden history of self-immolation and anti-war protests among active duty members protesting against US wars dating back to the 1800s.

The post US Soldier Reveals Why Aaron Bushnell Self-Immolated, with Mike Prysner appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 09/03/2024 - 07:00
Biden likes the political fray. It’s his life. JV Last says we shouldn’t be surprised by Biden’s performance last night because he’s actually good at this stuff. And he is. But for some reason people always forget that until he does it again. Anyway, Last has an interesting observation about the campaign that I think is correct: But I’m not here to sell t-shirts. I’m here to point out one of the fundamental asymmetries that was on display last night and how it’s going to drive this campaign. Donald Trump is a dominance politician. His mode of operation is to bully and intimidate. He is bad at making deals. (Shocking, I know.) He is personally offended by people who do not prostrate themselves to him. He has no interest in legislating and no policy goals he seeks to achieve. His theory of the 2024 election is that he will drive the turnout of his base—primarily rural white men without college degrees who do not often vote—to such a degree that their numbers swamp an average Democratic turnout and the turnout of frequent-voting independents. Trump is interested in capitulation, not persuasion.
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 05:30
If this is her kitchen I feel sorry for her family. It looks like a demo home in a housing tract that they haven’t bothered to style yet. Republicans were not pleased: A GOP strategist told The Daily Beast that Britt’s delivery quickly became a gossip item Thursday night among operatives connected to Donald Trump—something that could have potential implications for her consideration as a vice presidential pick on the 2024 ticket. “Everyone’s fucking losing it,” this Republican said, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations. “It’s one of our biggest disasters ever.” “No one was surprised that [Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell’s handpicked senator resonated so poorly with the base,” said a source close to Trump, who requested anonymity for similar reasons. (Britt is a favorite of McConnell, which has made Trumpworld suspicious.) “But her performance was the stuff of nightmares and people were surprised by that,” they continued.
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 05:08
Lars Syll har en blogg som läses av många runtom i världen och är även aktiv på Twitter, två anledningar bakom hans placering på listan bland världens mest inflytelserika ekonomer. På bloggen växlar han mellan att skriva på de fem språk han kan, svenska, franska, tyska, italienska och engelska och beskriver sig själv som en renässansmänniska […]
Sat, 09/03/2024 - 05:01

Venturing into male-dominated fields like tech, politics, and finance is generally considered safe for women. But we’re still not out of the woods quite yet. Every year, there are countless reports of career-damaging and annoying encounters with men in the wild. Some simple common-sense tips can help you safely navigate these fields without being eaten alive or called “just a diversity hire.”

Make yourself look bigger and use assertive body language.

Lower every chair other than your own in the conference room before the meeting. Wear pants and sit with your legs apart. Stand with squared shoulders and confidently provide your opinion. Do not back down or break eye contact even if you suspect the CTO knows you have a protein bar in your bag.

Do not feed the men.

They have a natural fear of women, and feeding them lowers these inhibitions. Leave baked goods and birthday treats at home or keep them sealed in an airtight bag in your desk so they don’t come sniffing around.

Sat, 09/03/2024 - 04:57
Peace can come through the immediate implementation of the two-state solution, making the admission of Palestine to the United Nations the starting point, not the ending point. The two-state solution is enshrined in international law and is the only viable path to a long-lasting peace. All other solutions—a continuation of Israel’s apartheid regime, one bi-national Continue reading »