
Sun, 06/08/2023 - 04:51
In the Ukraine War, scholar Serhii Plokhy has his own biases, which can get in the way of his profession’s fidelity to evidence. Are historians, as Serhii Plokhy suggests, really the worst interpreters of current events, except for everyone else? As a historian myself, I would like to believe so. It’s a comforting thought at Continue reading »
Sun, 06/08/2023 - 04:50
At 3 a.m. on July 26, 2023, the presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Troops, led by Brigadier General Abdourahmane Tchiani closed the country’s borders and declared a curfew.  The coup d’état was immediately condemned by the Economic Community of West African States, by the African Union, and by the European Union. Both Continue reading »
Sun, 06/08/2023 - 03:30
This is ridiculous: M. Evan Corcoran, a lawyer who accompanied former President Donald J. Trump to court this week for his arraignment on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election, has given crucial evidence in Mr. Trump’s other federal case — the one accusing him of illegally hoarding classified documents. Another lawyer close to Mr. Trump, Boris Epshteyn, sat for an interview with prosecutors this spring and could be one of the former president’s co-conspirators in the election tampering case. And Mr. Epshteyn’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, is defending Mr. Trump against both the documents and election case indictments. The legal team that Mr. Trump has assembled to represent him in the twin prosecutions by the special counsel, Jack Smith, is marked by a tangled web of potential conflicts and overlapping interests — so much so that Mr. Smith’s office has started asking questions.
Sun, 06/08/2023 - 02:00
“What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” This is the Trump agenda. Nothing else really matters. And there are many, many Republican voters who are all in with him on this: DONALD TRUMP IS a long, long way from winning the GOP primary, let alone retaking the White House. But he always has revenge on his mind, and his allies are preparing to use a future administration to not only undo all of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s work — but to take vengeance on Smith, and on virtually everyone else, who dared investigate Trump during his time out of power. Rosters full of MAGAfied lawyers are being assembled. Plans are being laid for an entire new office of the Justice Department dedicated to “election integrity.” An assembly line is being prepared of revenge-focused “special counsels” and “special prosecutors.” Gameplans for making Smith’s life hell, starting in Jan. 2025, have already been discussed with Trump himself.
Sun, 06/08/2023 - 00:30
Share and enjoy NC state Rep. Lindsey Prather (D), a former educator, caught my attention this morning with this post from Houston. If you did not know the name Lauren Ashley before. Remember it now. “This woman needs to run for office. I’ll donate to her campaign and get my friends to do the same,” responded substacker Charlotte Clymer. That’s Mike Miles whom Ashley is castigating. He is the recently state-appointed Houston schools supertintendent. Because as in many other GOP-controlled states, democracy is optional in Texas. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) of frozen constituents, no water breaks for construction workers, and dead bodies in floating razor wire barriers fame took over the Houston Independent School System (HISD) in March: After a prolonged legal battle and weeks of speculation, the Texas Education Agency on Wednesday confirmed it’s removing Houston Independent School District’s democratically elected school board and superintendent, effectively putting the state in charge of its largest school district.
Sat, 05/08/2023 - 23:00
Trump plays ‘chicken’ with the court U.S. Magistrate Judge Moxila A. Upadhyaya might as well have warned a toddler in a highchair not to throw his spoon onto the floor … again. During Donald Trump’s first court appearance Thursday on Jan. 6 conspiracy charges, Upadhyaya issued a stern (and unusual) warning to the accused before releasing him on bond: “It is a crime to try to influence a juror or to threaten or attempt to bribe a witness or any other person who may have information about your case, or to retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution, or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice. Do you understand these warnings and consequences, sir?” Trump replied in the affirmative, just as he had before the world on Jan. 20, 2017, when he swore to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States” and to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” We know how that worked out. Violation of those conditions could lead to Trump’s being held until trial and could add to his sentence if convicted, Upadhyaya warned.
Sat, 05/08/2023 - 09:30
I guess he still thinks he can out-Trump Trump: What in the hell is this outfit, by the way? Is he trying to channel Glenn Youngkin in his clothes and Trump in his blood thirsty language? And why does he have his name plastered all over his shirts, vests and jackets? His wife does too. Are they afraid people won’t recognize them? If this is the re-tool it’s hard to see that it will work. Nobody does “blood-thirsty sociopath” like Donald Trump. The cult loves this stuff but they want it delivered with the glamour of the billionaire TV Star not some short guy in a vest with his name on it.
Sat, 05/08/2023 - 08:00
This should be standard in any Trump indictment. He constantly obtructs justice: Lawyers who practice frequently in Washington, D.C., including MSNBC contributor Glenn Kirschner, say that most of the conditions of release imposed on Trump by the magistrate judge were standard, including the requirement that he not commit a crime while free. However, they say that Judge Moxila Upadhyaya did issue a warning to Trump that is not commonly given to defendants at arraignments: “Finally, sir, I want to remind you that it is a crime to try to influence a juror, or to threaten or attempt to bribe a witness or any other person who may have information about your case, or to retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution, or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice.” Andrew Weissman had a similar impression: [T]he standard condition that a judge usually emphasizes to a defendant is that they have to show up at each court appearance. That is the most important thing.
Sat, 05/08/2023 - 06:30
I am unwilling to forgive Mike Pence for his four years of servility to a sociopath and his dereliction in failing to tell the public that Trump was planning a coup as he was doing it. But I guess we do have to acknowledge that he seems to have finally realized that there is no constituency for him anywhere and that he might as well be instrumental in ensuring that Trump doesn’t have the chance to do it again. Josh Marshall writes: Trump’s coup indictment and his own conspicuous role in the indictment narrative and chain of evidence seem finally to have convinced Pence that this is a divide he simply cannot straddle. You’re either on Team Coup or you’re not. Some quotes from the 48 hours after the indictment was handed down. Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump and his advisors . . . asked me . . . essentially to overturn the election. And to keep faith with the oath that I made to the American people and to Almighty God, I rejected that out of hand. And I did my duty that day.” Pence: “Let’s be clear on this point. It wasn’t that they asked for a pause.