
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 04:56
At the Australian Labor Party’s upcoming national conference in Brisbane, recognition of a Palestinian state — pursuant to Labor’s 2021 national platform that supports the recognition of Israel and Palestine as part of a two-state solution — is on the agenda. Senior Labor party figures, including former Foreign Ministers Bob Carr and Gareth Evans, have already come out in Continue reading »
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 04:56
White Australians like to think of themselves as an egalitarian and frank people, despising pretentiousness, while basking in a reputation for larrikinism and mateship. But this is all a front, papering over a culture that is deeply racist, excessively masculinist, and incorrigibly populist. Indeed, from its very beginnings, white Australia has been a morally backward Continue reading »
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 04:55
In the Sofronoff inquiry, Counsel Assisting, Ms Erin Longbottom went straight for the jugular of Shane Drumgold, prosecutor in the Bruce Lehrmann rape trial. She made mincemeat of him. By the end of her display of complete dominance, he was a shattered wreck. He had withdrawn his suggestions of political interference, softened his criticism of Continue reading »
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 04:54
The Robodebt Royal Commission revelations have triggered revulsion in all fair-minded Australians. They’ve also stimulated a critically important national conversation about what could be going on in Australian government, including in the Australian Public Service (APS), that such a thing was even possible. For 40 years now, without most Australians realising it, the APS has Continue reading »
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 04:52
The United States is going through a profound transition to which there are only difficult and costly choices. In this latest book on America’s political chaos, we are taken deep into the future of an unacceptable but perhaps unavoidable breakup of the union. Is America close to civil war, and how will the next one Continue reading »
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 03:00

A dreary afternoon. Rain patters against the windows. You’re inside getting cozy in your favorite recliner, about to open a new Goodreads tab.

Ahh. There’s nothing quite like it, is there?

When we dive into Goodreads, we get to explore exciting worlds brimming with possibilities. Exhilarating progress updates keep us glued to the page for hours on end. Colorful notification icons pop up and literally reshape our minds. Memorable characters come along in the comment section and captivate us with their vitriol and misogyny.

In fact, Goodreads helps us develop habits we’ll have with us for the rest of our lives. Like mindlessly checking Goodreads all the time and creating little book lists with the sole purpose of broadcasting our taste to everyone.

Yes, there’s something wonderfully addictive about plopping down in a comfy spot and being showy on the internet about how many books you’ve read. Sometimes Goodreads can be so engaging you can’t help but sit there, totally oblivious to the outside world, cyberbullying people about ’80s sci-fi novels, losing track of time.

Tue, 08/08/2023 - 02:00
I’m sorry, this still isn’t an unequivocal acknowledgement of reality: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Sunday rejected Donald Trump’s claim that he was the true winner of the 2020 presidential election in his most forceful comments to date on the matter. “Whoever puts their hand on the Bible on Jan. 20 every four years is the winner,” DeSantis told NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns in his first broadcast network interview since he launched his presidential campaign. DeSantis continued to discuss all the ways he believed the previous presidential election was not perfect. But pressed further, he clearly stated that Trump lost. “But respectfully, you did not clearly answer that question,” Burns said. “And if you can’t give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on whether or not he lost —” “No, of course he lost,” DeSantis said, adding, “Joe Biden’s the president.” Why is everyone acting like that’s a straight answer? He’s still trying to have it both ways and it sounds like mush.
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 00:30
So this is new From CNN’s 5 Things newsletter this morning (not online at this hour): Extreme weather More than 120 million people in the Eastern US are at risk of severe thunderstorms today, while heat waves in the South continue their record streaks. The worst of the storms are expected to impact a zone stretching from northern Alabama to southern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, including Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charlotte, Washington, DC, Atlanta and Raleigh. The area is under enhanced risk, level 3 out of 5, for severe storms, forecasters said. Meanwhile, excessive heat warnings remain in effect “for the foreseeable future” across the southern part of the country, from southeast California into Florida, the National Weather Service said. And in Phoenix, Arizona, officials are trying a unique approach to reduce the temperature of pavement using a form of sunscreen, but for roads. Don’t forget to unplug your electronics. A guy who lived up near the ridge where Blue Ridge Parkway runs once related that that was standard practice when lightning was in the area.
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 23:37
Ukraine Has Lost & A Negotiated Peace Is The Only Sane & Humane Solution

OK, I’m on the record from the start saying Ukraine would lose the war militarily. The counteroffensive has failed. NATO equipped and trained an entire army for Ukraine and it didn’t even get to the main defensive lines.

The Americans told the Ukrainians to charge entrenched, mined positions without air superiority and in the face of an enemy with more artillery than them.

That went about as you’d expect.

The Ukrainians are not taking back the territory they have lost, let alone Crimea, which was always a ludicrous fantasy.

Mon, 07/08/2023 - 23:00
Warping reality or just warped? Donald Trump faces a series of civil and criminal trials in the coming years that will tax both his Roy Cohn-ish practice of denying, deflecting and distracting and his Norman Vincent Peale-inspired approach to bending reality to his will. Not that he won’t send out his bargain-basement attorneys to sell us a dead parrot (New York Times): Appearing on five television networks Sunday morning, a lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump argued that his actions in the effort to overturn the 2020 election fell short of crimes and were merely “aspirational.” The remarks from his lawyer, John F. Lauro, came as Mr. Trump was blanketing his social media platform, Truth Social, with posts suggesting that his legal team was going to seek the recusal of Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, the federal judge overseeing the case, and try to move his trial out of Washington. Trump’s efforts to pressure his vice president and state elections officials into overturning the 2020 election results were merely aspirational. And the “Norwegian Blue” is just resting.
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 22:51
One of my recurring fantasies is to reanimate Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan on UK and Dutch trains, to tell them the year, and then ask them where they think they are—with only the ownership information and the performance and quality of the carriages to go on. The UK has privatised its rail system, the … Continue reading "Railroaded: Bring Back Thatcher and Reagan"