
Wed, 09/08/2023 - 02:00
Yes it is… Fox News anchor Julie Banderas on Monday curiously defended Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election by insisting that “hatching schemes to stay in office” while “claiming you won an election you know you lost” are not crimes. While serving as guest anchor on Monday’s broadcast of The Faulkner Focus, Banderas interviewed former deputy assistant attorney general Tom Dupree about Trump’s attempt to move the Jan. 6 trial to West Virginia and force the judge to recuse herself. After Dupree said Trump’s legal team faced an “uphill battle” on both fronts, Banderas then raged about how it was “impossible” for the thrice-indicted ex-president to be “impartially” tried in that case. She also noted that Trump is expected to soon be indicted for a fourth time, this time in Georgia over his election meddling efforts in that state. “Politics written all over it,” she exclaimed. “Attorneys are supposed to represent the law, not politics, OK? Judges, same! Judges are the only ones able to recuse themselves, OK?
Wed, 09/08/2023 - 01:52
It’s because the climate crisis is now visible to everyone that governments are giving the fossil fuel industry everything it demands. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 1st August 2023 To understand this moment, we have to recognise that there is an existential struggle on both sides. While environmental scientists and activists fight for […]
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 23:29

In his message to the troops prior to the July 4th weekend, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin offered high praise indeed. “We have the greatest fighting force in human history,” he tweeted, connecting that claim to the U.S. having patriots of all colors, creeds, and backgrounds “who bravely volunteer to defend our country and our values.” As a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel from a working-class background who volunteered to serve more than four decades ago, who am I to argue with Austin? Shouldn’t I just bask in the glow of his praise for today’s troops, reflecting on my own honorable service near the end of what now must be thought of as the First Cold War? Yet I confess... Read more

Tue, 08/08/2023 - 23:00
A republic for Republicans “High-minded claims that we are not a democracy surreptitiously fuse republic with minority rule rather than popular government,” wrote George Thomas in 2020. The Wohlford Professor of American Political Institutions at Claremont McKenna College was discussing how “we’re a republic, not a democracy” has morphed from campus conservative pedantry to a Republican ruling philosophy. “Enabling sustained minority rule at the national level is not a feature of our constitutional design, but a perversion of it,” Thomas argued. “Routine minority rule is neither desirable nor sustainable, and makes it difficult to characterize the country as either a democracy or a republic.” When it comes to perverting constitutional design, Republicans in this century have demonstrated a serious knack for it. Consider Ohio’s special election today drafted to change how Ohio has amended its constitution for over a century. It’s not just sustained minority rule at the national level that should concern Americans.
Tue, 08/08/2023 - 22:00

Welcome to Yoga with Aditi. I’m Aditi, and the man snoring in the corner is Biju Uncle. Today’s yoga series is for my fellow South Asians. Hop into something comfy—nighties with holes are encouraged—and let’s begin.

Let’s start with a quick check-in. Notice what energy you’re bringing to the mat today. Are you nervous? Are you holding tension in your jaw? Is your cholesterol through the roof due to the lingering effects of centuries of British colonial rule? Try to put your stressors aside, at least for the next twenty minutes. It’s time to join me and your fellow yogis, who are mostly white ladies, for a quick but powerful session.

We will start today’s practice with Yoga for When Your Relatives Ask, “When Are You Getting Married?” You’ve been requesting this one a lot in the comments. This is the perfect sequence for when Aunty is pestering you for “good news,” and no, the new taco place opening on your corner doesn’t count.

Tue, 08/08/2023 - 18:00
Nicholas Vause and Carolin Pflueger Recently, Pflueger, Siriwardane and Sunderam (2020) proposed a new measure of investor risk perceptions based on the cross-section of stock prices. Using that measure, they found that when risk perceptions are high, the cost of capital of risky firms is high and subsequently real investment and employment decline in the … Continue reading Risk perceptions and economic activity in the United Kingdom