
Tue, 04/04/2023 - 23:30

Gustavo Petro doesn’t just want to transform his own country; he wants to change the world. The new leader of Colombia, who took office last August, is targeting what he calls his nation’s “economy of death.” That means pivoting away from oil, natural gas, coal, and narcotics toward more sustainable economic activities. Given that oil and coal make up half his country’s exports — and Colombia is the world’s leading cocaine producer — that’s not going to be easy. Still, if Colombia were to undertake such a pivot, it would prove to other countries similarly addicted to such powerful substances — including the United States — that radical change is possible. With the latest news that the international community will... Read more

Tue, 04/04/2023 - 23:00
Howdya like that border, Vlad? The Russian president’s imperial adventurism has not succeeded in bringing Ukraine back under Kremlin control. What it has succeeded in doing is doubling Russia’s land border with NATO. Except Finland did that for him (Washington Post): Finland is set to formally join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Tuesday, a historic shift for a country that once insisted it was safer outside the military alliance, a dramatic rebuke to Russia and a sign of how President Vladimir Putin’s gamble in Ukraine is upending the post-Cold War order. Finnish membership will double NATO’s land border with Russia, adding more than 800 miles. It will also bolster the alliance’s presence around the Baltic Sea and enhance its position in the Arctic. To justify his unprovoked attack on Ukraine, Putin cited the possibility of NATO expansion. Now, his war has brought a bigger, stronger NATO to his door. Whoops. Putin was this close to gutting NATO when his bootlickin’ apologist occupied the Oval Office. Helsinki was not a NATO member — making it neutral territory — when the two met there in 2018.
Tue, 04/04/2023 - 23:00

Roger Reeves is an ecstatic poet, a poet of suffering transmuted into higher-order sound. Best Barbarian has the structure of a jazz number. The melody is the first twenty poems—starting with a whirling riff on Grendel and James Baldwin—then “Children Listen,” “Sovereign Silence, or The City,” “Echo: From the Mountain,” “So, Ecstasy” and others, each concerned with the nature of a kind of repeated or formal sound. Then comes the improvisation, the loosening spontaneity, which is section two, made up of two long poems as enriched by the Aeneid, Chaucer, and Dante as they are by the idea of a solo that tells a story. “Domestic Violence” is fierce but inquiring, in its seeing, in its sense of the hell that is a state that shoots down unarmed Black men.

Tue, 04/04/2023 - 22:56
Hugo Mercier, Melissa Schwartzberg and I have two closely related publications on what we’ve been calling “No-Bullshit Democracy.” One is aimed at academics – it’s a very short piece that has just been officially published in American Political Science Review. The other just came out in Democracy. It’s aimed at a broader audience, and is […]
Tue, 04/04/2023 - 22:00

A small, red train packed with toys for the children of a nearby village sat stranded at the base of a steep hill.

“Look!” shouted a toy clown, which wasn’t considered creepy within the context of the time period. The other toys hurried their heads out the windows of the red, marooned train to see a little blue engine puffing down the tracks toward them.

“You there, Engine,” the clown shouted. “We are, sadly, unable to crest this hill. Do you think you would be able to help us get to the other side so that we may bring joy to all of the children of the town?”

“Even though I am small, I think I can,” the Little Blue Engine said as the toys erupted in cheers.

“But I don’t think I’m going to.”

The cheering stopped.

“Why not?” asked a befuddled marionette, which was also a period-appropriate toy for a child and not yet a horrifying closet surprise.

Tue, 04/04/2023 - 21:00

By Renuka Rayasam/ Kaiser Health News In 2011, Jeffrey Motts was executed in South Carolina. More than a decade later, the state hasn’t carried out another execution because officials have struggled to obtain the drugs needed for lethal injection. Now, to resume executions, lawmakers are debating a bill that would further shroud the state’s lethal injection […]

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Tue, 04/04/2023 - 20:12

Russia should release Evan Gershkovich; if as part of a prisoner swap it should be speedily concluded. Gershkovich was arrested in Ekaterinburg while investigating the Wagner Group. Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s grimmest, most mafia dominated and least open cities, which I have myself visited specifically to investigate the murders of local Russian journalists. That […]

The post Evan Gershkovich and the Perils of Journalism Post Assange Persecution appeared first on Craig Murray.

Tue, 04/04/2023 - 20:07

On the floor of Germany’s parliament, Left Party MP Sevim Dağdelen called for the c. 38,000 US soldiers in her country to leave, and to take their nuclear weapons with them. She lamented that Washington “doesn’t actually want allies, just loyal vassals”.

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Tue, 04/04/2023 - 20:03

"Despite internal awareness, the company systematically downplayed the problem to the public, instead promoting more and more fossil fuel use despite the dangers," said one expert. "Now, five decades later, Shell continues to dawdle and delay."

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