Yesterday, five metro mayors led by Greater Manchester’s Andy Burnham announced plans to launch legal action to prevent the closure of 1000 railway ticket offices across England. The government’s proposals, which would result in up to 2000 job losses, have been met with strong opposition from railway workers and equalities groups who argue the shuttering […]
Join us TOMORROW, Thursday, July 20 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, for our regularly scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits. (Convert to your local time zone.)
In this month's informal chat, we'll be continuing last month's discussion about the Drupal 10 upgrade. Feeling stuck? Got successes or challenges to share? Got something else entirely on your mind? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc:!
All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.
This free call is sponsored by and open to everyone.
We’re looking for someone to take over a temporary lease while our bedmate goes on a once-in-a-lifetime visit to a chocolate factory.
About Us
We’re three grandparents who sleep in the same bed in the middle of our daughter/daughter-in-law’s one-bedroom efficiency. We spend all our time in bed, knitting, sleeping, eating soup, watching TV, and raising our sad malnourished grandson. Until recently, none of us had left the bed in over twenty years, but a candy-related miracle has resulted in a sudden vacancy.
Is this a sex thing?
No. There was a lot of misunderstanding about our first post, so we had to take it down. To clarify, we are not interested in couples; we’re looking for a single, platonic bedmate. Until yesterday, none of us had so much as stretched our legs in several decades, so you can imagine we don’t get up to much sexually. It makes for a pretty symbiotic relationship, so we’d rather not ruin that by adding sexual tension to the bed. Also, our muscles have atrophied to the point of disuse.
A conversation on current US politics with Thomas Frank.
The post Seymour Hersh: Ordinary People by the Millions appeared first on MintPress News.
Despite its near complete failure, the Oslo Accords succeeded in one thing: it provided Israel with a Palestinian force whose main mission is to assist the Israeli occupation in its quest to maintain total control over the West Bank.
The post PA President Mahmoud Abbas: A Puppet in the Hands of Israel and the US? appeared first on MintPress News.
Over two books, both published by The Waywiser Press, Eric McHenry has built up a world of poetry that’s at once lighthearted and serious, cantankerous and comical. It’s populated with lullabies and villanelles and references that defy easy category—ranging from, for instance, Kansas history to early hip-hop to baseball to Sam Cooke lyrics to true crime stumpers to economic theory—the list goes on. His formal rigor keeps the work from sprawling, and sometimes he fits syntax to stanza, and speech to meter, in that sturdy inevitable-seeming, and plainspoken register we haven’t heard much since Auden, Larkin, Brooks, or Hayden. His first book, Potscrubber Lullabies, begins with a poem on coming home, a little bit to the speaker’s surprise; a few lines on time’s passing, a song of wondering elegy in subtly rhyming stanzas:
After Beloit I went back to the paper
and wrote arts features for eight dollars an hour,
and lived in the Gem Building, on the block between
Topeka High with its Gothic tower
and the disheveled Statehouse with its green
dome of oxidizing copper.