The fight could influence whether Georgia stays blue in 2024’s Senate and presidential races.
The post No One Believes in Cop City. So Why Did Atlanta’s City Council Fund It? appeared first on The Intercept.
As long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve made notes of articles I wanted to write about at some point, and then, mostly, I haven’t written about them, generally because they don’t support a full article.
When I was the managing editor at the Agonist I’d put up a quick takes post fairly often, and use those links. The difference from Tony’s excellent roundups, is that every link gets some commentary.
I’m going to start doing “Quick Takes” here, and if people like them I’ll continue.
How playing with robot animal companions boosts patients’ health.
The post The Pet That Doesn’t Poop appeared first on Nautilus.
Our cutting-edge lemonade stand harnesses the insight of artificial intelligence to help us understand our customers’ needs like never before. We’re confident this next-gen technology was a valuable investment for our twenty-five-cent children’s drink business.
Before we opened our lemonade stand, we asked ourselves, what do our customers want? We immediately said lemonade, because that’s all we can offer as a pair of nine-year-olds, but then we had to think of some other stuff because our parents told us to use a full hour to answer that question.
So we talked mindlessly and wasted time looking up words we heard adults at home use, like “scalability,” “machine learning,” and “Malcolm Gladwell.” In the end, we determined that our business (the one constructed out of milk crates and posterboard) needed the unproven and expensive power of AI. Our parents said we were behaving exactly like real-life entrepreneurs.