
Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:34

Ramzy Baroud sheds light on the ongoing protests in Israel and their limited impact on the country's inherently racist institutions and ongoing military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

The post Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With the Palestinian Struggle for Equality appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:34


Nice figure of speech “injected!”… wow…

They are referring to the $2T of reserve balances currently in the RRP… why are they in that Fed account and not in Depository accounts where they could be utilized to settle unanticipated withdrawals without requiring sales of other HQLA at current reduced prices due to the dumb monetarists rate increases?

Why did the dumb Art degree people at the Fed reduce the RRR from 10% to 0% in the first place?

What is bad about requiring Depositories to maintain a ready USD balance of direct CB liabilities of  a small 10% of their deposit liabilities in case of unanticipated withdrawals?

If the deposits flow to another depository (ie withdrawals) from available reserve balances that transaction actually INCREASES the Depository’s SLR with ZERO effect on Capital…

Hard to understand how the Art degree brain works… 🤔

Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:29

In 1937, the American folklorist Alan Lomax invited Louisiana folksinger Huddie Ledbetter (better known as Lead Belly) to record some of his songs for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Lead Belly and his wife Martha searched in vain for a place to spend a few nights nearby. But they were Black and no hotel would give them shelter, nor would any Black landlord let them in, because they were accompanied by Lomax, who was white. A white friend of Lomax’s finally agreed to put them up, although his landlord screamed abuse at him and threatened to call the police. In response to this encounter with D.C.’s Jim Crow laws, Lead Belly wrote a song, “The Bourgeois Blues,” recounting... Read more

Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:00
A middle-aged man – Ha Sang-hyun, played by Song Kang-ho – looks tenderly at a baby and asks: ‘How could anyone throw him away?’ This has been interpreted as a sentimental moment in a sentimental movie, and Kang-ho won the Best Actor award at Cannes for that tender look and others like it. But ‘sentimental’ doesn’t seem quite the right designation, since the man himself steals and sells children.
Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:00
More self-serving outrage from the GOP Without getting overly wonky here, I’ve studied the Electronic Registration Information Centers (ERIC) efforts at voter roll maintenance for several years. Multiple red states in recent weeks have exited the ERIC network. The consortium of over two dozen states (it was over 30) share voter registration data in a coordinated effort to eliminate multi-state registrants, to identify registrants who have moved within and between states, to identify those who have died, and to identify people who vote in more than one state in an election. There seem to be quite a few of the last group in Florida, one of several red states that exited ERIC last week. Readers who remember Kansas’ Kris Kobach’s defunct Interstate Crosscheck system and its history of bad data matching, take note. Originally a project of The Pew Charitable Trusts, ERIC is what Interstate Crosscheck purported to be and was not. Kobach’s real project was not election integrity but promoting the notion that voter fraud was widespread and photo IDs necessary to combating the phantom menace. Republicans loved it.
Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:00


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Jean Marseille recorded these dispatches on his phone while surviving on the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from October through December 2022. As the chaos that followed the assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 devolved into further lawlessness, Jean witnessed firsthand a city in free fall.

Fri, 17/03/2023 - 00:00
The problem is that democracy and capitalism don’t much like each other any more. Their underlying affinities have got lost in the miserable business of coexisting day to day. Businesspeople don’t want to be hectored by politicians who have never run a whelk stall. Politicians don’t want to be patronised by businesspeople who have never won a vote (‘Fuck business,’ as Boris Johnson neatly put it).