
Mon, 09/01/2023 - 22:05

Over 130,000 NHS staff vacancies. 65% of junior doctors actively looking to quit, with 4 in 10 already having plans to do so. Record numbers waiting over 12 hours to be seen in A&E. Hundreds of avoidable deaths every week. The health service as we know it has arguably already collapsed. Anti-trade union legalisation is […]

Mon, 09/01/2023 - 21:30
A guide for local authority Councillors wishing to prevent data discrimination occurring within their Council. Importance of Data Protection & working to eradicate data discrimination In the UK, several laws, including the UK GDPR and 2018 Data Protection Act, address personal data protection. Personal data can include someone’s name, email address, and location. ‘Sensitive’ personal […]
Mon, 09/01/2023 - 21:30
Fresno Pacific University (FPU) has just laid off Nathan Carson, director of the university’s philosophy program and its only full-time (and tenured) philosophy professor, and plans to eliminate the school’s philosophy major and minor programs. An appeal of the decision has been made and is currently being considered by the administration. The decision on the appeal is expected on January 13th. Dr. Carson is asking members of the philosophy profession to support the appeal of the decision to remove Philosophy at Fresno Pacific University. Messages of support can be directed to FPU President André Stephens, FPU by email to The Philosophy Program at Fresno Pacific has been in place for 47 years, according to Dr. Carson. The cuts, which eliminated not just the sole full-time philosophy professor, but 4% of the university’s total faculty, were intended to help the university administration cope with a multi-million-dollar budget deficit it created. Regarding the cuts, Dr.
Mon, 09/01/2023 - 21:00
The weekly report on new and revised entries at online philosophy resources and new reviews of philosophy books… SEP New: Existentialism by Kevin Aho. Revised: Haecceitism by Sam Cowling. Beardsley’s Aesthetics by Michael Wreen. Democritus by Sylvia Berryman. Bernardino Telesio by Michaela Boenke. Kant’s Account of Reason by Garrath Williams. IEP           The Value of Art by Harry Drummond. NDPR         A Middle Way: A Non-Fundamental Approach to Many-Body Physics by Robert W. Batterman is reviewed by Jula R.S. Bursten. Wilderness, Morality, and Value by Joshua Duclos is reviewed by Kyle Johannsen. Analytical Essay on the Faculties of the Soul by Charles Bonnet is reviewed by John H. Zammito. 1000-Word Philosophy         Arguments: Why Do You Believe What You Believe? by Thomas Metcalf. Project Vox     ∅ Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media In Praise of Failure by Costica Bradatan is reviewed by Jenifer Szalai at The New York Times. Is St. Thomas’ Aristotelian Philosophy of Nature Obsolete? by Robert C. Koons is reviewed by Edward Feser at Public Discourse. Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility by Martha C.