The great problem with Trump, predictively, is that he’s fickle. He often doesn’t do what he says he’ll do. Even if he was sincere he’s easily handled by flatterers. The best model for Trump is an arrogant and touchy king who wants to be made to feel he’s amazing.
This means that court games matter even more than in a normal Presidency, and those who play them best have the most power and influence.
But even a good courtier can step wrong with Trump and be pushed out. The limelight has to stay on Trump himself. A courtier can have great power, but the credit and the media must flow to the top. The last thing any courtier wants is to have people saying publicly that they’re the power behind the throne.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The arc of the moral universe is feeling pretty stiff this morning.
The arc of the moral universe overslept.
The arc of the moral universe didn’t sleep at all.
The arc of the moral universe just walked into the kitchen but forgot what it was looking for. It mindlessly opens the refrigerator as if the answer might be sitting next to the milk. All the shelves are empty.
The arc of the moral universe says, Goddammit.
The arc of the moral universe is buffering.
The arc of the moral universe has passed the same Pizza Hut three times. It can’t read a map for shit.
The arc of the moral universe is rocking back and forth in the bathtub.
The arc of the moral universe is out of ideas.
The arc of the moral universe wants you to please wait. Your call is important to it.
The arc of the moral universe is being talked over by your worst uncle.
The arc of the moral universe called in sick today.
On the trail of an extinct mustelid in Maine.
The post A Mink Tale appeared first on Nautilus.
Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgaard on the inspiration for his latest novel and his turn to sci-fi.
The post Don’t We Belong to Nature? appeared first on Nautilus.