
Thu, 31/10/2024 - 00:00

Our friends at 270 Reasons are gathering a polyphonic orchestra of brilliant writers, teachers, doctors, filmmakers, artists, and citizens of all kinds to weigh in about their plans to vote this November. These opinion essays run the gamut from advocacy for basic human rights to acutely personal mini-manifestoes. Read the rest over at 270 Reasons.

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Because Her Policies, Character, and Leadership Ethos
Align with My Core Values as a Veteran

In 2008, I was stationed at what was then known as Fort Hood, Texas, and I watched on TV as Barack Obama was elected president. It was a profound moment for me personally, as I realized that if “a skinny kid with a funny name” could be elected president of this country, then there was hope after all for me, and for my son, who was months old at the time. I deployed to Iraq less than a year later.

Wed, 30/10/2024 - 23:00

“I should have used Saran wrap, but I’m not above eating the stale remains of the pickleball player’s soul.”

I yawn out a plume of black flies, then slither out of bed and over to the Keurig machine. In my haze, I accidentally puncture the last pod with a gnarled claw, causing coffee grounds to explode all over the floor. Beelzebub’s breasts! Guess I’m going out for coffee.

I’ve been famished since I woke up, so en route, I swoop down to bum a quick breakfast off a man wearing a THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE T-shirt. I sink my talons into his chest and extract the glistering, lumpen essence beneath, then cram it into my maw.

For those of you wondering what a feminist tastes like, he’s a pleasantly complex blend of saccharine and bitter notes. His aftertaste whispers, “I’ve never cheated on my girlfriend, but only because I haven’t had the chance.”

Wed, 30/10/2024 - 20:00

After trying to block production at an Elbit factory in New Hampshire, the Palestine solidarity activists are calling for more, better direct action.

The post They Got 60 Days in Jail for Protesting Israel’s Largest Arms Maker — and Say That’s a “Huge Victory” appeared first on The Intercept.

Wed, 30/10/2024 - 17:22
This is what you are voting for if you vote for Donald Trump. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 29th October 2024 Dear US voters, in the spirit in which I would beg a dear friend not to get a facial tattoo, I’m writing to ask you not to vote for Donald Trump. While […]
Wed, 30/10/2024 - 10:30
In Trump opposite land, all of his hatefests are lovefests Trump held a hastily arranged “press conference” in which he took no questions and basically droned on for a while as per usual. Clearly, they felt they needed to address the raging scandal over his MSG rally but he couldn’t bring himself to apologize or even say that he didn’t agree with the comments. Instead he just lied and said it was a lovefest and told voters once again that they can believe him or they can believe their lying eyes. They are nervous. Their rally didn’t go as planned and now Harris is holding a huge event on the Ellipse where they expect about 50 thousand people. I doubt there’s going to be a bunch of speakers crudely insulting half the country.
Wed, 30/10/2024 - 09:30
The Trump campaign, of course Daniel Dale at CNN fact checks this piece of garbage: On Friday, we published an article about how former President Donald Trump’s campaign has made a habit of deceptively using quotations in television ads attacking Vice President Kamala Harris. Then, just days later, the campaign released perhaps the most egregious example yet. A new minute-long ad revives two of the quote distortions from previous Trump ads – and sprinkles in two more for good measure. Here is a fact check. Cutting out key words about Harris and taxes The new ad cuts out critical words from a news article about Harris’ tax proposals. The ad, like a previous Trump ad, features the following on-screen text attributed to an August article in The New York Times: “Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes.” But as the Times itself has noted, this is a misleading snip. What the Times article actually said was this: “Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and large corporations.” That’s a big difference.
Wed, 30/10/2024 - 08:30
This is something that has driven me crazy for years. Here in California it’s an ongoing problem. Even this year we have a couple of these things on the ballot. took a look at one of them on the Ohio ballot and it’s an incredible story of political gamesmanshipt and special interest influence. It’s a gerrymandering initiative and it could affect all of us: When Songgu Kwon went to the polls earlier this month, he was eager to help Ohio adopt an independent redistricting commission. The comic book writer and illustrator, who lives near Athens, dislikes the process with which politicians have carved up Ohio into congressional and legislative districts that favor them, enabling Republicans to lock in large majorities. So he was pleased that voting rights groups had placed Issue 1, a proposal meant to create fairer maps, on the Ohio ballot this fall.  “I’m in support of any measures that make the process more fair to reflect the will of the people, instead of letting the politicians decide how to gerrymander,” says Kwon. In the voting booth, he reviewed the text in front of him.
Wed, 30/10/2024 - 08:00
They rented the sphere: I'm insanely jealous of @KamalaHQ for renting the Vegas dome. I've pitched multiple clients on it. Came close once—so, so cool. — Mike Nellis (@MikeNellis) October 29, 2024 Lol. I love it. Of course Trump has his bedbug-riddled, shithole, hotel there too. But that ain’t much.
Wed, 30/10/2024 - 07:30
When the cops came for her Patience Frazier had no idea why: Earlier that month, Frazier had shared a Facebook post about the son she lost. She had apologized to Abel, saying she was “so scarred n afraid” and “didn’t know what to do,” court records show. “Why would you be sorry?” asked Jacqueline “Jac” Mitcham, the 31-year-old deputy on Frazier’s doorstep, according to body-camera footage obtained by The Washington Post. “Why would you be sorry, Patience?” Frazier looked over at the other armed officers standing 10 feet away. “I’m not allowed to have personal things in my life?” said Frazier, a mother of three. “I had a miscarriage, okay? A miscarriage. Why are you guys here over a f—ing miscarriage?” Even before Roe v. Wade fell, a broad consensus had emerged across much of the antiabortion movement that women who seek abortions should not be prosecuted.