
Thu, 05/09/2024 - 04:53
Peter Hehir, in his article “Good science has no bias”, asserts that climate scientists should not, and will not, participate in the climate debate. Before reviewing Peter’s reasoning, it would be helpful to outline the current situation. Climate scientists are overwhelmingly in agreement that atmospheric pollution from the emission of greenhouse gases is the prime Continue reading »
Thu, 05/09/2024 - 04:51
The fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government in Bangladesh has been described as a strategic loss for India and a potential gain for China. But various obstacles may hinder China from gaining greater influence in the region. Political instability, economic challenges, and India’s enduring importance to Bangladesh will limit the extent of China’s influential inroads. The Continue reading »
Thu, 05/09/2024 - 03:57
Types Of Civilization Collapse

We’ve had a couple posts recently on collapse. One, by Nate Wilcox, on the possibility of civil war and a another by commenter Grim Jim on just how many people would die in a civilization collapse.

Let’s take a look at the dimensions of collapse.

First is slow vs. fast. John Michael Greer tends to push slow, though his position is more nuanced than that. In the slow collapse things just keep getting shittier, with, perhaps, some break points. (If there’s a civil war, there’s a big jump in crap.) In this model it’s hard to say exactly when the collapse happens. When did the Western Roman Empire fall? There are easily half a dozen possible dates one could argue for, and that’s a collapse complete with a barbarian invasion.

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 03:00

The sun rose a blazing orange ball through the gray mist over the hill. Black dendritic shadows of rhododendrons pirouetted in a wild dance as a murder of crows pecked methodically at the detritus of some abandoned breakfast, unholy miners searching for a vein in cracked and buckled tarmac.

The Professor looked out the window and drank coffee from a chipped blue enamel mug. The coffee was hot and good. The Department Head walked by.



You entered your first week attendance?

No I haven’t.



I reckon you might. Be hell to pay with the Registrar.

Well. I will.

All right.

The Professor’s hands danced over the laptop and in one smooth and practiced motion entered the attendance values with a mass update and it was beautiful and it was terrible at the same time, for it bore the weight of all attendance and financial aid and indeed the souls of all the people that lived and died and those yet to come.

It’s done.

Wed, 04/09/2024 - 23:59
The stimulus opponents’ argument boils down to this striking claim: When the government spends borrowed funds now, consumers will realize that the resulting debt spells higher taxes in the future, which will lead them to curtail their current spending. Those cutbacks will offset the increased government spending dollar for dollar, leaving no net stimulus … […]
Wed, 04/09/2024 - 22:00

It has recently come to my attention via internet outrage that I am in what is considered a “mixed-weight” marriage. Magazines, podcasts, and CNN are judging women who outweigh their husbands, even though Bridgerton said it was okay.

But internet trolls say that it is absolutely not okay, expressing their disgust in ALL CAPS. So, before my husband hears of this controversy and suddenly realizes I am not as thin as I was when we got married, I’m prepared to prevent him from fleeing using these tricks:

Wed, 04/09/2024 - 21:05

The riots that broke out following the appalling murder of children in Southport did not come out of nowhere — they were the reflections of a global far-right surge whose loud footsteps were already being heard across the world. In Britain, anti-migrant ideology and sentiment was confronted by leftist, pro-migrant counterdemonstrations, which the progressive wings […]