
Tue, 21/01/2025 - 07:53
Vi talar ofta  i dag om tilltagande kriminalitet, sämre hälsa och ökade psykiska problem. Men nästan aldrig om vad dessa symptom i hög grad är orsakade av — arbetslösheten.  8,5% arbetslöshet är den högsta på ett decennium och sysselsättningsgraden har successivt sjunkit sedan 80-talet. Detta har lett till en ökning av främst otrygga jobb och […]
Tue, 21/01/2025 - 07:00
Here is a typical blurb from the MSM in the last few days that I think is worthwhile to unpack. It’s from Semafor’s newsletter: US President-elect Donald Trump will begin his second term with political momentum, but his sweeping promises may come back to haunt him. His November victory was “by any historical measure… a squeaker,” wrote Ezra Klein in The New York Times, “but the vibes have been a rout.” Silicon Valley embraced him and the Trumpian right won social media, allowing Trump a “cultural victory” larger than his political one. But he needs to be careful: He has promised an end to inflation and a rapid economic boom, despite policies that economists think will actually accelerate price rises and slow rather than aid growth. Polling already finds Americans skeptical that he can fulfil those promises. It’s true that in the vibes economy (I can’t believe I’m writing that) Trump has been pretty triumphant during the interregnum. And yet many seem to think that the minute people realize that the price of eggs isn’t going down they will turn on him.
Tue, 21/01/2025 - 05:30
I hope the American Prospect won’t mind that I am reposting this entire piece by Rick Perlstein from a while back. It’s really important on a day like today. (Be sure to click over to read all the other great stuff on the site all of which are equally important as we face the coming apocalypse.) What will you do if men in uniforms arrive in your neighborhood, and an immigrant neighbor gets a knock on the door and is led away in handcuffs? Or if the uniforms are not police uniforms, and there is not even a knock? What if the knock is for your daughter, and they’re coming for her because of a pill that she took? Will you open the door? Or if your teenage granddaughter, alone and afraid, calls you and begs you to drive her to a state where abortion is legal? Your governor has signed a bill making such “abortion trafficking” illegal, stipulating a penalty of 15 years. What will you do if you’re called to serve on the jury hearing the grandmother’s case? She is guilty beyond a hint of a reasonable doubt; no way around that. Do you vote to convict her, or do you hold out against 11 of your peers?
Tue, 21/01/2025 - 02:49

Βδομάδα προς βδομάδα τα γεγονότα μιας συγκλονιστικής Ελληνικής Άνοιξης Στις 25 Γενάρη 2025 συμπληρώνονται 10 χρόνια από την συγκλονιστική εκλογική ήττα της Διεθνούς Ολιγαρχίας που στην Ελλάδα εκπροσωπείτο επάξια από το Μνημονιακό μπλοκ. Έξι μήνες μετά, το ίδιο βράδυ που ο λαός τίμησε εκείνη την πρωτοφανή ρήξη με ποσοστό 62% στο Δημοψήφισμα της 5ης Ιουλίου […]

The post 10 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 2015 – Επεισόδιο 1ο: Ήταν προδιαγεγραμμένη η ήττα μετά την νίκη της 25 Ιανουαρίου; appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Tue, 21/01/2025 - 02:30
It couldn’t hurt Andy Borowitz: Inauguration Forecast Shows Temperature and IQ in the Twenties Here with the wind chill, it’s like 2 deg outside. And still I think I’ll attend our local MLK peace march and rally (if it’s still on) rather than throw shit at my TV. I need a stiff shot of not-crazy. I just need to remember to leave the TV on tuned to Animal Planet. He’ll lie about his inauguration’s ratings anyway, but what the hell. Make the “blackout” meme trend. It’s like chicken soup…. I know several couples of means who’ve already fled the country. But for the rest of us, Brian Klaas (okay, from England) offers suggestions for surviving the next four years now that tweets about “shooting shoplifters without a trial and executing America’s top general” barely register, and the Saudis can now bribe Trump without needing “to pretend to stay at a Trump hotel.” Klaas, with a Ph.D. earned in studying authoritarian regimes, knows whereof he speaks. He offers a few suggestions: Never Doomscroll: Smarter Engagement, Real “Self Care” Stay informed, but not constantly.
Mon, 20/01/2025 - 22:11
Has Israel Lost?

There’s a lot of celebrating of the Gaza ceasefire. Hamas troops are openly on the streets, hostages from both sides are being returned (that only Israeli captives are called hostages is ludicrous) and it’s clear that Israel came nowhere close to destroying Hamas. This is an impressive accomplishment, Gaza is only 25×5 miles: Gaza is tiny. Hamas’s tunnel strategy clearly worked.

That said, Gaza is a wreck.

Mon, 20/01/2025 - 19:20
Trump’s presidency is a reversion to autocratic tyranny. Only concerted resistance can stop it from spreading.   By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian  19th January 2025 Seldom in recent history has class war been waged so blatantly. Generally, billionaires and hectomillionaires employ concierges to attack the poor on their behalf. But now, freed from […]