
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 23:00
And you are not Neighbors shared champaign* out in the street when after several day news outlets finally called the 2020 election for Joe Biden. They weren’t celebrating Biden’s victory. It was a “Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead” moment. America was done with Donald Trump. The problem was Donald Trump was not done with America. Nearly three years later, the country is still attempting to clean up behind Trump even as he continues to trash the place. And getting special treatment while doing it. Fred and Mary Anne never gave little Donny a time out. They farmed out disciplining Little Lord Flauntleroy at 13 to a military academy. Too late, of course. Never in the field of bad parenting was such political carnage foisted on so many by so few. The 77-year-old brat continues to receive special treatment to this day, explains Dahlia Lithwick: The irony is lost on nobody that most of the conspiracies of which Trump now stands accused involve variations on speech acts that included threats and intimidation, lies, and bullying—the same actions he takes up with increasingly reckless zeal on social media against the machinery of the justice system itself.
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 22:20
Culture, identity, ethnicity, gender, and religiosity should never be accepted as a basis for intolerance in political and civic aspects. In a modern democratic society, people belonging to these different groups must be able to rely on society to protect them against the abuses of intolerance. All citizens must have the freedom and right to […]
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 22:00

“Divide and conquer.”

“War room.”

“Crack the whip.”

“Let’s drill our vertical bores into sacred Native American land and leak noxious fossil gases into the atmosphere.”

“We as a company must come together to sweep any human rights abuses under the rug so that our CEO, a powerful figure of corruption and sin, can continue hiding his illegal income in a private offshore bank account.”

“Yes, our company sponsors concentration camps, but in this highly competitive and globalized economy in which we operate, it’s either enslave or get enslaved.”

“What if there was no end to the suffering?”

“The poor were created for one purpose, and that is labor. Just like a rifle or a sword, they are unfeeling weapons—instruments of cruelty that do not deserve freedom.”

“Circle the wagons.”

Fri, 18/08/2023 - 17:00
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August 18th, 2023: This comic is based on a true weekend!

Fri, 18/08/2023 - 15:56
Quick Takes: Covid, China, Environment & More

One of the policies I’ve promoted is criminal charges for environmental crimes, rather than just fines, which are simply treated as a cost of business and don’t take money from the executives responsible. Seems at least one country is doing so.

Violating China’s environmental policies can lead to real punishment. In March 2021, four major steel mills in Hebei were caught falsifying records to evade carbon emission limits; the next year, dozens of executives responsible were sentenced to prison.

It’s worth remembering just how good the media is at making people hate and fear the enemy of the day. They did it to Iraq, to Russia and to China.

Fri, 18/08/2023 - 10:00
With Republicans going insane, it’s an important backstop This article from the indispensable Bolts Magazine about the assault on the ballot in red states is well worth reading: The resounding defeat of Ohio’s Issue 1, a constitutional amendment that would have undercut direct democracy in the state, received wall-to-wall coverage last week because it salvaged the prospect that Ohioans may adopt a ballot measure protecting abortion rights in November.  Abortion advocates rejoiced, but for some organizers watching around the country, the result was especially exhilarating because it spoke to the fight they’re going through in their own backyards to defend direct democracy. South Dakotans last year defeated an amendment similar to Ohio’s, which came on the heels of initiatives to increase the minimum wage and legalize cannabis and would have kneecapped a measure to expand Medicaid. In Arkansas, the GOP repeatedly asked voters to limit the initiative process but lost repeatedly at the polls; this year, they adopted new restrictions anyway.
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 08:30
this is concerning Via Salon: On May 11, 2023, the federal public health emergency declaration for COVID-19 came to an end. Only a few months later, and cases are already starting to surge across the country again . This decision was made despite emerging science surrounding long COVID – a condition in which symptoms of the disease linger for months or even years. While the general public ignores and downplays the risk of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, long COVID may well prove to be one of the biggest health problems of the 21st Century, presenting a real risk that a secondary pandemic of chronic illness will be overlooked. While things seem to be getting back to normal for most people, those with long COVID are still suffering – and this suffering will likely continue on indefinitely if nothing is done to change course.
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 06:30
I don’t understand why Georgia makes the names of jurors public but they really shouldn’t. Transparency is one thing. This is not that, especially in high profile cases. It’s reckless: Names, photographs, social media profiles and even the home addresses purportedly belonging to members of the Fulton County grand jury that this week voted to indict former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants are circulating on social media – with experts saying that some anonymous users are calling for violence against them. CNN cannot independently verify if the photographs, social media accounts and the homes addresses being posted actually belong to the grand jurors. However, the names being circulated on these sites appear to match the names of at least 13 of the 26 grand jurors that served on the panel in Fulton County. It’s unclear if those names are the actual grand jurors or just people with the same name. Some addresses appear to be wrong. Unlike the federal system, when someone is indicted in Fulton County, the indictment includes the names of all the grand jurors who served on the 26-member panel that handed up the charges.