A remarkable tale of evolution.
The post What You Don’t Know About Sperm appeared first on Nautilus.
SPECIALISED equipment that will help support women who have been sexually assaulted has been gifted to Coffs Harbour Health Campus’ Emergency Department. The local charity, Pink Silks Trust (PST), made the $7,500 donation to purchase a gynaecology treatment table which quickly transforms into a specialised examination bed, a lockable instrument trolley and specialised instruments. Advertise...
The post Pink Silks Trust supports women following sexual assault appeared first on News Of The Area.
ENHANCING your food security – growing your own brekkie, lunch and high-tea – is a smart move in the modern world. Not only does it mean low food miles, it can provide you with on-hand succulent snacks or a full blown flavoursome meal. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your...
The post Turn over a new edible leaf in 2024 appeared first on News Of The Area.
A new image of our solar system’s most volcanic body.
The post Jupiter’s Io Gets a Close-Up appeared first on Nautilus.
The post Doctor Who Magazine 599 appeared first on Doctor Who Magazine.
Our 5th most-read article of 2023.
Originally published May 12, 2023.
Voicemail: “Hi, sweetie. No big news over here—and no rush to call me back.”
Urgency: I am bursting to tell you HUGE NEWS. (The township finally paved over that pothole.)
Voicemail: “Hi, sweetie, just calling to say hi. Nothing’s wrong.”
Urgency: Something definitely is gravely wrong.
Voicemail: “Hey, sweetie. Give me a call back whenever, okay?”
Urgency: I objectively understand that this is unimportant, but I’ve been stuck on twenty-two across for an hour, and I feel like you’ll know it because it regards what I consider a “young person interest,” and I still mistakenly think of you as young.