To those who celebrate, and to those who don’t, I hope you have the day off and enjoy it.
Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – December 24, 2023
by Tony Wikrent
14th Amendment
Mark A. Graber [The Conversation, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 12-20-2023]
Evil is rarely a solo project. Horrors and atrocities of the past may provide context for the horrors and atrocities happening right now in Gaza and the Congo. United States war crimes: Gosh, where to begin? Widespread rape by U.S. servicemen of Japanese, German, and French women; human experiments on non-white U.S. enlisted men “to […]
The post Operation Paperclip (and other crimes) appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
The right manufactured it, the media and feminists bought in — and Israel is exploiting the outcry.
The post There Was No Cover-Up of Hamas’s Sexual Violence on October 7 appeared first on The Intercept.