
Thu, 09/11/2023 - 11:30
Trump on his great achievement in taking away a woman’s right to choose: During the 202) campaign he tried to hedge: The Democrats cannot let him do that again. His bragging about being personally responsible for taking away women’s constitutional rights must be pounded into every voter’s brain before the 2024 election. It must be conventional wisdom made clear by those quotes of him taking credit for what he did (and there are more) and he cannot be allowed to hedge about it and pretend he didn’t say it. Not this time.
Thu, 09/11/2023 - 10:30
Nobody can stand her Marjorie Taylor Greene finds that she’s standing alone: With her claims about Jewish laser beams, attacks of school-shooting survivors, promotion of QAnon, and overall “I’ll tell YOU when I’ve had enough wine coolers” vibes, Marjorie Taylor Greene has never been a universally beloved figure in Washington. Still, for a time, she had a number of friends on the far-right side of Congress who were willing to put up with her. Now? Not so much! The Daily Beast reports that while the GOP’s three-week train wreck electing a House Speaker was an embarrassing stain on the entire party, one individual in particular “emerged from the drama with few friends and plenty of enemies”: the congresswoman from Georgia. She’s now persona non grata among a significant amount of Republicans thanks to the fact that: 1-She was kicked out of the House Freedom Caucus this summer.2-Kevin McCarthy, whom she aligned herself with earlier this year, is out of power.3-“GOP rank and file…already disliked her.”  Really, it’s just math.
Thu, 09/11/2023 - 08:30
Daddy’s little girl on the stand MSNBC’s Lisa Rubin covered the testimony on twitter this morning: Good morning, I’m back at New York Supreme Court, and I’ll be posting both here and through MSNBC’s live blog of Ivanka Trump’s testimony. I’ll give you the good color and analysis there & will pop in here with quicker bits of the play-by-play: Let’s set the stage with 7 minutes left before the trial day starts. The courtroom is almost full, but not nearly as crowded as it has been on days past and is a relative ghost town compared with Monday’s packed-within-inches scenario.  The Attorney General is here in her usual front-row seat, surrounded by staff, and her team has been at their table for at least a half hour.
Thu, 09/11/2023 - 07:00
“To many voters, the topic of abortion is so important, so we have been completely straightforward and clear. I will back a bill to protect life,” That was yesterday. Youngkin made a bet that the GOP establishment-backed approach to the abortion issue — a 15 week ban — would be enough to neutralize it at the ballot box and he went all-in. How’d it work out for him? Not well. He was banking on the abortion issue to win yesterday and he lost the Virginia House and the Democrats held on to the Senate. So it’s back to the drawing board for the GOP. They have a hardcore base for whom abortion is fundamental. They have shown that they’re “flexible” with wink-wink rhetoric like what Youngkin has been selling but they won’t go beyond that. And after Trump made sure Roe V Wade was overturned, pro-choice voters no longer trust any of their assurances. This issue is killing the Republicans and it should. They spent 50 years building up their base by calling abortion murder and claiming it’s a holocaust knowing that Roe protected them from the consequences.
Thu, 09/11/2023 - 06:23

Internal emails obtained by Siskiyou Rising Tide and Information for Public Use show police treating even the most placid social justice activities as sites of criminal threat.

The post Oregon Police Obsessively Spied on Activists for Years, Even After Pipeline Fight Ended appeared first on The Intercept.

Thu, 09/11/2023 - 06:19

The Saudi crown prince “would not probably survive as the future king of Saudi Arabia,” Madawi Al-Rasheed said on Al Jazeera English’s “UpFront.”

The post Al Jazeera Censors Video of Critic Who Said Saudi–Israel Normalization Would Be “Suicide” for MBS appeared first on The Intercept.