GAHHH! … Sorry, what I meant to say is hello and welcome. You’ll have to excuse me; I’m not used to faces that are quite so… dehydrated.
I see that the pockets of your denim pants are full of free samples, which means you’re probably going to ask if I take insurance. Might I suggest you see a student esthetician at the cosmetology school in the basement of Walgreens instead? Their clients hardly ever go blind.
No need? So, in order to pay me, you’ve taken out a loan the size of a down payment on a seaside mansion? C’est bon.
Now, let’s take a look at your face with the most horrifying magnification tool I have.
Furrow your brow. Unfurrow it. Smile. Frown. Jump up and down. Spin around. Sit. And don’t ever forget that you’re mine now. I own you.
All righty, I see acne and wrinkles. I guess it’s wrong what they say—women can have it all.
Regarding your eyes, if there were a crow with feet so enormous that all the other crows shunned it, causing this crow to die alone in its little crow apartment, those would be your crow’s feet.
“Led” is the past tense of “lead.” L.E.D. Not L.E.A.D. Example: “Fran, who leads the group, led the meeting.” When professional publications get the small stuff wrong, it makes us less trusting about the big stuff. Trust in media is already at an all-time low. Don’t alienate liberal arts majors and obsessive compulsives. We may […]
The post Get it right. appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
Israeli peace activist Miko Peled explains the untenable predicament of Palestinian refugees fleeing Israel's genocide in Gaza.
The post Miko Peled: The Predicament Of Palestinian Refugees Amid Genocide appeared first on MintPress News.
- by Mihir Dalal
- by Shayla Love
Lord Peter Mandelson famously once described himself as a ‘fighter not a quitter’ before being obliged to quit over something or other. Ronnie Campbell, who has sadly passed away at the age of 80, really was a fighter, not a quitter, in his long union and political life and in his personal life. He famously […]
Work from home appears to have improved labor outcomes for workers with a disability in terms of unemployment, labor force participation, and wages and hours worked.
So, French leader Macron thinks Europe should send troops to Ukraine to fight Russia. (This is colloquially known as “declaring war on Russia.”)
rench President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday that sending Western troops to Ukraine should not be ruled out, as European leaders concluded a summit on supporting Kyiv.
“There is no consensus today to send ground troops officially but … nothing is ruled out,” Macron said at a press conference in Paris, where the meeting had just wrapped up. “We will do whatever it takes to ensure that Russia cannot win this war.”
“The defeat of Russia is indispensable to the security and stability of Europe,” the French president added.
A conversation with artist Jorge Colombo.
The post Why Artists Should View The World Through The Eyes Of A Tourist appeared first on Nautilus.
Scientists have long puzzled over the behavior of mixed particles in rivers and landslides. New clues could be groundbreaking.
The post Let’s Get Granular appeared first on Nautilus.