
Sun, 25/02/2024 - 04:30
Trump appeared before the Black Conservative Federation (although the crowd seemed mighty white) and this is what he had to say: (He’s really reaching out to Black youth with that one. I guess he figures his fugly sneakers are doing that for him.) Reminder: Trump’s Central Park Five op-ed. When they were exonerated he said they were guilty anyway and the city should never have paid them a dime. Anyone who believes this man is not a racist throwback is deluded.
Sun, 25/02/2024 - 02:30
Vote for candidates who will hear you out Ask me why I do what I do and my answer is not that altruistic. I hate feeling like political road kill. When I’m doing I don’t feel like a victim. This morning (FWIW) I’ll be electing members to the Democratic National Committee for the next four years from North Carolina. I want change agents. Not people intent on adding another bullet item to their long political resumes but not do anything with the position (and there will be plenty of those in the running). Yeah, the system is flawed. But as my friend Anat Shenker-Osorio says, “Forget about the lesser of two evils, and focus on choosing a president open to hearing you out on a whole bunch of evils.” Anat tells The Ink why you should not panic: What do you say to people who are burned out on the idea that we have to fight fascism again this November? How can you keep them focused despite an unending sense of crisis, through another election cycle that looks a whole lot like the last one? Keep your eye on what really matters — making room for progressive change Here’s what I say.
Sun, 25/02/2024 - 01:00
Give an inch, take a mile Via Dispatches from the Religious Left, an analysis of the Alabama Supreme Court’s IVF ruling explaining how the judges scooped up this ball and rasn it in for a fringe-right touchdown. Chris Geidner writes: I’d like to focus instead on the majority opinion from Justice Jay Mitchell, which is extreme in its own ways — and highlights the dangerous faux-jurisprudence that the U.S. Supreme Court has encouraged. In order to reach its ruling, the court needed to ignore its own past precedents that congruence between the state’s criminal-homicide statute and wrongful-death statute was needed. This is important because the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act was passed in 1872. The court had justified expanding that civil law to fetuses in utero based on an expansion of the criminal law to include fetuses in utero and the claimed need for congruence between the two laws. Now that the court wanted to go further than the criminal law, it just ignored those rulings — overruling them without saying so, as Justice Greg Cook stated in his dissenting opinion.
Sun, 25/02/2024 - 00:53

We support Ukraine.

On the two-year anniversary of the Russian government’s attack on Ukraine, the Drupal Association wishes to reiterate its support for Ukraine. The invasion was an act of aggression, and our hearts are still with our Drupal Ukraine community.

We want to bring attention once more to the ways that the Drupal community can continue to support Ukraine. Here is a list of organizations* accepting donations to help people directly affected by the events in Ukraine:

  • Nova Ukraine, a Ukraine-based nonprofit, provides citizens with basic needs and resources. Donate here.

  • United Help Ukraine receives and distributes donations, food, and medical supplies to internally displaced Ukrainians and anyone affected by the war. Donate here

Sat, 24/02/2024 - 11:30
Baby elephants! Hilvarenbeek, February 20, 2024 – African elephant Punda has become the mother of a healthy elephant calf after a 22-month pregnancy. This is the third calf born in the Safari Park @Beekse-Bergen in four months. Never before have three African elephants been born in a European zoo in such a short time. The young elephant is a girl and has been named Tendai. Head zookeeper Yvonne Vogels says: “Everything is falling into place! Mosi means firstborn: the first of the three calves. Ajabu stands for ‘radiant’. It’s wonderful to see how the premature baby, because she was born two months prematurely, is now strengthened and how we see this reflected in her character. And now there is Tendai, which means grateful. Thankful for all the healthy happiness in the herd. We are completely over the moon!” The zookeepers of the African elephants were alert for the arrival of the calf for several days. Vogels: “On Wednesday we saw a change in the blood values and in principle the calf would be born within 48 hours.” The zookeepers monitored the webcam for five nights, taking turns and every hour.
Sat, 24/02/2024 - 10:00
I doubt it After the exposure of the big confidential informant who claimed Biden had taken 5 million dollars in bribes from the Ukrainian government this wee, there is some hope that the Biden impeachment probe may collapse. It’s possible. It’s also quite likely that it won’t for all the reasons Susan Glasser lays out in the New Yorker: “Smirnov’s allegations were the foundation of the entire impeachment drive,” Raskin told me. Without them, “the impeachment investigation has ended in substance if not actually in form . . . the whole project lies in ruins.” But I am not fully convinced. In today’s Congress, the fight, somehow, must always go on. For years, Trump and his backers have fed elaborate conspiracy theories about the President and his son to their base. This particular trope about Biden and Ukraine and the bribe that wasn’t is unlikely to die off swiftly.
Sat, 24/02/2024 - 09:17

While falsely claiming to have received “independent confirmation” of since-debunked assertions of mass rape by Hamas, the State Department’s spokesman said he “cannot independently verify” allegations by UN human rights experts that Israeli soldiers have sexually abused and systematically slaughtered Palestinian women and girls in the besieged Gaza Strip. The US State Department has downplayed the findings of UN human rights experts who received “credible allegations” that Israeli soldiers have raped, tortured, and executed Palestinian women and girls amid their […]

The post State Dept downplays reports of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing, slaughtering Palestinian women first appeared on The Grayzone.

Sat, 24/02/2024 - 08:30
I’ve written before about Christopher Rufo, the young force behind the ant-woke crusade that’s got the GOP all excited. That’s his latest, in response to the news that the Heritage Foundation is laying the groundwork for a massive government intrusion into the American family life, especially the bedroom. Rufo is all for it, claiming later on Xitter that his comments are all empirical facts. If only the bitches would just put their biscuits in the oven and their buns in the bed we’d all be so much better off, amirite? Even little girls under 13 need to understand what they were put on this earth to do. No matter what. I urge you to read the latest on Rufo over at Wonkette by Doctor Zoom: Rufo’s list of illustrious employers and publishers include the Manhattan Institute and its nutty City Journal, the intelligence-design-friendly Discovery Institute, and scientific racism-spouting doorstop Aporia, just to name a few.
Sat, 24/02/2024 - 07:00
Marge wants to be in charge of his Final Solution The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports: Madame Secretary? Forget the jockeying to be Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate. U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene told us at a stop in Greenville, South Carolina, ahead of Saturday’s GOP primary there that she has her eye on a key Cabinet position if the former president wins in November. “I’d be honored to serve President Trump in his next administration in any capacity that he asks me. But I’m certainly particularly interested in Homeland Security. I think it’s the top issue in the country,” she said. He might have to set up a cage match with Stephen Miller, but I’d guess Miller will end up in the White House again. Somebody has to keep the addled bronzer poisoned Dear Leader on the right path. Sounds great. I wonder if she could get confirmed by the Senate? Oh wait, that probably won’t be necessary. The Republican Senate majority will change any rules they need to in order to give Trump what he wants. I expect there will be no more pesky impediments.
Sat, 24/02/2024 - 06:00
Trump addressed a conservative evangelical gathering yesterday and it was really something. He says he’s very religious which is true. He worships himself. The extreme self-delusion among these people in thinking that this depraved, corrupt monster is a Bible believing Christian is truly stunning. Watch a few of these if you get the chance. Then ponder why Biden’s alleged gaffes are on the front page and Trump is being presented as an unbeatable juggernaut.