
Thu, 29/02/2024 - 04:51
In a recent interview with Victorian Health Minister, Mary-Anne Thomas, Melbourne ABC presenter, Raf Epstein, led off with a classic “gotcha” question: “I know it’s not your portfolio area, but how many Victorian homes are still without power since last week’s catastrophic storms?” Credit to Thomas’s political smarts (and probably good staff work) she shot Continue reading »
Thu, 29/02/2024 - 04:50
This week Sky News reported it had a list with the personal details of 500 Palestinian people who had obtained visas to flee overwhelming violence in Gaza, 81 of whom are in Australia. The Jewish Council of Australia is concerned for the safety of the Palestinian people who have had their identities exposed to Sky Continue reading »
Thu, 29/02/2024 - 04:00
Here we are again looking right down the barrel of a government shutdown because one half of one of the three branches of government is completely dysfunctional under GOP leadership. We’re talking about the Republican House of Representatives of course. They are simply incapable of passing legislation. In fact, 2023 was the least productive year since the Great Depression with congress passing just 27 bills that became law. (In 1948 President Harry Truman famously called the legislative branch the “do nothing congress” because they only managed to pass 511 bills.) This is the third time in six months that the country has been on the brink of a shutdown because the hard right in the House is holding their breath until they turn blue. It’s not clear what they want except perhaps to cause more chaos. The last time it cost Speaker Kevin McCarthy his job and the same fate may very await Speaker Mike Johnson as well. There’s nothing in his performance so far that suggests he has the skill or the desire to finesse this situation. There’s no need to reiterate the saga that continues over the Ukraine and border funding.
Thu, 29/02/2024 - 02:30
Of camels’ noses and tents We’ve warned plenty about the New Apostolic Reformation and the Seven Mountains people. Long before us, Richard Hofstadter warned about the paranoid style in American politics in 1964 in the wake of the McCarthy era. The paranoid style in American religion is closely related. In the late 1970s, Republican operatives decided on mobilizing useful idiots on the religious right for conservative political purposes. They invited the camel to poke its nose under the tent. And in the fullness of time we got QAnon and Trump and MAGA. ALL ONE, like the pepermint soap. Of camels’ noses and tents Axios reports this morning that while Christian nationalism is on the rise, it still remains widely unpopular: How fringe are Christian nationalists?
Thu, 29/02/2024 - 01:29

‘How would you like to be remembered?’ a fresh-faced David Frost asks the soon-to-be Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme, calmly draping his arms around his chair. ‘I don’t mean that you’re going to die tomorrow, thank God you’re not, but what would you like your obituary to say?’ Gazing into the middle distance, Palme responds, […]

Thu, 29/02/2024 - 01:12
Simon sums it up The press loves a horse race like the kid in the story assumes in a room full of manure there must be a pony. Naturally, the Washington Post reports “warning signs for Biden, Trump and Haley” in the Michigan primary results from Tuesday night. The race is on! And it’s a nail-biter! President Biden and former president Donald Trump won the Democratic and Republican primaries in Michigan by huge margins Tuesday night — but there were serious problems for both candidates lurking under the surface. Trump crushed Nikki Haley by over 40 points. Biden, meanwhile, won the Democratic primary by an even more overwhelming margin — but 13 percent of voters marked their ballots “uncommitted” following a campaign to persuade voters to not to support Biden in protest of his support for Israel and his refusal to call for a cease-fire in Gaza. The protesters want a cease-fire. They don’t want Biden to call for one. Biden and his team have been pressing Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu unsuccessfully for a cease-fire for weeks. The press wants to build suspense, though.
Thu, 29/02/2024 - 01:00

In this column, Kristen Mulrooney writes letters to famous mothers from literature, TV, and film whom she finds herself relating to on a different level now that she’s a mom herself.

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Dear Mrs. George,

I hope this letter finds you well and I’m not interrupting the buzz from your afternoon daiquiris.

I’m sorry, that probably came across as judgy, and I promise I’m not here to judge you. I’m writing because as I acclimated to motherhood, I thought often of something you said:

“I’m not like a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.”

You’re the last person I ever thought I’d find common ground with, mainly because I wouldn’t be caught dead in a Juicy Couture tracksuit and I don’t believe in supplying alcohol to minors, but when you said you’re not like a regular mom, I felt that. I never saw myself as a regular mom either, and I had my anxieties about entering #MomLife, because I was afraid I’d have trouble finding my place there.

Thu, 29/02/2024 - 00:01

Attention passengers: This is your captain speaking. The JetBlue crew and I are sorry to disturb you, but we are seeking any passengers with medical training who could assist a fellow novel whose interiority has unfortunately taken a turn for the worse. It’s urgent.

I repeat: We have an urgent novel onboard whose dazzling gravitas has spilled into the zeitgeist. Any help is welcome.

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Attention passengers: The crew and I don’t mean to alarm you, but the novel is nothing short of an emergency. The novel is currently suffering from a miasma of catharsis and contemplative self-awareness, and anyone with even basic first aid training would be instructed to come to the front of the cabin, well, now.

Any assistance provided will guarantee you an additional 1,200 JetBlue Points plus a complimentary beverage of your choice on your next JetBlue flight.

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Attention passengers: The crew would also like to ask whether anyone has a pen—not to write anything, but to pierce this novel’s trachea so that it can breathe a fresh, new voice into the American literary canon.

Wed, 28/02/2024 - 23:54

At 23.21 on Friday, February 28 1986, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was murdered on the street in Stockholm. His murderer has not been identified and remains at large. At this time every year, Swedish newspapers and the mass media to speculate on new theories about who might have done it. But far too few […]

Wed, 28/02/2024 - 21:45
A technical report on personal data processing for LiveRamp’s “RampID” identity graph system based on an analysis of software documentation with a focus on Europe. A report by Cracked Labs (, commissioned by Open Rights Group (, February 2024.Authors: Wolfie Christl, Alan Toner. The research for this report was conducted in September 2023. Every effort […]
Wed, 28/02/2024 - 21:05
Today, Open Rights Group has submitted complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Commission Nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) about LiveRamp, an online advertising and data broking company. The complaints were submitted on behalf of Jim Killock, ORG Executive Director, as well as French digital rights activists Noémie Levain and Benoît […]