We’re at the phase of the Israel–Palestine war when people start worrying about how they will look when this is over.
The post Inside the Biden White House, Doubts About Gaza War Are Beginning to Creep In appeared first on The Intercept.
We’re at the phase of the Israel–Palestine war when people start worrying about how they will look when this is over.
The post Inside the Biden White House, Doubts About Gaza War Are Beginning to Creep In appeared first on The Intercept.
The Iraq War protests didn’t stop that war. But they stopped others.
The post The Gaza Protests Can Save Lives — Maybe Even Your Own appeared first on The Intercept.
Justice Democrats co-founder Waleed Shahid and Ryan Grim discuss the domestic political response to Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza.
The post The Squad Is Getting Primaried for Standing Against the War appeared first on The Intercept.
How warming oceans could deplete nutrition for millions in the tropics.
The post No Fish, No Food appeared first on Nautilus.
Thank you for calling the Turning-Thirty Helpline for People Having Big Feelings About Turning Thirty. We’re here to help you navigate the transition from your twenties to your thirties, and we promise not to wish you a happy birthday.
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Jessica Buxbaum reveals details of Israel's secret forced relocation plan to push millions of residents of Gaza off of their land and onto Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
The post The Reality of Gaza’s Forced Exodus: Unveiling Israel’s Secret Plan appeared first on MintPress News.
Η αντιμονοπωλιακή νομοθεσία σχεδιάστηκε, αρχικά, για να προστατεύσει τους καταναλωτές από τις υπερβολικές τιμές των μονοπωλίων. Προφανώς, κάτι τέτοιο είναι εκτός θέματος στην περίπτωση των υπηρεσιών της Big Tech, οι οποίες και δωρεάν είναι και προσφέρονται άπλετα σε κάθε χρήστη που τις θέλει. Από την αυγή του καπιταλισμού, εταιρείες-μαμούθ κυριαρχούν. Τι το καινούργιο φέρνει η Big Tech; […]
The post Η Big Tech δεν μπορεί να “ρυθμιστεί”. Μόνο να κοινωνικοποιηθεί! – NEWS24|7 appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
Interviewed by Ellen Fanning on ABC-tv The Drum on my new book TECHNOFEUDALISM: What killed capitalism. A 20 minute-long discussion involving a diverse panel. Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis is published by Bodley Head
The post Discussing TECHNOFEUDALISM on ABC-tv THE DRUM with Ellen Fanning and panel appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
Enter Amazon and you have exited capitalism. Despite all the buying and the selling that goes on there, you have entered a realm that can’t be thought of as a market, not even a digital one.” When I say this to people, which I frequently do in lectures and debates, they look at me as they […]
The post The big idea: has the digital economy killed capitalism? – The Guardian appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
As the bodies of thousands of Palestinian civilians, thousands of whom are children, pile up at Gaza hospitals’ morgues and, tragically, in the streets, Israel's narrative is finally being challenged.
The post ‘Turning Gaza into Ashes’: Israeli Hasbara vs the World appeared first on MintPress News.