
Mon, 24/07/2023 - 21:47

Hollywood is on strike. Actors and performers from the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), alongside writers from The Writers’ Guild of America (WGA), have combined to picket film and TV studios—the first time both unions have joined forces since 1960. And support and solidarity hasn’t been confined to the US.  […]

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 17:00
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July 24th, 2023: In real life my fridge has been dead for almost two weeks and

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 09:30
Especially Donald Trump Trump remains broadly unpopular with the public: 63% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the former president, while 35% view him favorably. A year ago, Trump’s rating stood at 60% unfavorable. In the new survey, 66% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents have a very or mostly favorable opinion of Trump, while 32% have a very or mostly unfavorable view of him. The share of Republicans who view Trump favorably has declined by 9 percentage points from last July, when 75% viewed him favorably and 24% viewed him unfavorably. Democrats and Democratic leaners continue to express overwhelmingly negative opinions of Trump. About nine-in-ten Democrats (91%) view Trump unfavorably, including 78% who have a very unfavorable view. Just 8% have a favorable impression. Views of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris The public’s views of four other political leaders included in the survey, including President Joe Biden, also continue to be more unfavorable than favorable. Six-in-ten Americans hold a very or mostly unfavorable opinion of Biden, while 39% view him favorably.
Mon, 24/07/2023 - 08:00
Florida Republicans knew that Democrats in the state who applied to vote by mail during the pandemic were new to the practice so they decided to force them to re-apply. Normally, once you apply they automatically send you a ballot for four years. Now it’s just two: Florida Democrats say they’re spending and organizing to chase down people who vote by mail after election officials across the state canceled all standing mail ballot requests this year. The mass cancellations were to comply with a 2021 election law that added new restrictions to mail-in voting. The legislation — which was celebrated by Gov. Ron DeSantis and slammed by voting rights advocates as discriminatory — cut the duration of mail-in ballot requests in half from four years to two. It also required that existing requests for mail ballots be canceled at the end of 2022, forcing election workers to cancel millions of requests and start their lists of vote-by-mail voters from scratch. In practice, that means that voters who requested mail-in ballots in 2021 or 2022 will have to make such requests again to vote in local races and the 2024 primary and general elections.
Mon, 24/07/2023 - 05:13
I was looking at this picture of people (mostly tourists, it appears) fleeing massive fires in Rhodes, feeling despair about the future of the world when I was struck by an even more despairing thought. Almost certainly, a lot of the people in the picture are climate denialists. And even more certainly, they will mostly […]
Mon, 24/07/2023 - 05:00
Ron Brownstein on the defiant red border states: A pregnant teenager writhing in pain as she suffered a miscarriage while trapped in the barbed wire that Texas has strung along miles of the state’s southern border. A 4-year-old girl collapsing from heat exhaustion after Texas National Guard members pushed her away from the wire as she tried to cross it with her family. Texas state troopers receiving orders from their superiors to deny water to migrants in triple-digit heat. Officers on another occasion ordering troopers to drive back into the Rio Grande a group of migrants, including children and babies, that they found huddling alongside a fence by the river. These are all incidents that a medic in the Texas Department of Public Safety says he witnessed during recent patrols, according to an explosive email published this week by the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News. “I believe we have stepped over a line into the in humane [sic],” the medic, Nicholas Wingate, wrote in the email.
Mon, 24/07/2023 - 04:57
The fast rise in global warming manifested by current extreme weather events betray a dangerous underestimation of the Earth’s liveable climate, while governments ignore climate science, claim to set limits on domestic emissions but allow major export of fossil fuels and emissions worldwide on a scale threatening life on Earth. With current policies there appear Continue reading »