
Sun, 23/07/2023 - 02:00
Or is it the stupid contrarianism? Tim Miller has put his finger on it. That’s all there is to modern “conservatism” (and, frankly, a certain segment of leftism too.) Basically, the future of American politics is just a bunch of snotty little adolescent bitches saying whatever it takes to get a rise out of their enemies. Gosh I wonder if people with a more … serious agenda might take advantage of this moment?
Sun, 23/07/2023 - 00:30
It’s the GOP way If you hadn’t heard, cruelty is the point. Government deriving its “just powers from the consent of the governed” is no longer operative for the GOP. Democracy is no barrier to America’s authoritarian right getting its way. Aside from insurrection, it does not get more blatant than this (NBC News): Alabama Republicans on Friday defied a U.S. Supreme Court order by passing a new congressional map that includes only one majority-Black district. The GOP-controlled Legislature had called a special session to redraw an earlier map after the Supreme Court reaffirmed a federal court order to include two districts where Black voters make up voting-age majorities, “or something quite close to it.” But on Friday, state Republicans approved a new map with just one majority-Black seat and a second district that is approximately 40% Black. […] Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed the redistricting map into law Friday night. A federal court will hold a hearing on the map Aug. 14. Oh, the GOP is not done yet: The Justice Department has notified Texas that it plans to file a lawsuit over Gov.
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 23:41
The Italian Edition of The New Economics: A Manifesto (Keen 2021) will be published in November by Meltemi, and I will attend the BookCity book fair in Milan to launch the book on November 18th. I owe a great intellectual debt to many great Italian economists, from Pierro Sraffa (Sraffa 1960, 1926) and Pierangelo Garegnani … Continue reading "Preface to the Italian Edition of The New Economics: A Manifesto"
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 23:02
Siendo en su corazón una subdisciplina dentro de las matemáticas puras, los teóricos de juegos no están demasiado preocupados por si la teoría de los juegos representa fenómenos del mundo real. Bien. Pero como la mayoría de los científicos sociales tienen una opinión diferente, los teóricos de juegos también deben aceptar que, para la mayoría […]
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 23:00
Biden quietly reverses decades of antitrust policy A schoolteacher friend from the Boston area once dismisssed the “Taxachusetts” smear. She liked the services Massachusetts provided for her and her child. She did not mind paying for them. Imagine that. Franklin Foer examines the fetish — for fetish it is — behind making efficiency the highest good in setting business policy and practice. There is more to life than low, low prices. Not that federal policy since the Reagan era recognizes that. Or the Chicago school of economics. The Joe Biden administration has been quietly resetting federal policy on mergers, on antitrust and economic concentration. Since the Reagan administration stopped enforcing antitrust laws, Foer explains, “the American economy has grown dangerously concentrated, dominated by a shrinking number of airlines, banks, tech companies, and pharmaceutical firms (to name just a few examples). Corporate titans have amassed outsize influence over the political process, smothered start-ups, and often treated consumers with shocking indifference.” Readers don’t need this explained to them. They’ve lived it.
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 21:03

‘I know that many people are worried, but Spain is much greater [than Vox]’, insisted the country’s left-wing deputy prime minister Yolanda Díaz at the end of the final debate before Sunday’s general election. She came away from Thursday’s contest as the unanimous winner, forcefully confronting Vox’s far-right leader Santiago Abascal on workers’ rights and […]

Sat, 22/07/2023 - 09:30
The White House cat thinks she owns the place From NY Magazine: When discussing life in the White House during another town hall in July 2021, [Biden] remarked, “It is very hard to get comfortable.” While you might think the addition of a cat would make the White House feel more like a home, it seems that hasn’t solved the problem. In January 2023 the president revealed that his new cat Willow is adding to his discomfort. “Willow may walk in here any time now. She has no limits,” Biden said. “You think I’m kidding, I’m not. Especially in the middle of the night when she climbs up and lays on top of my head.” Of course she has no limits. She’s a cat.
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 06:30
Remember this? Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign is planning a reboot, top campaign officials said, with a significant shift on messaging, events and media strategy. Expect fewer big speeches and more handshaking in diners and churches.  There will be more of a national focus than constant Florida references.  That was just a couple of days ago. Today: He an’t help himself. He’s still chasing the culture war fanatics. It isn’t a strategy. It’s him.
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 06:30
The US House held a “hearing” yesterday featuring “Democrat” RFK Jr. It was, as you might expect, a total shitshow. Some highlights. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said he compared COVID policies to the Holocaust. He got very indignant, denying it: He is a wack job. And so are his biggest fans — MAGA Republicans:
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 05:00
Ya think? Current and former leaders from the U.S. and around the world are gathering this week at a Colorado geopolitics conference to address some of the dangers facing the world such as Russia’s war on Ukraine and the unknowns surrounding AI. But if the response of those attending the Aspen Security Forum to questions from reporters over the the prospect of a second Donald Trump presidency is any indication, the topic appears to be off limits for public consumption, Politico reports. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni’s Trump-averse response to a question from a Politico reporter typified the mood at the forum. “Ha! Thank you. I have enough problems at home,” Livni said walking away from the reporter. Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser to President George W. Bush said, “I don’t do politics.” “I haven’t even begun to think about 2024,” said Stephen Biegun, who served as deputy secretary of State in Trump administration.
Sat, 22/07/2023 - 04:58
The world stands in urgent need of a universal accord to ensure it remains a Planet that our children and grandchildren can inhabit and enjoy, far into the future. At present the Earth system is breaking down, due to ten massive threats that are the direct result of human activity, our excessive numbers, over-consumption and Continue reading »