
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 10:30
In his newsletter today, Paul Krugman discusses his early days working in the Reagan administration as a wonky, liberal whiz-kid during a time when the administration was strangling inflation with painfully high unemployment: Anyway, Marty and I had a working dinner on my arrival night, and he had one big question to ask: “Is the world economy about to collapse?” There were two main reasons for his concern. One was that Mexico had just announced it was unable to keep paying its debts, marking the beginning of the Latin American debt crisis. The other was that the Federal Reserve’s efforts to fight inflation had sent the U.S. economy into a tailspin, with the nation experiencing its worst recession since the 1930s, not to be rivaled until the financial crisis of 2008. But as it turned out, the world economy didn’t collapse. The debt crisis produced a “lost decade” in Latin America, with widespread economic suffering, but it didn’t spread into a global contagion.
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 09:00
Lol. Brent Bozell’s far right Media Research Center is calling for the smelling salts because Never Trumper Charlie Sykes laughed at Kevin McCarthy. Here’s Sykes (from his newsletter, subscription only): On yesterday’s podcast with Will Saletan, I read this piece aloud, but I’m not sure I can do justice to how much I love this bit of pearl-clutching from the snowflakes at the Media Research Center, so I’ve provided some footnotes. Here’s how it starts: Believe it or not… it gets better. We now get to the Main Event. The author then felt he had to define the term for his MRC’s readers: Right-wing doilies were rumpled and tea spilled. Standards, must be upheld. Decency and decorum. Exactly what we always expect from the right-wing media eco-system I like Sykes and I appreciate that he’s seen the error of his ways and has come over to the light. But I can’t help but remember stuff like this from guys like Sykes.
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 07:30
Here’s what they have in mind: Republicans granted its panel a sweeping mandate that included investigations into pandemic-related school closures, gain-of-function research, vaccine mandates and the trillions of dollars in coronavirus aid Congress approved. The panel doesn’t yet have a Republican leader but expects to hold its first hearing next month.  Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) is set to chair the broader oversight panel under which the covid subcommittee’s work will fall.
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 07:18

The next morning I stayed in the Aparthotel writing, while Niels went out to the airport, to pick up the BMW 4×4 he had hired. Our destination was Halle an der Saale, near Leipzig. It was, I think, our first – and overdue – foray into the former East Germany. Hotel rooms in Halle were […]

The post Trains (Mostly), Planes and Automobiles Part 6 appeared first on Craig Murray.

Wed, 11/01/2023 - 06:05
Preparation time: 5-6 minutesCooking time: 3 minutesTo serve: 4 You will need3 oz. Crab meat4 tablespoons peanut oil1 small spring onion, shredded1 oz. Bamboo shoots, shredded5 eggs; salt½ teaspoon monosodium glutamate6 tablespoons chicken stock; pinch sugar1 teaspoon soy sauce; 2 teaspoons tomato ketchup1 teaspoon cornflourLettuce; radish, tomato; cucumber Remove any soft bones from crab meat […]
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 06:00
Emptywheel on the Biden documents case: As CBS first broke the story yesterday, on November 2, some Biden associates discovered around ten classified documents (including some classified TS/SCI) in files from his former offices at Penn Biden. The documents were returned the next day, NARA made a referral to the FBI, and Merrick Garland asked one of two remaining Trump US Attorney appointees to investigate the matter. The report has generated a lot of insanely bad reporting, including this article from the NYT — with four reporters bylined and two more contributing — that doesn’t even mention a key detail from a recent Alan Feuer scoop (which I wrote about here): that Beryl Howell might yet hold Trump or his lawyers in contempt for failing to return all the classified documents in his possession. Peter Baker and his colleagues didn’t mention that recent NYT scoop, but it did see fit to quote the former President without fact check. Nor did they note that Biden is not complaining that this is under investigation, whereas Trump has never shut up about it.
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 05:40

In September, the writer Chris Power tweeted about finding a copy of James Kelman’s A Chancer in an Oxfam bookshop, expressing astonishment that it is out of print and ‘unbelievable to me that a writer of his talent and importance should be so neglected.’ It is indeed incredible that such a critically acclaimed author, and […]