
Mon, 20/03/2023 - 00:00
What they say about assuming Change may indeed make fools of us all, as Ezra Klein writes in reference to the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. Was SVB a “bank run by idiots” or a “bank-run by idiots,” posed financial journalist Matt Klein. Perhaps both, the former Klein poses back. History, too, makes fools of us all by keeping a record. Conservatives who once believed they “defend the unchanging ground of our changing experience” now twist democracy into a pretzel to justify minority rule as long as they’re the minority — “Hehehe” — to borrow from an amateur painter in Texas. The Federalist Society faces the uncomfortable realization that “most conservatives couldn’t care less about their high-minded principles, and, even worse, that many of their allies view their attachment to those principles as a quaint — and slightly embarrassing — relic of the bygone era when conservatives still had to be coy about what they actually believed.” That era is not entirely gone.
Sun, 19/03/2023 - 21:23
String of union recommendations and called-off strikes linked to pressure from Labour right and TUC, say union insiders The string of unions calling off industrial action on nothing but an offer of talks or appalling pay offers – with many strings attached by the government – and in some cases even recommending those offers to […]
Sun, 19/03/2023 - 20:20
The AUKUS subs plan will cost Australia way more than that That’s the headline for my latest piece in The Conversation . Using defense procurement as a job creation policy is a really bad idea Australian governments have a long and generally dismal history of using defence procurement, and particularly naval procurement, as a form […]
Sun, 19/03/2023 - 17:22

THE results are in from the Australian Museum’s annual FrogID Week held in November 2022. These expert-verified frog records now form part of the national FrogID dataset, which thanks to tens of thousands of FrogID participants across Australia, is helping advance frog research and conservation in Australia like never before. Advertise with News of The...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 17:19

FLICKERFEST, Australia’s largest Short Film Festival, returns to Majestic Cinema, Sawtell at 7pm on Saturday, March 18. Celebrating 32 years, Flickerfest remains Australia’s leading Academy Qualifying and BAFTA Recognised short film festival, with an A-list programme showcasing the Short Laughs Comedy programme highlights, all handpicked from recent Bondi festival competitions. Advertise with News of The...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 17:15

ROTARY Clubs of Coffs Harbour and Sawtell have been given approval to run a BBQ on Election Day, Saturday 25 March 2023 by the State Electoral Commission, and the Coffs Harbour Showground, in support of ShelterBox; giving all the profits and donations received to assist those in desperate need. “We are only in the first...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 17:11

WITH the NSW State election only a week away, News Of The Area lines up the major policies of the candidates for the seat of Coffs Harbour for voters to compare. The candidates, as they will appear on the ballot paper, are Tony Judge (Australian Labor Party), the sitting Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 15:57
I wonder how many socioeconomic classes I’ve really hopped? There’s definitely a version of my bio that let’s me sound rags to riches: Basildon (so déclassé even the rest of Essex looked down on it) to Oxford and a weird proximity to Tory grandees of the future, to Silicon Valley where I sat close on […]
Sun, 19/03/2023 - 13:48
Dear ES/PE community members, find below an abundant list of great academic opportunities: 28 calls for papers for conferences (many are fully or partly funded) and special issues, 9 PhD fellowships, 7 job openings, 7 postdoc positions, 6 summer schools, and 2 awards in economic sociology, political economy, and related fields, with March 19 — April […]
Sun, 19/03/2023 - 12:16

MARRYING in their eighties on the bride’s birthday, 9 February, Coffs Probus members Patricia Falco and Richard Elver, were making happy headlines. Within days the couple were thrown into a dreadful waiting game after the disappearance of their beloved poodle, Monty, and the headlines on social media changed to desperate pleas for any news on...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 12:08

CHILL N Chat café is celebrating 20 years of giving back to the community with a morning tea on Monday 20 March from 9.30am until 11am. Past and present customers, volunteers, participants and employees who have contributed to the Chill N Chat café are all invited. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 12:03

AFTER becoming NSW’s first certified ECO Destination in 2021 through a commitment to balance sustainable tourism practices, along with authentic First Nations history, language, culture and world-class nature-based experiences, the Coffs Coast has again been recognised. Each year, international sustainable tourism organisation Green Destinations collects outstanding entries worldwide to inspire tomorrow’s travellers and today’s tourism...

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Sun, 19/03/2023 - 09:09
Today’s post is a joint effort, written with my friend and former teacher/colleague, Randy Wray. Randy was a student of Hyman Minsky (and author of many books, including Why Minsky Matters.) We were trading e-mails about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) over the weekend, and I suggested that we team up and write something for readers of The Lens. So here it is....
The Lens
Magical Monetary Thinking at the Fed Killed SVB
L. Randall Wray and Stephanie Kelton

See also

Notes on the Crisis
Nathan Tankus

Sun, 19/03/2023 - 08:30
The right just love bans They’re not waiting for that federal judge in Texas in Wyoming. Look for more of this: Wyoming on Friday became the first state to ban the use of pills for abortion, adding momentum to a growing push by conservative states and anti-abortion groups to target medication abortion, the method now used in a majority of pregnancy terminations in the United States. Wyoming’s new law comes as a preliminary ruling is expected soon by a Texas judge that could order the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to withdraw its approval of mifepristone, the first pill in the two-drug medication abortion regimen. Such a ruling, if it stands, could upend how abortion is provided nationally, affecting states where abortion is legal as well as states with bans and restrictions. Legislation to ban or add restrictions on medication abortion has been introduced in several states this year, including a bill in Texas that would not only ban abortion pills but also require internet service providers to take steps to block medication abortion websites so people in Texas could not view them.