The UK government refused to condemn Israel’s targeted murder of Dr. Maisara Alrayyes, a Palestinian alumnus of the British Foreign Office’s prestigious Chevening scholarship. Meanwhile, London has instructed media outlets to keep silent about its direct involvement in the Gaza slaughter. Since the beginning of Israel’s military assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, the British government has remained unflappably silent on the carnage inflicted on Palestinian civilians with one notable exception. On November 8th, the Foreign Office announced the death […]
The post Britain implicated in murder of Gaza doctor sponsored by its Foreign Office first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Britain implicated in murder of Gaza doctor sponsored by its Foreign Office appeared first on The Grayzone.
America’s Global War on Terror has seen its share of stalemates, disasters, and outright defeats. During 20-plus years of armed interventions, the United States has watched its efforts implode in spectacular fashion, from Iraq in 2014 to Afghanistan in 2021. The greatest failure of its “Forever Wars,” however, may not be in the Middle East, but in Africa. “Our war on terror begins with al-Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated,” President George W. Bush told the American people in the immediate wake of the 9/11 attacks, noting specifically that such militants had designs on “vast regions” of Africa. To shore up that... Read more
So you’ve mastered going tinkle while sitting on your bottom. It may seem that there is little more to achieve in affairs of the potty. On the contrary. I have perfected the art of balancing on two feet while making a pee-pee, and this is my MasterClass.
The foundation of going pee-pee whilst upright is pulling down one’s pants and big-boy undies. It is a common misconception that one should undress completely. Far from it, pants and big-boy undies must be lowered to the ankles. Do not neglect this critical step, for this is what activates the pee-pee.
To Grip or Not to Grip
One must cultivate the discipline never to grip one’s wee wee. Like a garden hose, it must whip around autonomously. Both hands must either rest upon the hips, or else be positioned in front of the wee wee to intercept the stream for research purposes.
There is one exception that goes without saying: one may hold and point one’s wee wee up at one’s face to get a view of the pee hole at just the moment it fires.
Joe Biden’s response to the Hamas attacks of October 7 was to fuse the wars in Israel and Ukraine into a single struggle. Immediately after he returned from his visit to Tel Aviv, where he had both literally and figuratively embraced Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden addressed the US public from the Oval Office. “You know,” he […]
The post Biden’s Selective Outrage appeared first on The New York Review of Books.
- by Timothy Williamson
- by Azadeh Nematy
Tomorrow, Labour Members of Parliament will be asked to search their consciences and vote for a ceasefire in Gaza. This is the biggest decision for Parliamentarians since Iraq. To support the call is not an act of protest but the exercise of power. To support the call is not to side with the Scottish National […]