
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 07:30
DeSantis has turned Florida into a Banana Republic. No wonder the whole Trump family lives there now. The biggest donors in Republican politics largely shunned Ron DeSantis after his presidential campaign began to falter last summer. So his allies turned to donors the Florida governor still held sway over because of his day job. A state coronavirus response contractor, CDR Enterprises, gave $1 million to his aligned super PAC Fight Right in the final weeks of the campaign. The DeSantis administration has issued purchase orders to the company worth $158 million to help distribute vaccines, treat patients and provide other services,sometimes through no-bid contracts, according to state records. Herzog Railroad Services — a Missouri company the DeSantis’s team hired to build a $35 million Orlando commuter rail extension — gave $250,000 around the same time to Never Back Down, another aligned super PAC. And a casino magnate, Jeffrey Soffer, gave $1 million in late July — on the same day that the campaign announced massive layoffs.
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 06:00
It remains to be seen if it’s been done in time The Daily Beast reports on what they call the “quiet” Biden plan to “ambush” Trump. For the first time in a long time, there’s good news for Biden on the polling front. Gradual improvements in the battleground states along with an uptick in his approval rating led one Democratic strategist, Simon Rosenberg, to declare “the Biden bump.” The boost is at the very least correlated with Biden’s fiery State of the Union address on March 7, when he repeatedly went after his “predecessor” and made sure to mix it up with Republicans in the chamber on a few occasions. Since then, Biden’s team has continued the punchy, combative tone on display that night, using press releases to cheekily slam their legally challenged opponent as “Broke Don.” On top of that, the Biden campaign has continued to flex what has always been its core strength: fundraising. With a $53 million haul in February, the Biden campaign built on their already impressive financial advantage over Trump, who brought in only $20 million over the same period.
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 05:41

After years of accusing Russia of using food as a weapon in its conflict with Ukraine, State Department “culinary ambassador” José Andrés is working with the Israeli government to supplant UNRWA as the main supplier of aid to northern Gaza. State Department-linked Spanish celebrity chef José Andrés has emerged as the US government’s preferred conduit for aid to enter Gaza, following the Biden administration’s decision to suspend funding to the enclave’s main supplier of food, aid and education, the UNRWA. […]

The post US State Dept’s favorite celebrity chef builds Gaza aid dock with stolen rubble first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post US State Dept’s favorite celebrity chef builds Gaza aid dock with stolen rubble appeared first on The Grayzone.

Thu, 28/03/2024 - 04:59
As the UN Security Council finally overcomes the US’ calculated protection of Israel’s aggression in order to pass a ceasefire resolution in Gaza; the failure of the UN, the US and western media to give us the full and true story of the Palestinian tragedy has become clear. We cannot rely on compromised bodies such Continue reading »
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 04:58
Paul Keating’s report on his meeting with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi brought back memories of an hour long one on one conversation I had with Jiang Zemin, who in 1987 brought a trade mission to Sydney. He was the Mayor of Shanghai at the time. The Keating Government had funded the Shanghai Trade Display Continue reading »
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 04:52
New figures again demonstrate the bias against public schools in Australia’s school funding system. Government funding for Catholic and Independent schools has increased much more than for public schools since 2009. Government funding has enabled private schools to have a much higher income per student than public schools and to provide more teaching and material Continue reading »
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 04:51
The British High Court has ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may potentially get a final appeal against extradition to the United States, but only within a very limited scope and only if specific conditions are met. The court ruled that Assange may appeal only on the grounds that his freedom of speech might be Continue reading »
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 04:50
“The climate crisis is too urgent for the U.S. or any country to allow outdated trade rules… to distract us from enacting bold climate policies,” argued one campaigner. As the Chinese government on Tuesday formally challenged what it termed “discriminatory” U.S. electric vehicle subsidies, climate action advocates warned that antiquated trade policies and international bickering Continue reading »
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 04:11
. Ein besorgniserregender Aspekt des Wokismus ist seine Besessenheit von Viktimisierung. Die Wokisten konzentrieren sich auf kollektive Viktimisierung anstelle des Individuums. Sie klassifizieren Individuen nach ihrer Zugehörigkeit zu Identitätsgruppen und weisen ihnen einen Opferstatus gemäß diesen Kriterien zu. Diese Herangehensweise reduziert Individuen auf ihre Gruppenidentität und untergräbt so ihre Autonomie und ihre Fähigkeit, sich als […]
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 03:00
Good: A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that Democrats are more likely to report feeling “fearful” or “angry” about the prospects of another Trump term than Republicans are about the idea of Biden remaining in the White House. The emotional reaction Trump inspires may work in his favor too, though, since the poll also found that Republicans are more excited about the prospect of a Trump win than Democrats are about a Biden victory. Seven in 10 Democrats say the words “angry” or “fearful” would describe their emotions “extremely well” or “very well” upon a Trump victory. A smaller majority of Republicans – 56% – say the same about a Biden triumph. About 6 in 10 Democrats cite both emotions when contemplating a Trump victory. Again, that exceeds the roughly 4 out of 10 Republicans who said they would feel both angry and scared about Biden prevailing. The findings are notable in an unusual campaign pitting an incumbent president against his predecessor, with both men facing doubters within their own parties and among independents.
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 01:31
Health care is still on the ballot. Including reproductive care. Both the president and vice president campaigned in Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday (CNN): The Raleigh stop marked a rare joint appearance on the road by the president and vice president, highlighting the emphasis the duo will place on health care as they prepare to face off against former President Donald Trump. It came the same day the Supreme Court heard arguments on access to the abortion medication mifepristone, teeing up a summer decision that could have major implications for abortion rights. Biden’s advisers believed Tuesday’s visit would provide a stark contrast between the Democratic ticket’s vision for health care and reproductive rights and proposals put forth by Republicans. It’s taking place on the heels of a campaign push slamming Trump for threatening to repeal the Affordable Care Act if he’s elected to a second term. “Donald Trump and MAGA friends are nothing if not persistent. They’ve tried to repeal it 50 times, not a joke. Fifty times they’ve tried to repeal it.