
Thu, 28/03/2024 - 00:00
Is the insurrectionist-in-chief melting? Good does not always triumph. Bad guys don’t always get their comeuppance. Despite all the stories we’ve heard since childhood. Ask a conservative. The world is not fair. Ask Donald Trump. Nobody knows more about unfairness than he does. Our bias toward expecting justice to be done, eventually, and the arc of the moral universe bending toward it, eventually, makes it hard for us to conceive that the former president may exit this life without receiving what he justly deserves. He might. Or his comeuppance might arrive outside the criminal justice system. Simon Rosenberg urges his Hopium readers to do more and worry less: “Donate to and join the Biden-Harris campaign” and “Make an early investment in North Carolina.” Biden has gained ground on Trump in six new polls. But the only polls that really count are the ones open on Election Day.
Wed, 27/03/2024 - 23:00

I was browsing the death literature the other day, and you know what they’re saying? It’s all about grip strength. It’s inversely correlated with mortality, meaning the stronger your grip, the longer you live. Yeah, you’ve been clenching all the wrong stuff.

This got me thinking about how, when I die, I want it to be in a nice, serene place like that bedroom in Goodnight Moon. I don’t want to die in the kind of place the literature says you’ll probably die, which is a chaotic, syphilis-infested nursing home owned by a private equity firm. I just want to die in peace.

Wed, 27/03/2024 - 20:00
Alex Kontoghiorghes Do lower taxes lead to higher stock prices? Do companies consider tax rates when deciding on their dividend pay-outs and whether to issue new capital? If you’re thinking ‘yes’, you might be surprised to know that there was little real-world evidence (let alone UK-based evidence) which finds a strong link between personal investment … Continue reading Another reason to care about investment taxes
Wed, 27/03/2024 - 19:51
Outside the European Union, the UK is becoming a dumping ground for toxic substances. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 18th March 2024 It’s a benefit of Brexit – but only if you’re a manufacturer or distributor of toxic chemicals. For the rest of us, it’s another load we have to carry on behalf […]
Wed, 27/03/2024 - 19:22
Why China Is Wise Not To Sanction The West

The West has sanctioned China repeatedly, most notably in chip production technologies, but not just in those.

It has backfired, with China quickly building its own chip manufacturing capacity, though they still have a ways to go to entirely catch up. Huawei has also created their own phone OS, cutting the Google/Apple duopoly, and Apple sales are crashing, while the government is telling all government departments not to use Intel or AMD chips.

But China has largely not replied with its own sanctions. The reason is obvious: as long as they don’t, the US remains dependent on China for a vast swathe of goods. The reason chips were sanctioned is that it was one of the only areas where the West was ahead of China (the others are biotech and arguably aviation, though given Boeing’s problems, that’s an arguably.)

Wed, 27/03/2024 - 18:00
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March 27th, 2024: I'm in IRELAND on SECRET BUSINESS!! What sort of SECRET BUSINESS? Hah!

Wed, 27/03/2024 - 17:20
Today (March 27, 2024), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest – Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator – for February 2024, which showed that the annual inflation rate steadied at 3.4 per cent. Today’s figures are the closest we have to what is actually going on at the moment and show many of…
Wed, 27/03/2024 - 16:55
The appalling mistreatment of ME/CFS patients continues, based on the myth that it’s all in the mind. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 12th March 2024 It’s the greatest medical scandal of the 21st century. For decades, patients with ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) have been told they can make themselves better by changing […]
Wed, 27/03/2024 - 15:55

AYEMIN Kawkuhtoo, a Karenni refugee who provides interpreting services in Coffs Harbour, has been named winner of the 2024 Regional Unity Medal. Ayemin was presented with the award at the Premier’s Harmony Dinner celebrating all twelve of the state’s Multicultural Community Medal winners. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your...

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Wed, 27/03/2024 - 15:49
Such is the title of a recently published FOREIGN AFFAIRS article by Bernie Sanders, the sub-title of which is Replacing Greed, Militarism and Hypocrisy With Solidarity, Diplomacy, and Human Rights. Readers will recall Bernie Sanders as the Senator for Vermont with a reputation as a liberal progressive who sought the Democratic nomination for President in Continue reading »