
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 04:56
The ICJ delivered its advisory opinion on 19 July regarding the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. Readers are by now familiar with the basic rulings of the Court, not from mainstream media, I might add. The ICJ’s judgment has been reported, but its consequences, and particularly for Australia, have barely raised a comment. Continue reading »
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 04:55
A Republican administration under Donald Trump would bring a fundamental change to America’s engagement with the world, necessitating a radical reassessment and reformulation of Australia’s foreign, trade, and defence policies. Falling back on the faithful ally tactic would not suffice to buffer the prosperity and security of Australians. Australian policymakers would need to embrace a Continue reading »
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 04:53
The Republican Party are intent on making immigration their key issue in the forthcoming US Election. The 2024 Republican Party platform and Trump’s nomination acceptance speech make that abundantly clear. But what would Donald Trump’s immigration policies look like in practice? Out of the 20 priorities in the 2024 Republican platform, the first two relate Continue reading »
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 04:52
The ANU used so many resources that day, so much money, manpower and time dedicated to shutting us up. Whilst they were forcefully defending their own complicity with all the resources available to them, Israel was dropping bombs on a refugee camp. The VC was more concerned with our tents than those that were being Continue reading »
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 04:50
“We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years,” one expert said. July 21 was Earth’s hottest day on record, overtaking the record set last July during the hottest year in millennia. The European Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) found that Continue reading »
Thu, 25/07/2024 - 03:00

You are using 85 percent of your Google storage. If you don’t upgrade soon, you will lose the ability to receive emails and upload new photos. Click here to upgrade.

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You are using 87 percent of your Google storage. If you don’t upgrade soon, you will lose the ability to receive emails, upload new photos, and experience joy. Click here to upgrade.

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You are using 90 percent of your Google storage. If you don’t upgrade soon, you will lose the ability to receive emails, upload new photos, experience joy and experience sadness. You might think never experiencing sadness again sounds great, but you won’t realize the true implications of it until it’s too late. Click here to upgrade.

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You are using 91 percent of your Google storage. Those seventeen spam emails you deleted didn’t do squat. Nice try, though. Click here to upgrade.

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You are using 92 percent of your Google storage. If you don’t upgrade soon, you will continue to waste valuable seconds every day reading these warnings about how you need to upgrade soon. Click here to upgrade.

Thu, 25/07/2024 - 02:29
Labour must repeal the laws that led to shockingly disproportionate prison sentences for environmental protesters. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 19th July 2024 How do you know when protest tactics are working? When governments ban them. The oppressive laws introduced by the previous government – the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 […]
Wed, 24/07/2024 - 23:00
Y’all misogynists don’t act racist Team MAGA was on its back foot for a couple of days after President Joe Biden on Sunday dropped out of the presidential race and passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris. Republican attack lines prepared for one old white guy against another old white guy would need reworking to smear the daughter of an Indian mother and Jamaican father. Donald Trump will not be able to hold his tongue, of course. He never has. But his MAGA cultists never quite mastered the art of the dog whistle (CNN): In an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju Monday, Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett suggested President Joe Biden selected Harris as his running mate solely because she is Black: “One hundred percent she is a DEI hire,” he said, referring to diversity, equity and inclusion. “Her record is abysmal at best.” DEI is how one now utters the N-word if one is a Republican congressman from Knoxville. Or anyone else in the MAGA movement.
Wed, 24/07/2024 - 22:00

Dining Room

High Top

Even Higher Top

Low Top (normal chairs around a coffee table)

Bar Seating

Outdoor (sidewalk)

Outdoor (back patio)

Outdoor (overgrown garden that’s a breeding ground for mosquitoes)

Table in Striking Distance from Pool Table

The Pool Table

Table in Collision Path of Swinging Door

Doug’s Table (Doug will be joining you)

“The Murder Table”

Table Under AC Vent

Table Over AC Vent

Table Both Under and Over AC Vents

Hostess Table (you will have to seat other patrons)

Table That’s Sopping Wet for Some Reason (not water)

Card Table with Dogs Playing Poker

Table Next to Unsettling Painting of Gruesome French Revolution Battle

Table Under Loud-Ass Speaker

Communal Table

Community Table (Alison Brie was here!)

Table in the Splash Zone

A Table with a Draft from an Open Window (disclaimer: risk of pigeon[s])

A Drafting Table (yes, your food will roll off)

Back Corner Table, and Uh Oh, Your Ex Will Be There Holding a Single Red Rose

Table on Stage During Open Mic Night